What kinds of stars have either no habitable zones or very inferior ones?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well, there are no stars with no habitable zone or very inferiorones.

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Last Answer : answer:Have you considered a used RV or trailer? The prices are really low now and they are quite comfortable. I bought a used Argosy trailer that is like a small house for about $2,000. It’s great. I just noticed the “no less than 700 sq ft” Oops. I still like my Argosy.

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Last Answer : i can not make a prediction, since we have not found any habitable planets we could send them to. then we would have to solve the problems of who is going to raise the seedlings ... means you need androids with Artificial Intelligence, as well as enough raw materials to start an initial colony.

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Last Answer : (b) It forms a very small part of consumers household budget; 

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Last Answer : Ans: (b)

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Last Answer : ; (c) Decrease in demand ;

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Last Answer : Negative effect

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Last Answer : The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. ... .27 MeV C. 0.82 MeV D. 2.45 MeV

Description : The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of f

Last Answer : The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. ... `10^(12)` sec D. `10^(16)` sec

Description : The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of f

Last Answer : The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. ... (4) K` D. `3 xx 10^(6) K`

Description : The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. Energy released in the process of f

Last Answer : The source of energy of stars is nuclear fusion. Fusion reaction occurs at very high temperature, about `10^(7) `. ... kg` D. `16.02 xx 10^(-27) kg`

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Last Answer : No, pretty sure he thinks he’s terrific ha!

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Last Answer : X-ray vision Ability to fly ESP or the ability to selectively capture other peoples’ thoughts.

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Last Answer : answer:Goddamn hoverboards. Obviously. And the food-rehydrator would be awesome for saving on storage space. Granted not as awesome as a matter replicator would be ((GET ON IT, SCIENCE)), but still.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m old enough to remember tan M&Ms: http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2011482_2011480_2011460,00.html I miss them. Lousy blue ones ;)

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Last Answer : For instance, short people don’t make lilliputian basketball leagues that are popular enough to be played in stadiums…

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Last Answer : answer:A generic has to have the same active ingredients as the brand name. But you're right that the differences can be in type and amount of buffers and binders. The release of the drug ... maybe not. Those mood-altering drugs are so peculiar anyway and different people react to them differently.

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Last Answer : I rarely feel inferior to others. I think I am the best at what I can be at this moment in time. One thing you could try, would be to just study a bit more so that when they talk about certain things from higher classes, you can chime in with pertinent ideas?

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Last Answer : answer:I've never heard about it being bad for cars, but I always tend to get lower gas mileage whenever I use Arco gas. Not huge, but noticeable, and enough that the lower price isn't usually worth it. Mobil ... don't drive my car much at all. I usually ride my bike, so I haven't filled up lately.

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Last Answer : answer:If you're referring to the superiority or inferiority of an ethnic or racial group see the link. There is ample historical and scientific proof that this is bunk. If you're referring to ... ? Would there be anyone left willing to do the mundane tasks AND find satisfaction in doing so?

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