What is the point value of the yellow ball in snooker? -Sports

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Description : Are hockey and baseball the only sports in which the spectators can keep the ball/puck if shot out of bounds?

Last Answer : I don’t know what the chances are of a tennis ball landing in the audience, but I would think that people could keep these. They go thorough a lot of tennis balls in a match.

Description : How many points in the pink ball worth in snooker?

Last Answer : Six

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Last Answer : both A and B

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Last Answer : answer:Football is a series of one game playoffs because the games are so destructive to the teams, a longer series would make it more about attrition and you'd see more intentional injuries early in ... . The truth is probably a little bit of explanation A and a little bit of explanation B.

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Last Answer : I kind of like the concept of pure raw athletic contests that any man or woman could compete in today, tomorrow or a 1,000 years ago.

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Last Answer : It sounds like resistance training to me.

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Last Answer : answer:That's nothing compared to the Dodgers. One of the greatest organizations in sports has lower credibility than the Clippers (of old). Empty stadium, traffic hassles, expensive seats, commercialized stadium ... days of the taco uniforms (at least they won the pennant that year, I think 1984).

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Last Answer : answer:Two words: Bill Buckner But it’s okay. The red sox have more than made up for it over the years.

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Last Answer : That’s a good question. I wouldn’t allow it. And furthermore, how about having the clock count down instead of up? No one has ever given me a satisfactory answer as to why soccer does this.

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Last Answer : answer:@wundayatta: “What will people do if they don’t have their team to cheer for?” Hopefully something meaningful.

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Last Answer : Maybe. But if that is true, the defense on a pro team would tell all the receivers that, and all the receivers would be wearing brown gloves. Pros share knowledge like that. It’s like knowing a QB stands just a bit different on running plays, or a center is different on a QB sneak.

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Last Answer : Makes them easier to pass, shoot, hit, throw, catch, and carry.

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Last Answer : Golf. I will kick yo ass. :)

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Last Answer : volleyball and swimming waterbally

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Last Answer : If I had to pick a top one, I would say Soccer, because of the display of skill in cardio and agility. I actually think all sports are equally skillful, just in different ways.

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Last Answer : answer:When I was a sports fan, I choose the Seattle Mariners and the Seattle Seahawks, because I lived in Washington and I was told that’s our team lol….. Also, what do you mean by “inherited loyalty”?

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Last Answer : It would be nice if it would, but chances are that it won’t.

Description : What helps you play sports at a very consistent level?

Last Answer : answer:Sleep. Discipline. Sleep. Discipline. Sleep. … big cats gotta sleep

Description : Why do so many people feel such pride when their sports team wins?

Last Answer : It’s fun and entertaining. Party pooper.

Description : Is there an evolutionary reason for aggressive sexual hazing in sports and military contexts?

Last Answer : Humans are pack animals and brutal behaviour/rape is a means to establish and maintain the pecking order/hierarchy and some weakminded individuals lack the capacity to suppress/control their primal urges.