what i the stinky is butt in the world?

1 Answer

Answer :

um no idea

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Last Answer : If you are worried about running the windshield wipers by using the existing fluid, how about buying some sort of syringe, like a turkey baster, to remove it?

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Last Answer : answer:Ear cheese. for those of you who don’t know what it is, be thankful. Ear cheese is the dead skin and oil that gathers around gauges when you have stretched ears. It’s disgusting and it’s actually white and cheese like.

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Last Answer : Gorgonzola. It is delicious and versatile.

Description : I need help with stinky dog.

Last Answer : They make pet wipes that are similar to baby bottom wipes, but they’re for cleaning fur and in between toe pads, and even dog bottoms. The ones I’ve used (when babysitting my friend’s dog) have a light scent, but they may also make unscented ones. He got them at Petco.

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Last Answer : What the heck are you throwing in there? My trash can doesn’t stink.

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Last Answer : answer:Be sure you do not have plants like society garlic in your yard that your kid is rubbing against. (Very common landscape plant) If not see a doctor for possible hormone imbalance.

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Last Answer : I don’t recall this ever happening to me. Maybe its just that I don’t check? But I would go with your theory on the amount of deodorant.

Description : What is that stinky exhuast that comes out the back of my car when it's been sitting cold for awhile?

Last Answer : A car fart, of course.

Description : My boots are stinky -- help!

Last Answer : Rub those bad boys down with some mink oil. While you’re at it you can throw some in your hair.

Description : What can I do about my stinky dog?

Last Answer : Baking soda absorbs odors well.

Description : What stinky foods or snacks do you like?

Last Answer : Stinky? I try to avoid those considering I don’t want to kill people with my breath.

Description : Are rabbits clean and non-stinky pets?

Last Answer : All animals poop. And pee. If you intend on keeping an animal indoors, you should also include in your intentions the possibility of a smell. That said, fish won't stink up your house. Also, the ... the cage out weekly. Same with the fish and cleaning out the water. All, repeat, ALL animals smell.

Description : How do I make my sneakers less stinky?

Last Answer : Anti bacterial Febreze until they are wet with it. Then let them dry completely.

Description : cure stinky feet with these 5 soothing soaks?

Last Answer : Baking soda and lemon.Just fill a basin with 1/4 cup of baking soda, 8 cups of warm water, and the juice of a single lemon.Soak your feet for 20 minutes, then dry them thoroughly.You'll be ... you soak your feet in this solution for 15 minutes, twice per day, your feet will quickly lose their funk.

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Last Answer : I don’t understand the question

Description : What do you think about Miss. candidate Robert Foster refusing to be alone with female reporters? Over the top or covering his butt?

Last Answer : Misogynistic snowflake. Is he so not in control of himself, and is he so untrustworthy personally, that he doesn't trust himself to behave with a woman in the car? This is another example of the ... Saudi Arabia is loosening up the restrictions on women, we have this bozo who wants to belittle them.

Description : What kind of person is most likely to butt into other people's business, and give unwanted opinions and advice?

Last Answer : Female.

Description : Is there an Android app that prevents butt dialing and does not require many permissions?

Last Answer : Something else you might try is to go into SETTINGS -> ACCESSIBILITY and set “Power button ends call”. This way, you don’t have to press the “end call” screen button, and you might not accidentally then hit another contact.

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Last Answer : He isn’t shielded, but he is blind to it. The man has no sense of humor, as evidenced by his reaction at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011.

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Last Answer : Not me.

Description : Can maca root powder make the butt and hips grow?

Last Answer : Here’s WebMD on MACA; It is not listed a action of taking it.

Description : When having to squeeze past other people to get to your seat should you face them so your crotch is in their face or away from them so they get a face full of your butt?

Last Answer : answer:Good question. This happens regularly in theaters, airplanes, and so on. I've always presented my butt in these situations. I figured that 100% of all people have butts, while only 50% of people have ... that on a plane or in a theater, things are not going to be comfortable at all times.

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Last Answer : answer:Let's put it this way- if you got a perfect shave, how long would it be before your beard grew to where you would notice it? I have used a brush and soap for years (since the 70s) and find that I ... water is not quite hot enough, or I use a lesser grade of soap, I don't get as close a shave.

Description : What is the best natural repellent for keeping mutts from crapping around your shrubs and pathways short of a pellet to the butt?

Last Answer : Anti-personnel-mines

Description : When was the last time you fell on your butt?

Last Answer : A couple weeks ago, I was moving a couch with another person. I was the one moving backward when I stepped on my own foot, and fell on my ass with the couch on top of me. Nothing injured but my ego.

Description : Could you imagine slapping your colleagues butt or jumping piggy back on him/her to express happiness?

Last Answer : Uh NO! could you imagine a fifty something, hundred pound over weight truck driver jumping on you, it would get me arrested.

Description : How do I get my friends to butt out of my relationships?

Last Answer : By not telling them anything about your relationships. Don’t give them any information to work on.

Description : Do you think that the generation that started telling others to butt out of their child rearing really hurt themselves in the end?

Last Answer : They didn’t hurt. I think there is power in words and a positive message doesn’t hurt.

Description : What can be done to a "smartphone" to prevent butt dialing?

Last Answer : Just use the lock screen if it has one.

Description : A Workout Question: rollerblading -- why is my butt getting bigger?

Last Answer : answer:To properly answer your question, it would help if you had some comparison pictures. It's a part of the scientific process of uh ..um determining the lipid distribution to the epidermal ... and glutes will make your butt bigger. There's a difference between losing weight and gaining muscle.

Description : Can the butt muscles grow big like the biceps when worked out?

Last Answer : answer:Here’s some information and some suggestions re; exercise. Buns of Steel

Description : What are the best butt exercises that aren't hard on knees?

Last Answer : If possible move your workout into a pool. The workout will be less stressful on the joints, because of the water supporting your weight, at the same time the resistance of the water will make your muscles work harder.

Description : Was it wrong to pimp my nephew? (If you take this seriously I'll kick your butt)

Last Answer : Babies and puppies have been used to soften hearts for generations. Pimp on. ;-)

Description : Why don't americans have butt-hole washers in bathrooms?

Last Answer : It is a little known fact that President Jimmy Carter in 1977 in his first month in office, wanted to sign a bill mandating outhouses for all Americans and due to a strong Republican push ... a bill was passed that any indoor plumbing was limited to toilets only .virtually outlawing fancy bidets.

Description : Are there any watches like G-Shock that aren't as butt ugly?

Last Answer : answer:This antique Omega watch is also anti-magnetic. Here is a solar-powered watch.

Description : What is the origin of the word/phrase 'butt-hurt'?

Last Answer : I wish I knew the origin. It’s a phrase I commonly use. First time I heard it was two years ago at a firehouse. One of the guys was describing how another guy got all butt-hurt after they put his uniform in a bucket of water in the freezer. Don’t leave your uniform laying around after shift.

Description : Can you be physically fit, yet still have big breasts/butt?

Last Answer : I know women who were athletes in college and were built like brick houses. Their husbands, however, married them for their personalities and intellect.

Description : Why do my bundt cakes end up looking like a baboon's butt?

Last Answer : My guess would be the oven you’re using. Maybe it doesn’t heat evenly.

Description : How can 3/4 " Brazillian Cherry Hardwood Flooring safely butt up to linoleum?

Last Answer : answer:Does your mother's walker have wheels? That would make it easier for her to hop the little speedbump. There are some strips here that are made for reducing the step between flooring types. You ... you could lay a small rug or plastic mat over the division to make it even easier to cross.

Description : How do I twitch my butt?

Last Answer : Do you know how to clench your glutes? This is matter of knowing how to control and move the glute muscles.

Description : How do you get your butt into gear and do what you have to do when you're bored and burned out?

Last Answer : answer:Look at yourself in a mirror, while holding one of your crocheted gifts. who is bigger? you or the crotched gift? tell yourself that you can do this. Your reward, at the end of the session, will be your favorite bottle of wine. then, you can toast yourself to a job well-done. You can do this.

Description : Are there any butt enhancement and breast enhancmet pills available in certain stores rather than the internet?

Last Answer : This doesn’t sound plausible. A genetic predisposition towards storing fat in the rump or the mammary glands is just that: your genes. I imagine at best you can expand the fat cells by adding more calories or firming the gluteus maiximus through exercise. But a pill? I don’t think so.

Description : Is there a polite way to tell very kind generous family members to "butt out"?

Last Answer : answer:Sure. Ask your husband to take her to the side and gently tell her that it is none of her business. OR, just ignore it whenever she brings it up and remember that she is old and will die long before you do.

Description : My dog sometimes comes in from outside and rubs her butt along the carpet, does this mean she has a sore or something?

Last Answer : Oooh…sometimes that’s a sign of worms…

Description : Do members of the LGBT community feel society finds them "disgusting"? (Read the details before you jump on my butt please)

Last Answer : LGBT? Does that mean gay people?

Description : How do I get my three year old to wipe her butt on her own ?

Last Answer : answer:Yes she will get it, and don’t worry about preschool. My son was in diapers until age four. The teachers were wiping his butt a lot. Just keep working with her. Don’t make too big a deal about it. Just keep it up. It’ll happen.

Description : Is it unreasonable to expect someone to not act like a huge butt when they are worried about a cancer diagnosis?

Last Answer : The person had a lot of their mind. Cut them some slack and let it go. Don’t take it so damn personally.

Description : Pants hanging off the butt fiasco is it OK to laugh?

Last Answer : I laugh but quietly. He might be carrying a gun in there.

Description : Why does my cat lick his chest when you scratch his butt?

Last Answer : He is hypersensitive in that area - when you stimulate it by scratching, it elicits a licking response (like a dog's back foot going when you scratch an itchy spot on his belly). I would theorize that ... is so intense, he's too immobilized to turn around, so he licks the nearest area (his chest).

Description : How would you repay someone for pulling your butt out of a really bad situation?

Last Answer : Well if they are really your friend, you would not have to thank them. Maybe a thank-you but thats about it. Remember in friendshp their is no Sorry and no Thank-you:)