What does wikipedia mean ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Wikipedia means encyclopedia. It has no literal meaning. However, the word wikipedia comes from the word wiki which means web site created by supportive work.

Related questions

Description : If a person finds Wikipedia too often factually incorrect, what is a good, free internet encyclopedic alternative?

Last Answer : Conservapedia.

Description : Do you like Wikipedia and is it in your top five most often visited websites?

Last Answer : Yes, I am a volunteer on Wikipedia, I donate to the site, and I visit it several times a day. 2. Fluther 3. local newspaper 4. my blog 5. flickr I do most of my internet searches on Goodsearch.com to benefit my favorite charity and I click on thehungersite.com every day.

Description : How do I develop a stand alone wikipedia style system that will work when I am not connected to the internet and will only be accessible by me?

Last Answer : If you have a Mac, Voodoo Pad is designed for this type of thing. It’s only $40, and has a free trial. I use it to organize the many aspects of projects I’m working on and have been happy with it.

Description : How do you make a wikipedia page?

Last Answer : answer:The first step to learning to use Wikipedia might be to use Wikipedia to learn how to use Wikipedia. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Instructional_videos_on_using_Wikipedia

Description : What is the alternative to Wikipedia, (but not where just anyone can edit) that you have good experience with?

Last Answer : Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Description : Looking for reading material / documents on ad servers besides wikipedia?

Last Answer : uh, google, amazon, stuff like that?

Description : Do you think the changes made to Wikipedia's editing process are proper, or do they go against the original values of Wikipedia?

Last Answer : I think it’s a good idea. Some people have put things up on Wikipedia that either weren’t true or read more like an editorial that merely reflected that writer’s opinion. Not cool. There needed to be some sort of oversight.

Description : How much do you trust the content of wikipedia?

Last Answer : Too much.

Description : In general, do you trust Wikipedia?

Last Answer : answer:Wikipedia is >generally< correct, but I wouldn't trust it as a source. I trust it to have enough information to spring off research, and for general detailed background info, but not anything I would cite authoritatively.

Description : Do you ever go on a Wikipedia knowledge binge?

Last Answer : Sometimes when I can’t sleep, yes. I am now an expert on hydrogen bombs and oil drilling in the nineteenth century.

Description : How are related content in web sites like youtube and wikipedia obtained?

Last Answer : answer:In the two cases you mentioned, people submit them. Could you be more specific? What type of content do you want? (video, text, etc.) What subject matter is the related content you need? Does it need to be free? Have you looked at content resources that are available on the Web?

Description : How many Wikipedia articles do you read on average, per day?

Last Answer : Usually zero

Description : What is Wikipedia ?

Last Answer : Wikipedia is a collaboratively edited , multilingual , free access , free encyclopedia Internet encyclopedia , supported , organized and managed by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Volunteers have contributed ... about 16 billion page views per month and about 500 million unique visitors ... .

Last Answer : First you must have a Wikipedia account , to be considered a member. No one other than a member can write content on Wikipedia.

Description : What does it mean when Wikipedia says "the historic City Of Blahbity-Blah"?

Last Answer : Usually it means the city was mentioned in a historical account of some sort.

Description : If wikipedia was printed in volumes like a traditional encyclopedia how big would it be?

Last Answer : In June 2015, a hard copy of the English Wikipedia was printed in 7473 volumes of 700 pages each (5,231,100 pages total). As of 25 October 2021, if you removed ... also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Size_of_Wikipedia#Hard_copy_size https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Size_in_volumes

Description : Is Wikipedia wrong about the half life of Gold?

Last Answer : This just means that the various radioisotopes of gold are pretty unstable.

Description : Do Wikipedia pages about famous people in countries outside of the United States and not written in English state where the person’s family is from?

Last Answer : Maybe. The Wikipedia pages in different languages are completely separate from the English pages and could well contain more info on them than the English pages. But as everything is added by users there’s no hard and fast rule ability what you might be covered.

Description : Do you know (or have you ever known) someone whose biography rates a page in Wikipedia?

Last Answer : My brother-in-law has a Wikipedia page. Hubby and I also know many local and federal politicians and officials, each with his/her own page.

Description : Does Wikipedia in your primary language mention nationality of the parents of the person you are looking up?

Last Answer : I think it really depends on the person you are looking up. I got interested and searched up a french actress Clemence Poesy whom I knew had more to do with the French film industry than the English ... . I just realised that I didn't actually answer your question, so I think I'll stop there

Description : Is it illegal to draw something based off a picture (like a picture from Wikipedia) and post it on social media?

Last Answer : So long as you identify the source, you are allowed to post your own work anywhere.

Description : Are Paypal and credit cards the only way people can contribute to Wikipedia?

Last Answer : I mean, it’s a lot easier to defraud you by stealing a check from the mail.

Description : How reliable or accurate is Wikipedia?

Last Answer : The problem with Wikipedia’s accuracy is that, overall, it is reliable, but it has enough mistakes/falsehoods/deceptions/opinions that it loses credibility. I use it for two things: 1) information on non-controversial subjects, and 2) a first step to find credible sources.

Description : What happens when you post the following Wikipedia page?

Last Answer : I get “bad title.”

Description : Have you ever contributed an article to, or edited an article on, Wikipedia?

Last Answer : answer:I have done exactly the same thing as you too. Sometimes I see some errors in an article and I find it a bit annoying since it’s supposed to be an encyclopedia. I’m planning to go a bit further, adding more details to some existing articles I saw earlier too.

Description : Do you donate money to wikipedia?

Last Answer : I did it. I use Wikipedia a lot and feel good about donating to it.

Description : Is Wikipedia a bad source of information?

Last Answer : answer:Depends. On many things, no, but on anything the slightest bit controversial too many edits contradicting too many others. For instance. Most biology articles ( an article on ... inclined than scientifically descriptive. Still, most teachers will not accept wiki articles are source material.

Description : Are teachers and professors warming up to the usage Wikipedia?

Last Answer : answer:When I was a teacher, I allowed Wikipedia. I am well aware of the no-Wiki dogma from many teachers and professors, can understand why, but for my high school students I allowed it as a ... these skills need to also come with the ability to filter what's good information and what's bad.

Description : What are your thoughts and opinions about Wikipedia?

Last Answer : Doesn’t really link to it’s sources which I don’t think is fair. Most of the time from what I’ve noticed is that there will be a source link, into another link, within Wikipedia however.

Description : How do physically volumized encyclopedia compare against wikipedia?

Last Answer : Well they are far more reliable in the sense of true reporting and having had fact checks. Not saying Wikipedia is complete crap because it's turned around over the past 6 years. But a ... but I also like published works that have gone through professional copy writing and stuff of that nature.

Description : What's your reaction to all these personal appeals from Wikipedia programmers?

Last Answer : Basically, I ignore them.

Description : If you could absorb all the information on Wikipedia into your brain in an instant, would you?

Last Answer : Will the rest of my brain remain intact, in terms of information? Then, yes

Description : Should I donate money to Wikipedia?

Last Answer : answer:Here is their 2011-2012 financial plan (opens pdf) and an FAQ. The 2010-11 plan called for us to increase revenue 28% from 2009- 10, to $20.4 million, and to increase spending 124% from ... -year total of $19.5 million which represents 8.3 months of reserves at the 2011- 12 spending level.

Description : Have you ever edited a Wikipedia entry?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think I've ever edited an entry, but I did create a page for myself several times. It was usually deleted literally within seconds. I was also bored four or five summers ago, ... extensively. Many of my edits, additions, and revisions are still there, too. They never really caught on.

Description : How do I edit a Wikipedia article?

Last Answer : Go to the discussion page, click the edit button and follow the guidelines.

Description : Are there any circumstances under which you would deface someone's Wikipedia page?

Last Answer : Seeing how quickly most vandalism is reverted, I see virtually no reason to deface a page unless you are specifically trying to annoy Wikipedians. That’s the only thing it really accomplishes.

Description : Is anyone else annoyed by the Wikipedia guy?

Last Answer : Oh, also.

Description : Do you think people take wikipedia for granted?

Last Answer : answer:Really good question - and I think the answer may be yes. However, I think that this, although negative subjectively now, is the way it will be more and more - we will share our information through ... be taken for granted because that's the way it is. And I'm kind of excited about that.

Description : Is there any sort of browser plugin or something like that that makes editing Wikipedia easier?

Last Answer : There’s a Wikipedia toolbar.

Description : How quick would you expect wikipedia to be updated?

Last Answer : answer:Wikipedia is updated by the masses, edited by few. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:FAQ/Overview

Description : Care to share an interesting Wikipedia article you've read recently?

Last Answer : Gini Coefficient List of inventors killed by their own inventions

Description : Do you agree with the FBI's order to Wikipedia to remove the FBI seal?

Last Answer : answer:I don't care who owns the seal. What I want to tell the FBI is to be more concerned with coordinating information with other federal agencies to keep me safe. Crap still falls through ... about steroids in baseball while we have other major issues in this country to worry about. Rant over.

Description : Do you think Wikipedia vandals should be banned forever?

Last Answer : Nah I think it’s funny sometimes There are other sources to get information

Description : Is Wikipedia an acceptable research source for elementary and middle school students?

Last Answer : If I were teaching students to research, I'd probably use Wikipedia as an example of a suspicious source. Then I'd use well sourced Wikipedia articles and horribly sourced ones to explain the difference ( ... researching, but don't use the information in the article. But overall, I'm pro-Wikipedia.

Description : Why does Wikipedia need 6 million dollars?

Last Answer : So they can buy the same $100,000 hammers that the government uses.

Description : What could be improved about Wikipedia?

Last Answer : I wish they’d change the font. I can’t stand Arial/Helvetica. I’d be perfectly happy with Verdana, if not an option to choose the font as a logged-in user. It could really use some more snazzy formatting and layout options in general.

Description : Is there a website I can use for resourcing other than Wikipedia?

Last Answer : There used to be a place where all sorts of knowledge could be found. Volumes and volumes of information all in one spot having previously been subjected to a rigorous editing and publishing process. Now what was this place called.. what was it…. oh.. right… the library.

Description : How valid a source is Wikipedia?

Last Answer : Wikipedia is good form most thngs, if you don’t want to get too much in detail and if you don’t need informations to be 100% reliable. Good thing the english version (nlike the italian one) has to refer to sources which, in case of necessitly, are very useful.

Description : Has anyone here ever written a Wikipedia page? Is it difficult?

Last Answer : Yes, I wrote a fake page about myself. No, not hard at all. Yes, it was deleted an hour later.

Description : Reliable or not so reliable - Why is the majority of teachers or professors dubious about their students using Wikipedia?

Last Answer : You can still use Wikipedia, just go to the source of the information on a particular Wikipedia article. I do find it silly that you can’t use Wikipedia though. I just encountered that for the first time.