what- The tornado uprooted trees and roofs of houses were blown away?

1 Answer

Answer :

of houses

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Description : Is it ironic Carrie Underwood just won video of the year for Blown Away after the OK tornado?

Last Answer : answer:Carrie Underwood grew up in Oklahoma. She knows whereof she sings. The song is very clear in its implications, which means that the sentiments are understandable. Tornadoes are a fact of life in Oklahoma. Her song is not about them generally, but about sexual abuse specifically.

Description : You can feel me but, I can't feel you. I can uproot trees and tear roofs off their houses. Yet, I can make a Baby sleep and be gentle. I can howl and whisper. I can spread and stop fires. I can toss boats and help them glide too. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I am the wind.

Description : In storms, the roofs of some houses are carried away. According whom is this? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : In storms, the roofs of some houses are carried away. According whom is this?

Last Answer : – Bernoulli’s principle

Description : In storms, the roofs of some houses are carried away. According whom is this?

Last Answer : Bernoulli’s principle

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Last Answer : (i) Meat takes longer to cook on the mountains: The atmospheric pressure decreases as the altitude increases. The boiling point of water is 100 c at standard atmospheric pressure. At the mountains this ... of light to a maximum. And therefore white colour is painted on the roofs in the summer.

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Last Answer : "Refugee" in a word, from which Batu has been evicted.

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Last Answer : I knew this kid I hung around with for about a year when I was a kid. Then later in my early teens I met this other guy, and then in my early 20's I read in the paper that those two ... wanted with a truckload of rat poisons is beyond me though. Not exactly what you're asking, but related, somewhat.

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Last Answer : Like Indiana Jones. Staplegun!

Description : New Yorkers: What are the water tanks on your roofs all about?

Last Answer : -The plenty water in NY needs to be pure so they clean it up and then put it ,,, -Cause NY has so much people -They seem small but they are big -i don't think so -in pipes -cause the ... said they are well fabricated -ofcourse , people who works there , to check on the water every once in a while

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Last Answer : The past.

Description : How do flat, low slope, and pitched roofs compare for commercial roofing in Utah?

Last Answer : While flat, low slope, and pitched roofing are all great choices for commercial roofing in Utah, they do have different characteristics. Flat roofs are a popular choice due to their affordability, the fact that they ... etc. A benefit to this style of roof is that it can shed rain, snow, and other

Description : What are the different types of commercial roofs?

Last Answer : A flat roof is a common type of commercial roof in Utah that can be found in many commercial properties likes malls, warehouses, etc. Due to their affordability and the fact that they are rather quick ... A pitched roof creates a very beautiful roof, but it can be difficult to work on and maintain.

Description : Which type of tarps are used for covering roofs?

Last Answer : When your roof gets damaged owing to leakage, you would want to do your best so that you do not invite in water, debris, wildlife, or bugs. The first thing to do is to apply a temporary ... covering roofs. You can choose from a range of different materials of such tarps like Poly and Vinyl material.

Description : Why is slate soetimes used as shingles for roofs?

Last Answer : In Britain, (notorious for wet weather) slates are used to cover the rooves of houses to keep out the rain. Slate is impervious to water, though nowadays, composite materials may be used instead, being lighter ... houses may be roofed with clay tiles - but, in my opinion, you can't beat Welsh slate!

Description : Why is slate soetimes used as shingles for roofs?

Last Answer : In Britain, (notorious for wet weather) slates are used to cover the rooves of houses to keep out the rain. Slate is impervious to water, though nowadays, composite materials may be used instead, being lighter ... houses may be roofed with clay tiles - but, in my opinion, you can't beat Welsh slate!

Description : new roofs and sewer line repair foundation crecks?

Last Answer : new roofs, foundation crecks and sewer line repair

Description : Are there roofs that can better withstand hurricane-force winds?

Last Answer : The roofing that best withstands high wind and rain would have to be metal roofing. Roofing tiles often blow off in high winds or break off when debris is blown around in a storm. Its very important to have your roof checked for damages and replace broken tiles.

Description : Are metal roofs much more expensive than shingles?

Last Answer : Typically, a metal roofing job is more expensive than your average asphalt roofing job. Due to a very technical installation process and specialized training required for your contractor, metal roofing can ... addition to long term maintainance savings, they saved up to 20% in their cooling costs.

Description : What is good and bad about metal roofs?

Last Answer : There is no real downside to a metal roof. The roof will last well over 30 years, it helps insulates your house which will save on your heating and cooling bills, and it is recyclable. Metal roofs also do not support fire, so there is no need to worry about lightning strikes.

Description : Do metal roofs cost more over time than shingle roofs?

Last Answer : Metal roofs cost more than shingled roofs. You can expect to pay 30 percent more for a metal roof, compared shingle roof. Metal roofing can withstand higher mile per hour winds, treacherous ... roofs cost more in the beginning than a shingled roof but actually save money on homeowners insurance.

Description : Different Roofs For Homes?

Last Answer : There are a few popular roof coatings that you can apply depending on the type of roof you have. Tar is one of the more popular roof coverings for homes that have shingles. This will protect the ... out the heat in the summer. It is not cement itself, but the color and consistency are similar.

Description : Why the green house operators paint their glass roofs white in summer?

Last Answer : Ans: White colour is the reflector of light and it absorbs less heat as compared to other colours. As in summer there is already very hot season and heat is not required to that level. That is why the green-house operators paint glass roofs white in summer season.

Description : Curing of pavements, floors, roofs and slabs, is done by (A) Membrane method (B) Ponding method (C) Covering surface with bags (D) Sprinkling water method

Last Answer : Answer: Option B

Description : Bituminous fells are used for (A) Covering A.C. sheets (B) Covering sloping roofs (C) D.P.C. (D) None to these

Last Answer : Answer: Option A

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Last Answer : Answer: Option D

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Last Answer : Answer: Option D

Description : Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for (A) Coastal regions (B) Plain regions (C) Covering large areas (D) All of the above

Last Answer : Option A

Description : What is the impact of the plants or roots to the building or roofs?

Last Answer : Plants with roots (trees) are dangerous. They will able to penetrate the wall with power of the roots of the best foil. As it seeds fell on floor by bird or natural should be removed carefully to escalate.

Description : Suggest the roofing material for various types of pitched roofs with justification.

Last Answer : Roof covering is an essential component of pitched roof to be placed over the framework Types of roof covering Thatch covering: It is a very old roofing method and has been used in both ... slate roof pitches as low as 15°. Light weight roofing: Used for wide span industrial structures

Description : Explain with neat sketch method of welding used in manufacturing sheet metal roofs and doors of automobiles. 

Last Answer : Method of Welding Used in Manufacturing Sheet Metal Roofs and doors of automobiles: MIG Welding: Gas-metal-arc welding is a gas shielded metal arc welding process which uses the high ... mixtures) which will not combine with metal. Carbon dioxide is most commonly used as it inexpensive.

Description : If cutting trees down to build houses and buildings cause pollution, what do we live in?

Last Answer : it doesn't cause pollution, trees are a renewable resource what part of cutting trees would possibly cause pollution. btw, without trees we would other problems besides nowhere to live: no toilet ... mention all the chemical products and byproducts we get from them. please get your facts straight.

Description : If cutting trees down to build houses and buildings cause pollution, what do we live in?

Last Answer : it doesn't cause pollution, trees are a renewable resource what part of cutting trees would possibly cause pollution. btw, without trees we would other problems besides nowhere to live: no toilet ... mention all the chemical products and byproducts we get from them. please get your facts straight.

Description : What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish? -Riddles

Last Answer : A map.

Description : You can find roads without cars, And roam through forests without trees, Cities exist without houses? Whatever can I be? -Riddles

Last Answer : A map.

Description : Where will you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses? -Riddles

Last Answer : On a Map.

Description : Which of the following conditions is most likely to occur if a single element fuse were used to replace a blown dual element fuse in a motor controller circuit? A. The fuse will blow when the motor ... overheats at high motor loads. C. The motor runs at reduced voltage. D. The motor runs normally.

Last Answer : Answer: A

Description : What do you think about people who walk away from their mortgages/houses?

Last Answer : Obviously, these people are not fulfilling their obligation to make payments as promised. needless to say, they can forget attempting to buy anything on credit ever again in their lifetime. the ... out, just like getting a divorce after being married just six months, without seeking counsel.

Description : So the "all clear whistle" has been blown. What will be your behavior in regards to masks?

Last Answer : I’m inclined to still wear one inside in public places and crowds too and agree with your reasoning about why this was done now.

Description : Do you think the Ever Given was blown by wind, or hacked?

Last Answer : From what I read, it isn't all or nothing.. Hacking doesn't play a role. Apparently it was winds that started the problem, and bad seamanship (captain/pilot) reacting poorly to the initial problem ... s largest, and you have a mess. Do you have evidence of hacking, or was that incendiary bullshit?

Description : How would you describe your genuine, full blown laugh?

Last Answer : Loud and very infectious ! !

Description : What prevents the USA and the British from entering a full blown war in Iraq (again) against ISIS?

Last Answer : answer:The people. We remember what happened last time, and would severely punish any government that dragged us back into that mess in the same capacity as we were in. That said, there are boots ... for another protracted war. We struggle to accept that this war is by its very nature unwinnable.

Description : When was the last time your mind was blown?

Last Answer : answer:I went to dinner last night with some of my family for my dad's step-father's 72nd birthday. My completely computer-illiterate parents bought him a new laptop. This conversation was overheard from my end of ... of hyenas! Ha! Good times Wow, a wireless laptop, what'll they think of next?!~

Description : Is the whole drone usage in America blown out of proportion?

Last Answer : The politicians love it when a totally meaningless, yet scary issue comes up. They can play it up for all it’s worth to keep the real issues out of the news.

Description : Could electric sheep cause such problems that my phone lines would have to be blown?

Last Answer : I find it unlikely that your router got fried by the sheep. More likely that your router’s just going bad. Extensive use of a thing will cause it to eventually wear out, but there are rules governing just how much output your hardware can output.

Description : What hurts more? Losing by one, or getting blown out?

Last Answer : Losing by one. Because then you have all these woulda, shoulda, couldas. Being blown out the end comes long before the end and you have an easier time accepting it. You were just bad that day.

Description : Do you want to see a photo of Osama Bin Laden with his brains blown out?

Last Answer : Yeah, kinda, but I don’t want them to release the photos. It would probably be a bad idea.