Romantic artists hoped that their viewers would react against?

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Last Answer : answer:No. When I was in the final stages of my pregnancies, a romantic getaway would have meant me lolling on the chaise-lounge while family brought me regular milkshakes (for chronic heartburn) cleaned ... romance there was took place on my nice, comfortable bed. But I am speaking for myself only.

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Last Answer : Recovering.

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Last Answer : “Since I Fell for You” by Lenny Welch. This one is up there on my list!

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Last Answer : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MInd Wild at Heart

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Last Answer : Absolutely none of my business as long as any consummation is consensual.

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Last Answer : Maybe I’m Amazed Paul McCartney One of the songs we played at my wedding.

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Last Answer : I haven’t. I think my husband would be a bit peeved if I did!

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Last Answer : I am not understanding why they are mutually exclusive.

Description : Poll: Is romantic love just lust in disguise?

Last Answer : I would say that it least 95% of it is with a good deal of wishful thinking thrown in.

Description : What weather conditions do you find to be romantic?

Last Answer : I always wanted to make love outside in a nice summer rain. Or in the waters of a nice lake. As long as I have something to hang on to if it gets wild.

Description : What is the limit for weirdness in your romantic life?

Last Answer : Disclaimer: Please be aware that the person you are (about to be) interacting with is both Dutch and flawed.

Description : How does one be romantic?

Last Answer : Just be yourself and stay true to your partner. Love is something you feel inside for that other person. Spark that emotion up and make it stronger. Spend your time and attention rather than focusing on buying ... giving a quick hug when you get home or asking about the day etc can win a heart over!

Description : I have heard that scientists are the most non-romantic partners ever. Is it true?

Last Answer : That certainly is the stereotype. Note, I said Stereotype. Please see this example from the TV show Big Bang Theory. Listen carefully to the language used. It is precise and technically correct. Well done. Leonard and Leslie

Description : What would you put in your profile to discourage unwanted messages, romantic overtures, or stalkers?

Last Answer : My wife will rip your head off & shit down your neck, now fuck off bunny boiler!

Description : What's the most romantic line or phrase you have read or heard in a movie?

Last Answer : Beautiful, just beautiful

Description : OK folks, who are your favorite romantic couples?

Last Answer : answer:Honestly, I’ve never seen the movie, but my #1 goes to Rhett and Scarlet, because, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” A line to love. Rob and Laura Petrie. The parents I always wanted to have. Lucy and Ricky. (Ethel and Ralph) ANYONE but Roseanne!

Description : What is your favourite romantic comedy?

Last Answer : answer:Bringing up Baby…with a young and gorgeous Cary Grant and ditto Katherine Hepburn. Made in 1938 but has aged very well. Sleepless in Seattle When Harry Met Sally An Affair to Remember Charade(1963_film) with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant again (it is 1963 and he is still gorgeous).

Description : Recommendations for romantic short stories?

Last Answer : The Gift of the Magi, Saki (H.H. Munro)

Description : With Valentine's Day approaching, do you have a romantic answer to this?

Last Answer : He can always make me laugh. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

Description : If you were an only child, how did that affect your romantic/intimate relationships?

Last Answer : answer:I'm an only child. Well, I have a half-brother, but we weren't raised together. Didn't even meet him til I was an adult. I've never felt that my only-ness' had any significant ... kind of heartbreaking (not to mention just loud and obnoxious), whereas to him it was just normal kid stuff.

Description : What was the most romantic moment in your life?

Last Answer : Kissing my first real girlfriend for the first time when I was 14. It was in the back seat of my parents’ car on the way home from a school dance. Nothing since has quite equaled it.

Description : Do you have any links to romantic images?

Last Answer : answer:This Picture called The Greatest Game in the World- His Move by Charles Dana Gibson is one of my favorites. This Painting by Jack Vettriano Sally and Jack Skellington Rhett and Scarlett

Description : If you had to choose - would you rather have a number of wonderful friends or a great romantic partner?

Last Answer : It would be great to have that one person that is your person (Greys Anatomy reference). But, what if that romance is short lived for whatever reason? Death, just drifted away from you, had to move, a ... love theater, one may love trips, one may love books. Not just one person can be all things.

Description : How can I do something romantic for my girlfriend? (see details)

Last Answer : answer:Include in your letters to her a kind of game. I imagine something like taking an extreme close up of an object you are both familiar with and asking her to guess what it is. You would reveal it ... enjoyed. Or a sculpture at a museum you both visited. Or a dish of some food you both like.