mike completed 12 questions on the test the teacher told him that he completed 60% of the test how many total questions are there on the test?

1 Answer

Answer :

Mike would have completed 7 questions to get to just about 60% of the test.(7 / 12 = 0.58)

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Last Answer : Answer: E  60% of 500 = 300  80% of 250 = 200 No. of correct answers in remaining 250 questions = 300 – 200  = 100  Percentage = 100 x 100/ 250  = 40%

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : I think you need to report the incident to the Match.com customer service department. You should also try to get a refund on the amount you paid.

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Last Answer : Ramon trained 9 hours per week, totaling 54 hours of training for the full 6-week period.

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Last Answer : CP = 100, SP (with tax) =125  New SP = 100 - 10 = 90  Effective discount = 125-90 = 35  So, at SP of 90 ----> discount = 35 and at SP of 3275-----> discount = 35/90*3275= Rs 1274(approx.)

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Last Answer : d. $875,000

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Last Answer : Dream on. It’s not abnormal for a VP to go abroad.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : A)Problem recognition

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Ans 3. L.C.M of 8,12,16 = 48 Now, 48 x 1 + 3 = 51 - not divisible by 7 48 x 2 + 3 = 99 - not divisible by 7 48 x 3 + 3 = 147 - not divisible by 7 Required number = 147

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Last Answer : answer:They could be racist or they could hate Trump and be terrified and have said a very stupid thing to their students. Either way, awful, but no I didn't make assumptions. I am hearing ... at Latino children in the cafeteria. Makes me sick. What kind of parent teaches their child that hatred?

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Last Answer : Why do we, as a society, lie to kids about this Santa guy anyways?

Description : Sohan wants to show gratitude towards his teacher by giving her a card made by him. He has three pieces of trapezium pasted one above the other as shown in fig. These pieces are arranged in a way that AB||HC || GD || FE. Also BC=CD=DE, and GF=6 cm... -Maths 9th

Last Answer : Given : Sohan wants to show gratitude towards his teacher by giving her a card made by him. He has three pieces of trapezium pasted one above the other as shown in the fig. These pieces are arranged ... length of coloured tape required = 30 cm (b) The values are : Happiness, beauty, Knowledge.

Description : Sohan wants to show gratitude towards his teacher by giving her a card made by him. He has three pieces of trapezium pasted one above the other as shown in fig. These pieces are arranged in a way that ... the card by putting up a colored tape on the non-parallel sides of the trapezium.. -Maths 9th

Last Answer : Let us consider the following lay out of the greeting card. Trapeziums are arranged in such a way that AB || HC || GD || FE. Also BC=CD=DE and GF=6 cm and DE = 4cm. If three parallel lines make equal ... HG+GF+BC+CD+DE = 6+6+6+4+4+4=30 cm. (b) The values are: Happiness, beauty, Knowledge.

Description : I graduated high school in December 2019, turned 18 in January 2020, and started college early in February 2020. During my senior year of high school, I got a huge crush my anatomy teacher. He is 30 years old. Am I allowed to pursue him Ever?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : Teacher of high caste is biased with the low caste's students. What advices do you would like to give to the teacher? (a) Rebuke him for narrow thinking (b) His attitudes is all right. ... against the constitutional provisions (d) He should not behave against the national spirit & need of the hour

Last Answer : d) He should not behave against the national spirit & need of the hour

Description : A high-caste teacher is biased with the scheduled caste's students. What advise do you like to give to that teacher? Options: A) Nothing is wrong in his attitude B) He should not behave ... and need of the hour C) Scold him for narrow thinking D) Threat him against the constitutional provisions

Last Answer : B) He should not behave against the national spirit and need of the hour

Description : If a student wants to share his problems with his teacher, he visits his teacher for the same at home, In such a condition the teacher should Options: A) Extend reasonable help and boost his morale ... C) Contact the student's parents and solve his problem D) Warn him, never visit his home

Last Answer : A) Extend reasonable help and boost his morale 

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Last Answer : D) You will evaluate the answer-book honestly and give marks accordingly