Describe three major consequences of Second World War. -SST 10th

1 Answer

Answer :

Major consequences of the Second World War are as follows:  (i) Death and destruction were enormous. At least 60 million of the people or about 3 percent of the world’s 1939 population are believed to have been killed directly or indirectly as the result of war. (ii) Millions more were injured. Unlike in earlier wars, most of these deaths took place outside the battlefield. Many more civilians than soldiers died from war-related causes.  (iii) Vast parts of Europe and Asia were devastated and several cities were destroyed by aerial bombardment or relentless artillery attacks.  (iv) The war caused an immense amount of economic devastation and social destruction. Reconstruction promised to be long and difficult.

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Description : Explain the consequences of the Second World War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Death and Destruction : More than GO million people, or about 3 per cent of the world's population, are believed to have been killed, directly or indirectly, as a result of the ... Reconstruction and Development ( popularly known as the World Bank) was set up to finance post-war reconstruction.

Description : Mention two consequences of the Second World War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) The Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan were defeated at the end of the Second World War. (ii) The Soviet Union and the USA emerged as the Super Powers.

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Last Answer : Division of the World into two Power Blocs: England and France: Though England was one of the victors, her status in the International field was lowered. Germany's occupation of France, left her ... Europe. USSR captured half of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and many parts of Germany.

Description : What were the consequences of the First World War? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Spread of Nationalism, (ii) Spread of Democracy, (iii) New balance of power, (iv) Rise of dictatorship and economic depression were the main consequences of the First World War.

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Last Answer : Two world powers emerge after World War II. When Germany lost the war, its power was curtailed, and so did Japan and Austria. The former powers, Britain and France, won the war but were not in a position to lead the world as they had in the past due to their shattered economies.

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Last Answer : America's aloofness from World politics: After the First World War, USA followed the policy of isolation and remaining away from the politics of world. She did not join the League of ... Germany and Italy to adopt violent and aggressive attitude and they ignored the League of Nations easily.

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Last Answer : Important leaders prioritized internal cooperation over war and sought to end the war. They were also determined to prevent another such war taking place in future. When Second World War ... that would be called United Nations, will take measures to prevent hostilities between member countries.

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Description : Write a short note on the effects of the Second World War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Second World War was more devastating than the first. About 3 per cent of the world's population perished, more so the civilians than the fighting soldiers. Two crucial developments ... was the establishment of international organisations like the UNO and others to maintain peace and stability.

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Last Answer : The Second World War started in 1939 and continued up to 1945. The two warring camps were : (i) The Allies consisting of Britain, France, Russia and the USA. (ii) The Axis ... difficult. (b) The establishment of international organisations like the UNO and others to maintain peace and stability.

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Last Answer : The entry of the US into the war proved devastating both for the Vietnamese and the Americans. This phase of struggle with the US from 1965 to 1972 was too brutal. Thousands of US troops arrived ... War. This is the reason why some historians consider this war more brutal than the Second World War.

Description : Identify the group of the countries, which was known as Axis powers during the Second World War? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy.

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Last Answer : (i) Unlike earlier wars, most of the deaths took place outside the battlefields. (ii) More civilians than soldiers died from war. (iii) Vast parts of Asia and Europe were devastated. (iv) Cities ... : U.S's emergence as military power in the western world. Second: Dominance of the Soviet Union.

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Last Answer : The steps taken are as follows: (i) Bretton Woods Conference established IMF to deal with external surplus and deficit of its members. (ii) The World Bank was set up to finance post-war ... system was based on fixed exchange rates. (iv) Dollar was anchored to gold at a fixed price.

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Last Answer : The Second World War shattered the British power, the USA and Russia emerged as World powers. Both these nations supported India’s demand for self-government.

Description : What were the circumstances during the Second World War which forced the National leaders to launch the Quit India Movement? -SST 10th

Last Answer : During the Second World War, there was a growing threat of Japanese invasion on India. The Congress leaders were of the view that to save India from the Japanese attack it was necessary that the British withdrew from India.

Description : After the termination of the Second World War the freedom movement entered a new phase. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Lord Wavell, then proposed Wavell's plan, which contained the following characteristic features: (i) The British Government aimed at granting Dominion Status to India in the long-run. (ii) Indians ... . It only spoke about the reconstruction of the Viceroy's Executive Council in an amended form.

Description : How was the outbreak of the Second World War an outcome of the First World War? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The treatment given to the defeated nations of the First World War was the cause of outbreak of the Second World War as the Treaty of Versailles singed after the First World War was humiliating and torturous for many countries like Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria.

Description : Explain how the Treaty of Versailles was responsible for the outbreak the Second World War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) The Peace Settlement at Paris was made in a spirit of revenge. The Germans felt that too much injustice had been done to them. (ii) The victorious powers had deprived Germany of huge ... had lost so humiliatingly. This fuelled the rise of Nazism in Germany which adopted of policy of aggression.

Description : When did the Second World War begin? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Second World War began on 3rd September 1939.

Description : What was the main principle for which the Second World War was fought? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The main principle for which the Second World War was fought was to make the world safe for democracy.

Description : Why did Britain and France become second rate powers after the Second World War? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Britain and France although won the War but became second rate powers as they were under stress and strain after the War.

Description : To what do you attribute the rise of the USA as a super power after the Second World War? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The use of atom bombs to crush Japan helped the USA to emerge as a super military and economic power after the Second World War.

Description : Name the two power blocks that emerged after the Second World War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The two power blocs that emerged after the Second World War were-the American Block and the Soviet Bloc.

Description : Name five nations that earned their independence after the Second World War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : The five nations that earned independence after the Second World War were India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaya and Indonesia.

Description : How was the Treaty of Versailles responsible for the Second World War? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) The terms and conditions of the Treaty were very harsh and humiliating. (ii) Germany was burdened with huge warindeminity. The huge war indemnity brought political instiability which gave birth no Nazism.

Description : Give two reasons that prompted the armament race before the Second World War broke out. -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Inorder to achieve territorial aims, Germany, Italy and Japan began producing fire arms, guns, war-ships, aricrats and other weapons. (ii) The Disarmament Conferences and the League of Natioons were unable to stop the armament race.

Description : Name the incident which brought the USA in the Second World War. -SST 10th

Last Answer : On December 7,1941, the US Fleet based at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii was attacked by Japan. So, America declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy.

Description : What was the issue between Germany and Polland that was a cause of World War Second. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Hitler was demanding Danzing corridor from Poland as it was inhabited mainly by the Germans. Realizing the danger, Britain and France pledged assistance to Poland against Germany. Germany accused ... committing atrocities against Germans living there and it became a cause of World War Second.

Description : Why was the Soviet Union described as a Super Power after the Second World War? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The Soviet Union was described as a Super Power after the Second World War as its empire was greatly expanded. It included half of Poland, Estonia, Latavia, Lithuania Finland and many parts of ... a dominant power in world politics and occupied the position of a leader of the Communist Bloc.