Which Governor of Bengal committed suicide in 1774 ? -General Knowledge

1 Answer

Answer :

The answer is 'Robert Clive'

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Description : Which Governor of Bengal committed suicide in 1774 ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which Governor of Bengal committed suicide in 1774?

Last Answer : Robert Clive

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Description : Which was the last governor of Bengal appointed by the Mughal emperor? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : 1670, Murshid Quli Khan was bought by Mughal noble Haji Shafi. After Shafi's death, he worked under the Divan of Vidarbha, during which time he piqued the attention of the then-emperor Aurangzeb, who sent him to Bengal as the divan c.

Description : Which was the last governor of Bengal appointed by the Mughal emperor? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : 1670, Murshid Quli Khan was bought by Mughal noble Haji Shafi. After Shafi's death, he worked under the Divan of Vidarbha, during which time he piqued the attention of the then-emperor Aurangzeb, who sent him to Bengal as the divan c.

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