What is the way to avoid premature aging ?

1 Answer

Answer :

1. Garlic helps to increase youthful vigor by preventing premature aging. So you have to eat one raw garlic every day. It also helps in maintaining good health. 2. Fenugreek soaked water is very beneficial. Because this drink does not give the impression of age on the face. Fenugreek also helps to prevent various diseases of the body. It restores the youth of the skin by growing new cells. 3. You can eat some thankuni leaves with rose food. It helps a lot in cleansing the stomach and increasing the youthfulness. 4. Almonds help prevent aging. All types of nuts are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E helps to regenerate skin cells. It enhances the youthfulness of the skin and makes the skin youthful. 5. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants. Which helps the body to grow new cells in the skin. So there is no pair of tomatoes to protect the skin and remove the impression of age. For this you have to make a habit of eating one tomato every day. . Raw pepper helps to keep the skin vibrant and beautiful. It also helps to remove age marks from the skin. It is a food rich in vitamin C. And this vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps to keep the skin radiant. It also prevents premature aging. . Include plenty of green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Because vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Which helps to keep the whole body healthy. And it helps the skin to grow new cells and gives youth. . Cereal foods are rich in vitamin B complex. And this vitamin B is very beneficial to keep the skin good. Vitamin B plays a key role in the growth of new skin cells. It makes the skin pale and radiant. And also helps to remove the impression of age from the skin. So you have to eat some cereal food every day. 9. Get enough sleep every day. When sleep is low, the face looks adult. Also, if you wake up late at night, the ink falls under the eyes , the skin of the body gets wrinkled , there is a feeling of swelling in the face , wrinkles appear on the skin. Get at least seven hours of sleep every night. 10. More sweet national food should be avoided. It helps to enhance the look of age.                   

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