What are the chances of Megalodon still living today?

1 Answer

Answer :

Zero.  They have been extinct for several million years.

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Last Answer : answer:3 for a minor infraction 1 for a major infraction

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Last Answer : answer:The Establishment has stolen the coal from beneath our feet, they snatch the rain from above our heads, they've sold themselves our gas, electricity and infrastructure and now they ... questioned the morality of treating the Establishment as a stockhouse, climbing-frame and punching-bag.

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Last Answer : I would think you have an excellent chance. Do you have any backups? I’d advise applying to at least 3 places. Your essay and interview will also count. Good luck!

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Last Answer : What does your doctor say?

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Last Answer : answer:Infinite chances is my rule. But I invest less and less emotionally each time. I am a romantic. Even when I know somebody is gonna let me down, nothing is more magical than those occasions when they don’t.

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Last Answer : Victorian Literature Impressionist artists French culture Cooking History Judaism

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Last Answer : Figure out who you want to talk to in the department (they should have bios on the department page), email that person, and tell them that you're really interested in their program, but ... there perhaps a few classes you should be taking in the meantime? Any other suggestions they might have?

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Last Answer : answer:There are plenty of websites that calculate odds. Obviously there will be more winners in the smaller categories of a couple of bucks. It's luck o' the draw, and for the vast ... are about the same as being attacked by a mountain lion while simultaneously being struck by ligthening. lol