State any two specific instances of human rights violations according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. -SST 10th

1 Answer

Answer :

Instances of Human Rights Violations: (i) South Africa: Apartheid The policy of racial discrimination pursued in South Africa is called apartheid. The Blacks in South Africa has been subjected to violations of basis human rights in the all fields of life- political, economic and social. Despite UNO’s resolutions, appeals and severe sanctions, racial policies continued until quite recently. (ii) Afghanistan: For nearly two and a half decades, the 30 million Afghan population have suffered much more than any other people around the globe. Plunder, destruction and molestation were rampant until the Taliban gained control in 1994. But, they emposed an ideology of their own. Women, especially educated women and intellectuals became their enemies. Flogging imprisonments were common for even minor violations of the Taliban’s strict code of conduct. Despite the end of Taliban rule over Afghanistan by USA, there is still a shortage of food and employment. The Afghans have a long way to go before they can protect themselves from human rights violations.

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