‘‘In spite of numerous advantages, there are many problems that globalisation still faces’’. -SST 10th

1 Answer

Answer :

The problems with globalisation are as follows : (a) It has sometimes negative impacts on employment and real wages. With the introduction of new technology, output is increasing but the employment opportunities are not. (b) Because of foreign technology, the problems of energy crisis, water shortage and pollution are increasing very fast. (c) It is more beneficial to large-scale producers and consequently increasing concentration of economic power.

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Last Answer : People have heard this before, so it bears repeating When someone annoys me it takes 42 muscles in my face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend my arm and bitch-slap that that thoughtless AH ... really bother me, my family and pets lurve me all the time. That's all the lurve I need!

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Last Answer : Make her pay for her own stuff. Don’t let her touch your money. If she wants expensive things she better be able to afford them herself. It’s not like you haven’t tried to compromise.

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Last Answer : Darwin provided a theory, not an all encompassing explanation.

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