What are Consumer Forums ? -SST 10th

1 Answer

Answer :

Consumer Forums are the organisations formed to guide consumer rights. They are also called as Consumer Protection Councils. Importance of these organisations are as follows : (i) They guide a consumer in filing the cases at the consumer courts. (ii) They can also represent individual consumer at the consumer courts, if required. (iii) They create awareness among people regarding consumer rights. For this, they also receive financial support from the government.

Related questions

Description : What is the role of consumer forums? -SST 10th

Last Answer : The consumer movement in India has led to the formation of various organisations known as Consumer Forums' or Consumer Protection Councils'. . They guide consumers on how to ... voluntary organisations also receive financial support from the government for creating awareness among the people.

Description : How do organisations like consumer forums help consumers? -SST 10th

Last Answer : They guide consumers on how to file cases in the consumers court on many occasions. They also represent individual consumers in the consumer courts.

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Last Answer : answer:What about this one? I had a look and it seems safe to use, quite active and hopefully will have some people who can help you with your questions. On ask-public we have many experts ... our expert? But please do stay and participate in some other questions and answers. We welcome new people.

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Last Answer : answer:Well, there are a few good math questions right here on ask-public. There are also plenty of mathematicians. Here's an interesting math discussion I started not too long ago: http: ... com/158130/if-1901111111-2902222222-3903333333-and-so-on-then-how-come-9909999999/. Option 2: Stackexchange.

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Last Answer : Meticore is a highly in-demand dietary supplement that uses nature's best ingredients to improve metabolic rate, and eventually helps maintain a healthy weight. According to the official website, this ... .com/redir/348520/Wawa97/ (remve space in between link linksly .co/agqmbm1(remove space)

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