Which animal can tolerate more summer heat? -General Knowledge

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Description : Which animal can tolerate more summer heat? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'Donkey'

Description : The animal which can tolerate more summer heat is - (1) Buffalo (2) Cow (3) Goat (4) Donkey

Last Answer : (3) Goat Explanation: Some livestock (and people) tolerate heat better than others. Sheep and goats tend to be less susceptible to heat stress than swine, cattle, llamas, and alpacas. Hair sheep ... they tend to have shorter bodies and legs, short, thick ears, tight skin, and dense fleeces.

Description : Which animal which can tolerate more summer heat?

Last Answer : Goat

Description : Which animal can tolerate more summer heat?

Last Answer : Donkey

Description : The animal which can tolerate more summer heat is (1) Buffalo (2) Cow (3) Goat (4) Donkey

Last Answer : Goat

Description : To keep 20% more US jobs stateside or create 32% more US jobs, what amount of cash would you tolerate in additional spending for Christmas or basic day to day living?

Last Answer : answer:Prices don’t have to go up. A US assembled Honda Accord doesn’t cost a dime more than a Japan assembled one. A Canada made Civic is the same price as a UK built one. But this requires the correct corporate mentality from the top. Honda has been doing this since 1982

Description : What behaviour by family, friends or strangers can you not tolerate?

Last Answer : Blind loyalty to a cause ,religion, political party, with out even a try to listen to what the other said has to say.

Description : Other than "insert here", I tolerate just about everyone?

Last Answer : I pity racists (I can’t hate them; imagine having been raised by racists parents…). I dislike liars. I tolerate, I like to believe, everybody. What do you actually mean with “I’m for equal rights for all (..).....anti racists”?

Description : What are some common ways to treat a UTI if someone cannot tolerate antibiotics?

Last Answer : Lots of cranberry juice.

Description : How long could you tolerate staying home, assuming you've got no health conditions, before you get restless and feel an urge to go somewhere outside of your house/property?

Last Answer : Not even a full day.

Description : People who live in places where winter is frigid: As you get older, do you find it harder to tolerate cold weather?

Last Answer : Just when you have to work and drive in it,other than that I don’t mind winter.

Description : Is it true that we can't tolerate complete silence for long?

Last Answer : It is because they fear their own thoughts, their own inner voice. I love silence, nothing to fear. What’s really scary are those that are too afraid to be alone with themselves. Of course we’re talking hours not solitary confinement for days and weeks.

Description : Why am I finding it so difficult to tolerate [insert word]?

Last Answer : Apathy? Stupidity? Idiocy?” Unwillingness to exercise critical thought ability? Laziness? Complacency?

Description : Do you have a character flaw that you find hard to tolerate in others?

Last Answer : Idiocy

Description : When you finally get to the point where you are ready to listen or tolerate holiday music, which songs (of both traditional and contemporary types) do you enjoy hearing?

Last Answer : The Chestnuts roasting song.

Description : Do "white" people tolerate the cold weather better than "black" people?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt that white people evolved from black people to help deal with the cold. It is more likely that we turned white in cooler climates, because sun stroke and heat related ... predatorial nature, however it could have some minor significance, probably a bigger influence that the cold.

Description : Why do women who favor equality get so infuriated over women who tolerate or live by choice in a patriarchy?

Last Answer : answer:Everyone should be equal. It pisses me off that women in the middle east aren't allowed to go outside unless there's a man with them. It pisses me off that they have to cover their faces. ... that whole dominance shit goin on. Hell, sometimes it's a lot closer to home than some may imagine.

Description : How much deception does society expect and/or tolerate?

Last Answer : Apparently this society has quite the appetite. I have a very low threshold for BS and I am astounded at the level of tolerance of BS people have and pay good money to get it too! WTH?!?.

Description : What celebrity or famous person do you find really hard to tolerate?

Last Answer : Gilbert Godfrey makes me NUTS!

Description : Why do some tolerate people who make fun of victims of tragedy? Japan Tsunami for eg.?

Last Answer : So they called attention to what happens when people do inappropriate things. Those people get fired and have to find a way to get past it and find something else to do which isn't so ... . Talking about his latest controversy and the consequences of his behavior with him is not rewarding him.

Description : How do people in the public eye tolerate it?

Last Answer : If they wanted to they could. But they don’t since they got into the gig for attention and money. Brittney Spears could have vanished for a year and nobody would know who she is.

Description : How much are you willing to tolerate for love?

Last Answer : I draw the line at anything that isn't safe, calm or loving. Calling me names? Not love. Putting me down? Not love. I'll ride the second red flag I see, and high tail it out of town. ... too many assholes using the mantle of false love. Too many awesome people in the world to stay with one jackass.

Description : If a relative that you can't tolerate, shows up at a family function, how do you handle it?

Last Answer : I would have as little to do with them as possible.

Description : Should I tolerate this person?

Last Answer : Money is a sticky issue between friends – people have such different ideas about it, how to give it, who to give it to…I don’t get why.. I try to be easy going with it. You should talk to your friend about some of this.

Description : What is the lowest-light plant that will also tolerate temperatures down to (but not necessarily below) freezing?

Last Answer : Lichen?You can find it out on the tundra…;)

Description : Why do we as a society tolerate loud landscapers?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll give you two corny adages “You gotta break some eggs if you wanna make an omlette du fromage.” “The world doesn’t revolve around you.”

Description : For how long could you tolerate being a stay-at-home mom/dad if you had the option of working instead?

Last Answer : Removed by me

Description : Do you hate smokers?,can you tolerate them?

Last Answer : I don't hate anyone - just their words or actions. I have been a smoker and a non-smoker. The only time I hate people for smoking is when they are smoking right into their children's faces or ... a horrid thing. And, yes I am aware of smoking's impact, I work for the American Cancer Society.

Description : What foods can you absolutely NOT tolerate and why?

Last Answer : Celery! Worst vegetable EVER

Description : What is one thing you will not tolerate in a relationship?

Last Answer : CHEATING!!!

Description : Would your S/O ever tolerate the song : Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison being sung for her by you?

Last Answer : Absolutely. We’ve danced to that song many times. And at our wedding, we danced to “Into the Mystic” by Van Morrison. My wife is a big Van Morrison fan.

Description : What’s something you used to tolerate but don’t anymore?

Last Answer : Lies

Description : can roses tolerate full sun usually? My transplant is dying

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What annuals tolerate full sun

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Will snapdragons tolerate full sun?

Last Answer : yes it will and if you plant it along a protected wall, it might come back next year. I had them in zone 7 and they came back. I live in zone 5a now, they did not come back too much snow and below zero weather.

Description : Will Nandinas nandina tolerate shade?

Last Answer : I have found nadina growing in my woods under tall oak trees where they are getting very little sun . The only thing I think would be effected by shade would be if you are trying to raise they ones ... red leaves. Color does not really come our if the palnt is in the shade but the berries will.

Description : zone 5 will calladium tolerate direct morning sun

Last Answer : Yes, you should have no problem. Sun in the morning will promote healthy growth while the plant(s) are in the shade. -Birdy

Description : can pear tree tolerate wet soil

Last Answer : I am sorry, they don't like soil that is wet all the time...............can you put a ditch around it..................

Description : Can quince shrubs tolerate shade?

Last Answer : Flowering quince shrubs flower best in a sunny location, but they can be grown in partial shade.

Description : Which hosta varieties will tolerate sun?

Last Answer : Any of these hostas should do well with afternoon sun: Blue: Hadspen Blue, Blue Angel, Blue Mammoth, Blue Umbrella, Dawn's Early Light Variegated: American Sweetheart, Cathedral Windows, Fire ... , Fire Island, Sum and Substance Green: Devon Green, Fried Bananas, Fried Green Tomatoes, Aoki

Description : Hidden in the poem below, a manly name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: I do not mind addition; I'll tolerate subtraction; but try not to ... you use, just makes me want some Tums. What is the man's name you hear in the rhyme? -Riddles

Last Answer : The name you'll hear is MATTHEW.

Description : How did you teach them?

Last Answer : Hens ´naturally´ look for a cuckoo - if it is satisfactory. And as inspiration, you can put mats in their nests. :O

Description : $ Mammals are warm blooded. ! Warm blooded animals can tolerate only the warm climate.

Last Answer : $ Mammals are warm blooded. ! Warm blooded animals can tolerate only the warm climate. A. If both As and ... is wrong D. If both As and R are wrong.

Description : `C_(4)` plants are spacial, They have special type of (A)_____ they tolerate (B)____,they show a response to (C)______, they lack a process called (D)

Last Answer : `C_(4)` plants are spacial, They have special type of (A)_____ they tolerate (B)____,they show ... a process called (D)_____ and have greater (E)____

Description : Why does Robespierre believe that revolution cannot tolerate diversity of opinion?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Did the coloniststs tolerate other religions or did they persecute other religions?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Did the colonists tolerate other religions?

Last Answer : Some did, some didn't. If you weren't a Calvinist, you weren't really welcome in early Massachusetts. Maryland was founded as a Catholic colony. Rhode Island was the first colony established with ... so when England took control and changed the name to New York, they inherited a bit of tolerance.

Description : Did the colonists tolerate other religions?

Last Answer : Some did, some didn't. If you weren't a Calvinist, you weren't really welcome in early Massachusetts. Maryland was founded as a Catholic colony. Rhode Island was the first colony established with ... so when England took control and changed the name to New York, they inherited a bit of tolerance.

Description : Humans most easily tolerate a lack of the nutrient: (A) Protein (B) Lipid (C) Iodine (D) Carbohydrate

Last Answer : Answer : D

Description : Humans most easily tolerate a lack of which of the following nutrients? (A) Protein (B) Iodine (C) Carbohydrate (D) Lipid

Last Answer : Answer : C