How honour crosses were awarded to women for producing children? -History 9th

1 Answer

Answer :

A bronze cross was given for four children, silver for six and gold for eight or more. These crosses were awarded to the women who produced desirable children.

Related questions

Description : How were women discriminated on child's birth in Hitler's society? -History 9th

Last Answer : In 1933, Hitler said, "In my state the mother is the most important citizen. But in Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally." Women who bore racially undesirable children were ... Aryan women who deviated from the prescribed code of conduct were publicly condemned and severely punished.

Description : How were Polish children treated by Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : Polish children who looked like Aryans were forcibly snatched from their mothers and examined by race experts. If they passed the race tests they were raised in German families and if not, they were deposited in orphanage where most perished.

Description : Nazi youth groups for children below 14 years of age were called _______ 0 -History 9th

Last Answer : German Youngsters (Deutsches Jungvolk) for boys 10 to 14 years old; Young Girls' League (Jungmädelbund) for girls 10 to 14 years old; The League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel, or BDM) for girls 14 to 18 years old; Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) for boys 14 to 18 years old.

Description : Explain the role of women in Nazi society. -History 9th

Last Answer : Role of women in Nazi society followed the rules of a largely patriarchal or male-dominated society. Hitler hailed women as "the most important citizen" in his Germany, but this was ... were allowed to form political clubs, and schooling was made compulsory for them after the French Revolution.

Description : Explain the role of women in Nazi society. -History 9th

Last Answer : The ideal woman in Nazi Germany did not have a career outside her home. Instead, she took delight in - and was responsible for - being a wife, the education of her children, and keeping ... . Women had a limited right to training of any kind; such training usually revolved around domestic tasks.

Description : Explain the status of women in the German society. -History 9th

Last Answer : Women were within the ranks of the Nazis at the Nazi concentration camps : these were the Aufseherinnen and generally belonged to the SS. They were guards, secretaries or nurses. They arrived before the start of the war, some of them being trained from 1938 in Lichtenburg.

Description : Who were the Jacobins? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Jacobins were members of an influential political club during the French Revolution. They were radical revolutionaries who plotted the downfall of the king and the rise of the French Republic. They are often associated with a period of violence during the French Revolution called "the Terror."

Description : Why were whites backed by allied powers? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Allied Powers felt betrayed and turned against the new regime, aiding its "White" enemies and landing troops to prevent Russian supplies from reaching Germany. Result: Allied withdrawal; Defeat and collapse of ... Location: Former Russian Empire

Description : Who were the 'WHITES”? -History 9th

Last Answer : The two largest combatant groups were the Red Army, fighting for the Bolshevik form of socialism led by Vladimir Lenin, and the loosely allied forces known as the White ... diverse interests favouring political monarchism, capitalism and social democracy, each with democratic and anti-democratic

Description : What were the main demands of April Theses? -History 9th

Last Answer : So he put forward three demands, called as Lenin's 'April Theses'. (i) The war to be brought to an end and Russia should withdraw itself from the war. (ii) Land to be transferred to the peasants, thus feudalism to be banned. (iii) Banks be nationalised.

Description : What steps were taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : Germany was crushed under the harsh terms of Treaty of Versailles when Hitler assumed power. The steps taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany were: 1) Hitler assigned the responsibility of economic recovery to economist ... Japan and Italy 6) By the end of 1940, Hitler was at the peak of his power.

Description : Name the 2 scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda -History 9th

Last Answer : The two scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda were :- 1) Herbert Spencer 2) Charles Darwin

Description : Who were the Jacobins? -History 9th

Last Answer : The French Revolution was one of the those crazy events in history that, if it weren't so tragic and horrific, would almost be funny. The masses whipped themselves up into a frenzy, ... France. They supported the beheading of King Louis XVI, whereas other groups favored exiling or imprisoning him.

Description : Why were whites backed by allied powers? -History 9th

Last Answer : The two largest combatant groups were the Red Army, fighting for the Bolshevik form of socialism led by Vladimir Lenin, and the loosely allied forces known as the White Army, which included diverse interests favouring political monarchism, capitalism and social democracy,

Description : Who were the 'WHITES”? -History 9th

Last Answer : The two largest combatant groups were the Red Army, fighting for the Bolshevik form of socialism led by Vladimir Lenin, and the loosely allied forces known as the White Army, which included diverse interests favouring political monarchism, capitalism and social democracy,

Description : What were the main demands of April Theses? -History 9th

Last Answer : So he put forward three demands, called as Lenin's 'April Theses'. (i) The war to be brought to an end and Russia should withdraw itself from the war. (ii) Land to be transferred to the peasants, thus feudalism to be banned. (iii) Banks be nationalised.

Description : What steps were taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : The steps taken by Hitler to reconstruct Germany were: Hitler assigned the responsibility of economic recovery to economist HjalmarSchacht who aimed at the full production and full employment through a state fund work creation programme. Hitler got success in foreign policy also.

Description : Name the 2 scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda -History 9th

Last Answer : The two scientists whose theories were used by Nazis for anti jew propaganda were :- 1) Herbert Spencer 2) Charles Darwin

Description : What were the main causes of the French Revolution of 1789? -History 9th

Last Answer : Causes of the French Revolution: Despotic rule of Louis XVI: He became the ruler of France in 1774. He had drained the financial resources of France in wars. For the cost of his regular ... officials who were all educated. They believed that no group in society should be privileged by birth.

Description : How Germany came into the trap of 'Hyper-Inflation' situation after World War II? How were they saved? -History 9th

Last Answer : This is the answer

Description : How were Darwin and Herbert Spencer's ideas adopted by Hitler or Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler borrowed racism from thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. ... However, his ideas were used by racist thinkers and politicians to justify imperial rule over conquered people. The Nazi argument was simple: the strongest race would survive and the weak ones would perish.

Description : Which special surveillance and security forces were created by Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : Apart from the already existing regular police in green uniform and the Storm Troopers (SA), these included the Gestapo (Secret State Police) the SS (the protection squads) criminal police and ... surveillance and security forces were created to control or order society in ways that Nazis wanted.

Description : What efforts were made by Hitler to establish dictatorship? -History 9th

Last Answer : Enabling Act This Act established dictatorship in Germany. It gave Hitler all powers to establish his rule. He banned all other political parties and trade unions. Security Forces Special security forces were created to control and order society in ways that the Nazis wanted.

Description : What were the effects of the economic crisis on Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : (i) The Germany's economy was worst hit by economic crisis. (ii) Industrial production was reduced to 40 per cent. (iii) Workers lost their jobs and the number of unemployed reached six million. (iv) On the streets of Germany, men could be found with placards saying, “Willing to do any work”.

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Last Answer : The Great Depression of 1929 devastated the U.S. economy. A third of all banks failed.1 Unemployment rose to 25%, and homelessness increased.2 Housing prices plummeted 67%, international trade ... could happen again. Overall, the Great Depression had a tremendous impact on nine principal areas.

Description : How were the ideas of Darwin and Herbert Spencer adopted by Hitler or Nazis? Explain. -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler borrowed racism from thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. Darwin was a natural scientist, who tried to explain the creation of plants and animals through the concept of evolution and natural ... was the finest. It had to retain its purity, become stronger and dominate the world.

Description : What is Nazism? Why did Nazism become popular in Germany by 1930? Or What were the reasons for the rise of Nazism in Germany? Or Why did Nazism become popular in Germany by 1930? Explain. -History 9th

Last Answer : The end of World War I had changed the political landscape of Germany. Right from the beginning, the infant Weimar Republic was beset by problems.Popularity of Nazism after 1930 in Germany Nazism ... the German people from the distress of living in a time of acute economic and political crisis.

Description : How were 'Jews' referred in films? -History 9th

Last Answer : Jews were referred as Vermin, rats and pests and their movements were compared to those of rodents.

Description : Which was the most in famous film in which orthodox Jews were stereotyped and marked? -History 9th


Description : What were the 'gas chambers' called? -History 9th

Last Answer : In search of more efficient killing methods, the Nazis experimented with using the hydrogen cyanide-based fumigant Zyklon B at the Auschwitz concentration camp. This method was adopted for mass killings at the ... Up to 6000 victims were gassed with Zyklon B each day at Auschwitz. hope this helps u

Description : Which terms were used by Nazis for torturing 'undesirable'? -History 9th

Last Answer : Final Solution, Euthanasia Program were some of the terms used by Nazis for torturing undesirable in Germany. Explanation:Hitler, with his zeal to make a pure race called Aryan Race, ... Children and adults suffering from schizophrenia, dementia, encephalitic, and epilepsy killed.hope this helps u

Description : How schools in Nazi Germany were 'cleansed' and 'purified'? -History 9th

Last Answer : 1.Jew teachers were removed. 2. Students were separated on the basis of race. 3. Undesirable kids were later removed from the school and killed. 4. School books were re-written. 5. Students were taught to ... join . The 10 year old had to join ‘Jungvolk' and 14 year old ‘Hitler Youth'.

Description : Why Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. Nazi hatred for Jews had a precursor in the traditional Christian hostility towards the Jews. The Jews were considered as the killers of Christ and usurers. However, Hitler's hatred of Jews was based on pseudoscientific theories of race.

Description : Who were considered 'undesirable' by Hitler? -History 9th

Last Answer : Jews, Gypsies and blacks living in Nazi Germany were considered as inferior races, who threatened the biological purity of 'Superior Aryan' race, and were called undesirable by Hitler.

Description : What were Nazi views about Aryan Race? -History 9th

Last Answer : According to Nazis, the strongest race world survive and the weak world perish. The Aryan race was the finest, it had to retain its purity, become stronger and dominate the world.

Description : Which Security forces were created by Nazis to control order in society? -History 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who were Free Corps? -History 9th

Last Answer : The British Free Corps (German: Britisches Freikorps) was a unit of the Waffen SS during World War II, consisting of British and Dominion prisoners of war who had been recruited by Nazi Germany. The unit was originally known as the Legion of St George.

Description : Who were called 'November Criminals'? -History 9th

Last Answer : November criminals are those who supported Weimar Republic mainly socialists, Catholics, democrats as they were thought to be responsible for treaty of versailles. it was the Weimar Republic who ... were the easy targets of attack in the conservative nationalists circles, so they were targeted.

Description : Who were the signatories of the 1940 Tripartite Pact? -History 9th

Last Answer : Leaders of the Axis powers, Japan, Italy and Germany, sign the Tripartite Pact, creating an alliance between the three countries, Sept. 1940.

Description : Describe the Hitler's policy towards the Jews? Or How were the Jews worst sufferers in the Nazi government? -History 9th

Last Answer : (i) Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi-Germany. They survived mainly through trade and money-lending. They lived in separately marked areas called ghettos. They were often persecuted through ... aimed to concentrating them in certain areas and eventually killing them in gas chambers in Poland.

Description : How would you have reacted to Hitler's ideas if you were (i) A Jewish Woman (ii)A non-Jewish Woman How was Nazi ideology taught to the youth in Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : In the spring of 1945, a little eleven-year-old German boy called Helmuth was lying in bed when he overheard his parents discussing something in serious tones. His father, a prominent physician, deliberated ... eat at home for the following nine years! He was afraid that his mother might poison him.

Description : What were the main features of Nazism? -History 9th

Last Answer : Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed.

Description : What were the main features of Hitler's geopolitical concept of Lebensraum? Give three features. -History 9th

Last Answer : The main features of Hitler's geopolitical concept of Lebensraum or living space were (i) He believed that new territories had to be acquired for settlement. (ii) The settlers in new lands would be able to maintain intimate links with the place of their origin.

Description : What terms were used for 'killing' by the Nazis? -History 9th

Last Answer : In the spring of 1945, a little eleven-year-old German boy called Helmuth was lying in bed when he overheard his parents discussing something in serious tones. His father, a prominent physician, deliberated ... could be partly traced back to the German experience at the end of the First World War.

Description : On whose thinking were Hitler's ideas of racialism based? -History 9th

Last Answer : Karl Haushofer(1869–1946) was a German general, professor, geographer, and politician. Through his student Rudolf Hess, Haushofer's ideas known as Geopolitiks influenced the development of Adolf Hitler's expansionist strategies.

Description : Who were mockingly called 'November criminals'? -History 9th

Last Answer : The supporters of Weimar Republic were mockingly called as the 'November Criminals'. They were actually teh Socialists, Catholics and the Democrats.

Description : Who were considered as the 'desirables' under Nazi rule? -History 9th

Last Answer : Nazis wanted only a society of pure and healthy Nordic Aryans'. They alone were considered desirable'. Only they were seen as worthy of prospering and multiplying against all others who were classed as ... meant that even those Germans who were seen as impure or abnormal had no right to exist.

Description : What were the results of the victory of Nazism in Germany ? -History 9th

Last Answer : 1.Nazi remove the president of Germany . 2 . He made all the power in his hand and became the ruler of the country. 3. He launched Reconstruction programme. 5.He bring back the resource place of Germany which was taken away from then like Rhineland. 6.He started world war

Description : The gas chambers that looked like bathrooms, equipped with fake shower heads, were labelled as _______ . -History 9th

Last Answer : Mass killings were termed special treatment, final solution (for the Jews), euthanasia (for the disabled), selection and disinfections. ‘Evacuation’ meant deporting people to gas chambers. They were labelled ‘disinfection-areas’, and looked like bathrooms equipped with fake showerheads.

Description : Which countries were known as Axis Powers in World War II ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The three principal partners in the Axis alliance were Germany, Italy, and Japan.