Weight gain after childbirth , how to lose weight ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Weight gain after childbirth is a normal sign for women. This extra weight is gained as a result of eating extra nutritious food during pregnancy. The only way to get rid of it is to exercise regularly after childbirth. Many women lose weight due to laziness. If you want to lose weight, start some specific physical exercises from today. Below are some posts on this topic. Hopefully these will help you. Thanks

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Description : How to Lose Weight after Childbirth ?

Last Answer : How to Lose Weight after Childbirth Once the excitement of giving birth and getting used to the routine of having a new baby, you might start thinking about how you will lose the weight you may have gained ... now and then. Being a parent is hard work and you deserve a treat every once in a while!

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Last Answer : Weight loss will be achieved by playing Chula boots on an empty stomach in the morning.

Last Answer : Symptoms of postpartum hazardous symptoms include more than 12 hours of labor pains. Excessive bleeding within half an hour.

Description : To gain weight, many people say to eat milk and honey together . Does eating milk and honey together actually increase weight ? How much will increase after playing 1 month ?

Last Answer : It is not correct to say that you will gain weight only by drinking milk and honey. You need to keep milk and honey as well as other food items on the food list. And it is not possible to say ... month along with other foods. However, it is expected that it is possible to gain weight like 2-4 kg.

Description : How to gain weight ?

Last Answer : You can gain weight by eating fatty foods. However, it is not right to gain weight because it increases the risk of diabetics.

Description : Is eating too much for weight gain harmful ?

Last Answer : Yes , of course. Because redundancy is always bad.

Description : Can a person gain weight due to thyroid problems ?

Last Answer : The thyroid is a small gland located in our throat. This gland is responsible for making thyroid hormone. First , a hormone called TRH is made from the hypothalamus of the brain . TRH then ... excess hormones the body needs, then the body loses weight unexpectedly. This is called 'hyperthyroidism'.

Description : Which foods help in weight gain ?

Last Answer : Usually nutritious and fatty or sweet foods are helpful for weight gain. You can increase your weight only if you eat a small but daily high calorie diet according to a certain rule. In this case, you must put more sweet food in the food list. Thanks

Description : Will I gain weight if I play Speed once every day ?

Last Answer : Playing speed at 1 o'clock every day will cause great damage to your body. Because these drinks contain a lot of carbohydrates and harmful chemicals . It is better not to drink harmful soft drinks .

Description : How to gain weight and get healthy from lean body. ?

Last Answer : You should eat more nutritious food and vitamin foods. Do not eat a glass of milk every day. Eat fruits and vegetables. Eat a duck egg in the morning and at night. Then you will see that you have gained weight.

Description : Will you gain weight by playing New Life's New Alfalfa Syrup ? Are there any side effects ?

Last Answer : You can eat. It is a homeopathic medicine. It is made from various medicinal plants. There are no side effects when taken. So you can take this medicine. It will solve your problem.

Description : Filwel gold Is there any possibility of weight gain ?

Last Answer : : In fact, Filwel gold is a medicine of Multivitamin and Multimineral AZ Gold preparations which makes up for the deficiency of vitamins and iron in the body. It can bring back the body or normal weight ... gain will not be permanent. But yes, all the medicine should be taken by the doctor's advice.

Description : Is there any way to gain weight ?

Last Answer : Some methods and ways to gain weight in a healthy way: 1. Do not eat for more than four hours: Your body needs a regular supply of food. Which will provide adequate energy to the body. ... banana etc. Eating fruits and vegetables will improve your health and increase your weight. - Source : Saip.

Description : Want to gain weight and gain weight ?

Last Answer : : Eat a balanced diet regularly. Exercise. Drink plenty of water.

Description : Do you gain weight by eating soaked nuts ?

Last Answer : Soaking raw nuts and then playing will increase the weight. Because it contains fat , which is stored in the body. The result is weight gain.

Description : Is it possible to gain weight by eating dates ?

Last Answer : Eating dates will increase weight. Because dates contain a lot of sugar , which helps in weight gain.

Description : How to gain weight in 1 month ?

Last Answer : Proper combination of protein , carbohydrates and fats should be included in the diet to help in weight gain . It is important to meet the demand for adequate protein to build muscle and gain weight. ... And , do some physical exercise , sleep well. Especially quit smoking , inshallah it will work.

Description : Do you want to gain weight by eating raw and fried Chinese almonds ? What is weight gain ?

Last Answer : Of course , drink plenty of water and wake up all day. Stay awake at night!

Last Answer : Yes , eating dates will increase weight. Because dates contain a lot of sugar , which helps in weight gain.

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Last Answer : First you need to know which food ingredients are responsible for weight gain. We know that fat plays a major role in weight gain. And the nutrients in mushrooms are as follows: meat 25-30% fat ... 6% It does not cause weight gain as mushrooms are low in fat. Excessive weight gain causes depression.

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Last Answer : A little extra weight causes trouble all the time. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. The health of our body largely depends on the correct weight of our body. Weight ... . There is no pain in exercising again. Just one simple rule will greatly reduce your weight.

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Last Answer : Lemon contains vitamin C. It acts as an antioxidant. And honey has antibacterial effect. It is good for the body. It is said that lemon -honey together with light hot water activates ... to make a very healthy liquid unhealthy without knowing it. Author: Chief Nutritionist , Apollo Hospital.

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Last Answer : : Although it sounds ridiculous to hear, cumin has the power to do this. You can eat 1 spoon of cumin every day. If you can't do that, increase the amount of cumin in the food.

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Last Answer : Or you're lucky and you're okay with genetics. Or stay on the hard, bumpy road, exercise and proper nutrition. Gradually start the part of nutrition and exercise as well, do not purge out right away. Your stamina won't be the same, get ready for it! It needs to be rebuilt!

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Last Answer : I also came out almost immediately after giving birth. I didn't go to the doctor with him because he didn't cause such special complaints, he didn't really bleed, he just pinched and itched. I sent my ... . I gave birth a good few years ago, but sometimes it still comes out. I'm going to strain.

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Last Answer : They should have been waiting any longer, because your doctor must have given him information about what to do and what not to do in the first six weeks. During the six-week follow-up examination, the doctor will determine if everything was OK in the postpartum period and if recovery is complete.

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Last Answer : Yes, it starts right after giving birth. How intense, completely variable, cannot be predicted.

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Last Answer : I don't think it should affect anything. The gynecologist will certainly answer more accurately.

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Last Answer : So just out of curiosity, I opened this thread and it amused me. When I think about the question, I don't even know if it's written by a man or a woman. If it's a woman, then it's probably okay, ... giving birth? Is she sick so much that will not clean and wash at home ...... SHOULD I BE AFRAID?

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Last Answer : I'm a stress eater (I don't even go down the ice cream aisle in the market if stressed). It's a coping mechanism. But for some people I know, stress can make them feel sick, and then they don ... control, choosing to eat or not eat is one thing you can control. And there may be some comfort in this.

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Last Answer : Maybe. A high protein diet might improve muscle gain if combined with an intensive regular weight training program.

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Last Answer : The scales could be off. I’ve dropped up to 8 pounds in a few hours playing basketball. But after rehydrating my weight returned to normal.

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Last Answer : My brother gained weight because he had the major munchies. It was horrible. He ate 2–4 loafs of bread everytime. So it depends on how hungery it makes you while you are high. I can’t tell you for myself, cause I have never gotten high

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Last Answer : Depends on the amount you ate. The whole jar at one sitting is not a good idea. A t. or so for a snack will fill you up (but so will a cup of broccoli). Nuts are very fatty (peanut, soy ... ) and high in calories. Question does not say it all. Calories in < less than calories burned = weight loss.

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Last Answer : Yes they can be resized but rarely it may damage the ring.

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Last Answer : Coconut milk helps to strengthen the hair from the inside out. There is no substitute for coconut milk for proper nourishment of hair. Coconut milk also acts as a deep conditioner. - First fry the ... coconut milk, you can mix sugar or molasses without using coconut and use it in sweet food.

Description : How to lose fat in a month ?

Last Answer : If you get up in the morning and do walking or running exercise, you will lose a lot of fat in a month. Even if you work regularly, you will lose fat. And you have to avoid fatty foods.

Description : Why is childbirth so dangerous to U.S. women?

Last Answer : US is 14 per 100,000 and UK is 9 in 2015. America seems to be at the bottom of the western world in the list after glancing at it. Here's a link: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/ ... during her morning rounds in the hospital. She would have died if she hadn't already been at the hospital.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it would be dangerous. What if there comes a time when the medical technologies that make C-sections so easy would stop being available. All of a sudden, a lot of women will die in childbirth ... 't see it as an issue of failure or success. It is what it is. Another problem to solve.

Description : Men who have witnessed childbirth: has it changed the way you perceive women?

Last Answer : answer:I’m a girl, but can I answer anyway? I was at the birth of my friend’s son and quite honestly, I told her after seeing what she could tolerate, I never wanted to hear her whine about petty shit ever again.

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Last Answer : Why compare? I’ve had all kinds of medical procedures done and they all hurt in different ways.

Description : What is it like to be pregnant, and would you ever do natural childbirth?

Last Answer : I want to have my children/child by natural childbirth to feel the pain. I’ll tell you how it feels in about some years.

Description : For men: witnessing childbirth negatively effecting your sexual arousal to your child's mother?

Last Answer : :(

Description : Could a man deal with childbirth if they were the ones giving birth?

Last Answer : If it were possible, they would because they would have to. Women don’t go through this pain by choice (at least until recently with anesthesia as an option). People learn to cope with what is forced upon them by circumstances.

Description : Natural Childbirth- Those that've done it, would you again?

Last Answer : You say that now, just wait til you’re delivering that baby.

Description : What are your views on how childbirth is handled in this country?

Last Answer : I think it's disgusting what childbirth has become in the US. I decided to wing it and wasn't opposed to pain meds, and I chose a hopsital birth because of my history of anxiety. I had no clue I'd be ... was so worn out I had no energy to refuse or even ask why. They just told me it was routine :(

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Last Answer : and miss out on the epidural? No way! My son was born in a hospital…...

Description : I didn't give birth.

Last Answer : I was scared, I was afraid I didn't know what to expect from me, I already knew and wasn't so afraid at the second birth (all 2 were embarrassing)

Description : Makeup childbirth "better" ? natural or emperor     

Last Answer : Well, I can't tell the difference between the two. I was emperor with both of my sons. Both have disadvantages and advantages as well. I was glad the emperor was not painful.