What is AB blood type? -Biology

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Description : Is ab blood type a positive?

Last Answer : AB can be both positive and negative.

Description : What percentage of the population is blood type AB?

Last Answer : Blood type AB is the most rare blood type. It is estimated that 4% of the US population has blood type AB, according to the Blood Center at Stanford University.

Description : What percentage of people have type AB- blood?

Last Answer : Blood type AB is actually one of the least common blood types. The most common blood types are O positive and O negative. Everyone, though, has a different blood type.

Description : What are some differences of having ab blood compared to having a different blood type?

Last Answer : The difference with having an AB blood type versus the other blood types is that it is a rare blood type. Only five percent of humans have this blood type.

Description : What is ab blood type, and what does it mean to have it?

Last Answer : To have AB blood means that you have a sort of combination of A,and B. Also you have one of the rarest tyes. A person with AB blood type can also recieve donor blood from any blood type, however they can only donate to other people with AB blood type.

Description : What are the positives about having blood type AB positive?

Last Answer : It is not a universal donor blood type, that would be O. AB blood types are the universal receiver, meaning any other blood type can donate blood to an AB blood type. They can only donate to other AB blood types, however.

Description : Can someone who is of AB positive blood type receive other types of blood?

Last Answer : Your blood type actually makes you a universal recipient, meaning you can receive ANY type of blood. Most blood contains antibodies that limit the types of blood that can be given. For example, someone ... to worry about, because no matter what blood type you receive, your body should accept it.

Description : What foods should people with AB blood type eat?

Last Answer : people with AB blood type can eat all kinds of food. you should probably eat fruits, meats, and veggies. you are perfectly healthy and should balance out their diet by following the food pyramid.

Description : What types of blood can I get if I have AB blood type?

Last Answer : People with the AB blood type can only receive blood from donors with the same blood type. They can, however, donate blood to both A types and B types.

Description : How much is the blood type ab positive worth?

Last Answer : The value of a blood type is determined by the location and place you donate. Check with local blood banks and donating facilities in your area to determine how much you will be paid to donate.

Description : What blood types can an AB blood type recieve blood from?

Last Answer : A person with the AB blood type can receive blood from any of the blood types A, B, O, as well as AB. They are not limited to receiving blood from only AB donors.

Description : What blood type can blood type ab receive?

Last Answer : Type ab blood can receive types a, b, ab, and o blood, not just type ab blood. Type ab is known as the "universal receiver", as it can receive any blood type, while type o is the "universal donor", meaning type o can be given to any person.

Description : What is the differance between blood type ab and blood type o?

Last Answer : The difference between blood types has to do with the type of antigens on the red blood cells (RBC's) and the type of antibodies present in the blood. For example, type A blood has the A antigen on ... body (it is called the universal receiver) but can only give blood to a person with type AB blood.

Description : What is the meaning of blood type ab positive?

Last Answer : The meaning of blood type ab positive is a category in which to group human blood. There are four different categories of human blood. Blood with a positive RH factor is known as blood type ab positive.

Description : How does type 0 blood differ from A, B and AB blood types?

Last Answer : Your blood type is determined by what type of antigen you have in your body. Each person has different antigen's or lack there of in the blood. A blood test is used to determine what these are.

Description : Which type of blood of individuals are known as universal donor A. Type A B. Type B C. Type AB D. Type 0

Last Answer : ANSWER: D

Description : Which type of blood of individuals are known as universal donor A. Type A B. Type B C. Type AB D. Type 0

Last Answer : ANSWER: D

Description : Which type of blood of individuals are known as universal donor A. Type A B. Type B C. Type AB D. Type 0

Last Answer : ANSWER: D

Description : A person having blood type B could safely donate blood to persons with blood types - (1) A and O (2) B and O (3) A and AB (4) B and AB

Last Answer : (4) B and AB Explanation: If someone belongs to the blood group B, he has B antigens on the surface of his red blood cells and A antibodies in' his blood plasma. So he can donate blood to persons of B and AB blood groups, but cannot receive blood from persons having B or O groups.

Description : People with what blood type can give blood to anyone and are thus called universal donors? A. O- (Answer) B. O C. AB+ D. AB-

Last Answer : A. O- (Answer)

Description : What is the rarest blood type in humans? A. O- B. O+ C. AB+ D. AB- (Answer)

Last Answer : D. AB- (Answer)

Description : A man of A-blood group marries a woman of AB blood group. Which type of progeny would indicate that man is heterozygous A? (a) AB (b) A (c) O (d) B

Last Answer : B

Description : If two persons with AB' blood group marry and have sufficiently large number of children, these children could be classified as A' blood group: AB' blood group : B' blood group in 1 ... in an example of (a) partial dominance (b) complete dominance (c) codominance (d) incomplete dominance.

Last Answer : (c) codominance

Description : A person with unknown blood group under ABO system, has suffered much blood loss in an accident and needs immediate blood transfusion. His friend who has valid certificate of his own blood type, offers for blood donation ... of the donor friend? (a) Type B (b) Type AB (c) Type O (d) Type A

Last Answer : (d) Type A

Description : A cytotoxic hypersensitivity would occur if blood type is transfused into a person with blood type a. A;AB b. 0; AB c. A; 0 d. 0; B

Last Answer : a. A;AB

Description : A person having blood type B could safely donate blood to persons with blood types (1) A and O (2) B and O (3) A and AB (4) B and AB

Last Answer : B and AB

Description : How can blood be Rh negative (with no antigens) and (for example) be AB (with AB antigens)?

Last Answer : It's sort of two different things. Blood type and Rh factor both do have to do with antigens/proteins in the blood. Blood type is inherited from your parents and you have either A, O, AB, or B. ... when you get a problem, and why blood type is so important. Do you need it defined more than that?

Description : Who arranges blood group a, b, o, ab ?

Last Answer : Carl Land Steiner made this arrangement in 1901

Description : Blood of AB blood group can transfer to `:-`

Last Answer : Blood of AB blood group can transfer to `:-` A. A B. B C. AB D. O

Description : Blood groups of a couple are AB and O. the possible blood groups of children would be

Last Answer : Blood groups of a couple are AB and O. the possible blood groups of children would be A. O group only B. ... C. A or B group D. AB and O group only

Description : Match the correct for blood group and donar compatibility :- `{:(,"Blood group",,"Donar compatibility"),(a.,A,(i),"B,O"),(b.,B,(ii),O),(c.,AB,(iii),"A

Last Answer : Match the correct for blood group and donar compatibility :- `{:(,"Blood group",,"Donar compatibility"),(a.,A,(i)," ... -(iii), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(iv)

Description : Which blood types can be donated to someone with AB blood?

Last Answer : Well for starters we would have to see what RH group you are in you see AB+ can receive blood from people that are A+ A- B+ B- O+ O- AB+ AB- but can only give to people that are AB+.If you are AB- you can receive from blood types A- B- O- and AB- but you can give to people that are AB+ and AB-.

Description : Are AB blood types the most common?

Last Answer : No, the most common blood type is the o blood type. There are nine common blood types in the human body but the most common of all is the o blood type.

Description : Why is AB+ blood the universal donor?

Last Answer : Blood type AB is the universal donor because it is compatible with all blood types. If a person needs blood, they can recurve any blood type. They can receive type o, a, b, or ab. Because they can receive any of these blood types, they are the universal donkr

Description : A person of which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor? (a) O (b) AB (c) A (d) B

Last Answer : Ans:(a)

Description : A person having which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group? (a) A (b) AB (c) B (d) O

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : A person with 'AB' blood group is sometimes called a universal recipient because of the – (1) lack of antigen in his blood (2) lack of antibodies in his blood (3) lack of both antigens and antibodies in his blood (4) presence of antibodies in his blood

Last Answer : (2) lack of antibodies in his blood

Description : A universal recipient has the blood group – (1) B (2) AB (3) A (4) O

Last Answer : (2) AB Explanation: Individuals with type O blood are often called universal donors, and those with type AB blood are called universal recipients. Blood group O Individuals do not have either A or B antigens on the ... but can donate blood to individuals of any ABO blood group (Le., A, B, O or AB).

Description : Blood group AB has – (1) No antigen (2) No antibody (3) Neither antigen nor antibody (4) Both antigen and antibody

Last Answer : (2) No antibody Explanation: Blood group AB individuals have both A and B antigens on the surface of their RBCs, and their blood plasma does not contain any antibodies against either A or B ... preferable), but cannot donate blood to any group other than AB. They are known as universal recipients.

Description : A universal donor has the blood group (1) B (2) AB (3) A (4) O

Last Answer : (4) O Explanation: Individuals with type O blood are often called universal donors. They can receive blood only from a group O individual, but can donate blood to individuals of any ABO blood group (i.e., A, B, O or AB).

Description : Universal donors are people with the blood group – (1) A (2) B (3) O (4) AB

Last Answer : (3) O Explanation: Type 0-negative blood does not have any antigens. It is called the "universal donor" type because it is compatible with any blood type. Type AB-positive blood is called the "universal recipient" type because a person who has it can receive blood of any type.

Description : A mother of blood group O has a group O child. What could be the blood group of father of the child? (1) Only O (2) A or B or O (3) A or B (4) Only AB

Last Answer : (2) A or B or O

Description : A person having AB-group of blood can donate blood to a person having - (1) A-group (2) B-group (3) AB-group (4) O-group

Last Answer : (3) AB-group Explanation: If a person belongs to the blood group AB, he has both A and B antigens on the surface of his red blood cells and no A or B antibodies at all in his blood plasma. So he can donate blood to those having AB blood group; but can receive blood from AB, A, B, and O groups.

Description : Which blood group is universal donor? (1) O+ (2) O- (3) AB+ (4) AB

Last Answer : (2) OExplanation: Universal donor is a person who is type O in the ABO blood group system and negative for gen and can donate blood to all recipients.

Description : Which of the following blood group is a universal reciptient? (1) A (2) B (3) AB (4) 0

Last Answer : (3) AB Explanation: Blood group AB individuals have both A and B antigens on the surface of their RBCs, and their blood plasma does not contain any antibodies against either A or B antigen. ... preferable), but cannot donate blood to either A or B group. They are known as universal recipients.

Description : To which group of blood an universal recipient belongs? (1) A group (2) B group (3) O group (4) AB group

Last Answer : (4) AB group Explanation: Type AB+ is the universal recipient. Although those with AB blood type may be referred to as universal recipients, in actuality, type Al3+ blood is that of the - universal recipient, whereas type AB- is not. This is an important distinction to make.

Description : If the blood group of one parent is AB and that of the other 0, the possible blood group of their child would be - (1) A or B (2) A or B or O (3) A or AB or O (4)A or B or AB or O

Last Answer : (1) A or B Explanation: Everyone has two copies of the gene for blood type (and for most other genes as well). Since O is a recessive trait that means that someone with type O blood must have two ... type O parent has two copies of the O gene, it's assured that the offspring will get one of them.

Description : A universal recipient belongs to the blood group - (1) AB (2) O (3) B (4) A

Last Answer : (1) AB Explanation: Blood type AB is the universal recipient because individuals who have blood type AB does not have the antibodies. They do not have the anti-A or Anti-B antibodies. They can receive all types of blood types: A, B, O, AB.

Description : Which blood group is universal receiver? A. Group A B. Group B C. Group AB (Answer) D. GROUP O

Last Answer : C. Group AB (Answer)

Description : A person with which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group? A. A B. AB (Answer) C. B D. O

Last Answer : B. AB (Answer)