A man goes into a cabin deep in the country. All walls within this cabin face south and are made of wood. A bear walks by the window. What color is he? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

Since all walls within this cabin face south, the only location on the face of the earth this is possible is the North Pole. So thus the bear is a polar bear and the color would have to be white!

Related questions

Description : There is a house with four walls. Each wall faces south. There is a window in each wall. A bear walks by one of the windows. What color is the bear?

Last Answer : White. If all the walls face south, the house is at the North Pole, and the bear, therefore, is a polar bear.

Description : A man builds a house with all 4 sides facing south. A bear walks past the house. What color is the bear? -Riddles

Last Answer : White, the house is built directly on the North Pole.

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Last Answer : Susy can fill the sink and watch it drain. When the water reverses direction when going down the drain, she will know they have crossed the equator.

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Last Answer : Because if he went back in time from upstairs, that would be a nasty fall because the house wouldn't have been there 200 years ago

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Last Answer : ..white...

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Last Answer : The man is a florist delievering a bouquet of flowers for the consultant.

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Last Answer : He's a smuggler.

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Last Answer : 7 eggs. The first person bought one half of his eggs plus one half an egg (3 1/2 + 1/2 = 4 eggs) This left him 3 eggs. The second person bought one-half of his eggs plus one half an egg, (1 1/2 + ... last person bought one-half of his eggs plus one-half an egg, (1/2 + 1/2 = 1 egg) leaving no eggs.

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Last Answer : The father going to see his son on death row

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Last Answer : A Bridge.

Description : A man is walking down a road with a basket of eggs. As he is walking he meets someone who buys one-half of his eggs plus one-half of an egg. He walks a little further and meets another person who buys ... of his eggs, and he never broke an egg. How many eggs did the man have to start with? -Riddles

Last Answer : 7 eggs. The first person bought one half of his eggs plus one half an egg (3 1/2 + 1/2 = 4 eggs) This left him 3 eggs. The second person bought one-half of his eggs plus one half an egg, (1 1/2 + ... last person bought one-half of his eggs plus one-half an egg, (1/2 + 1/2 = 1 egg) leaving no eggs.

Description : A woman lived in a small one storey cabin. Everything was pink the floor was pink the couch was pink the house was pink. What color were the stairs? -Riddles

Last Answer : There were no stairs, its a one storey cabin.

Description : A man walks 3 Km to his East then turns left and walks 3 Km towards North then turns left and walks 3Km towards West Indicate the correct direction in which he is in relation to his starting point: A. East B. West C. South D. North

Last Answer : ANSWER: B

Description : A man walks 3 Km to his East then turns left and walks 3 Km towards North then turns left and walks 3Km towards West Indicate the correct direction in which he is in relation to his starting point: A. East B. West C. South D. North

Last Answer : ANSWER: B

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Last Answer : It was an iron bar!

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Last Answer : The two men were stranded out in the ocean with a third man when they were beginning to stave. When an albatross landed on their life boat and died they finally had food but it was not enough to ... eat real Albatross and the man who killed himself realized that he was the one that ate his friend.

Description : What do I do if I see a big bear outside my cabin?

Last Answer : Kill it with fire! Seriously, the best thing you can do if you can't escape is to hide inside the cabin and make no sudden moves. Whatever you do, don't feed the bear, since that encourages them to forage near humans.

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Last Answer : Planning a cabin vacation at Big Bear is as simple as using your favorite internet search engine to find some of the most comprehensive cabin rental sites for this area. Big Bear cabin rental sites ... other sites that offer cabin rentals, which can be found by searching "big bear lake california".

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Last Answer : You can't. Because You don't have any food. You would go insane before one month is up. The room wouldn't provide enough oxygen for you and the rats to survive.

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Last Answer : A beehive.

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Last Answer : Wild Man Dave said: 'You will boil me in water.' The fairies were faced with a dilemma. If they boil him in water, that would make his statement true, which means he should have been fried in oil ... false. The fairies had no way our of their situation so they were forced to set Wild Man Dave free.

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Last Answer : A castle.

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Last Answer : Here take you choice on dimension for log walls ! !

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Last Answer : The man owns a Christmas tree farm where he grows thousands of Christmas trees for sale to the public. He is simply performing his annual Christmas ritual of selecting a tree, placing it in a tree stand, keeping it healthy for two weeks, and then disposing of it.

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Last Answer : Despair and Betrayal.

Description : A man walks 30 m towards north, then 20 m, towards east and in the last `30sqrt(2)` m towards south - west. The displacement from origin is :

Last Answer : A man walks 30 m towards north, then 20 m, towards east and in the last `30sqrt(2)` m towards ... north west D. `60 sqrt 2m`. Towards north east

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Last Answer : He bought house numbers! Each number is $0.50!

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Last Answer : You would say 'nine' as, 21 is nine letters long. It's quite simple actually. Eight is five letters long hence 'five' and nine is four letters long hence the word 'four'.

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Last Answer : A fly.

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Last Answer : He had a parachute.

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Last Answer : When the King opened the window, a bee flew in and landed on the only real flower to gather pollen.

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Last Answer : How can the man stab Stanley in the stomach if he's creeping up from BEHIND?

Description : A person moves from a point S and walks along the path which is a square of each side 50 m. He runs east, south

Last Answer : A person moves from a point S and walks along the path which is a square of each side 50 m. He runs east, south, ... (B) 100 m (C) 50 m (D) zero

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : It is his god father.

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Last Answer : He works in the engine room of a liner! To get to work, he walks along the decks from his cabin facing forwards, and down the ladders between decks facing backwards. However, when he finishes, he only needs to face forwards to climb the ladders again and walk along the deck back to his cabin.

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Last Answer : Blood. The man is a Vampire.

Description : A man goes out drinking every night, returning to his home in the wee hours of every morning. No matter how much he drinks, he never gets a hangover. This drink is very well known, but is rarely ... for a free drink, especially since he can't live without it. What is his favorite drink? -Riddles

Last Answer : Blood, he's a vampire!

Description : A Panda Bear walked into a restaurant. He sat down at a table and ordered some food. When he was finished eating, he took out a gun and shot his waiter. He then left the restaurant. After the ... killed the waiter. He replied, Look me up in the dictionary. What did the dictionary say? -Riddles

Last Answer : When they looked up the word 'Panda' in the dictionary, it stated, 'Panda: Eats shoots and leaves.

Description : There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs? -Riddles

Last Answer : The stairs cannot exist, it's a one-story house.

Description : A ham Sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer, and the bartender says? -Riddles

Last Answer : Sorry we don't serve food here'.

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Last Answer : They found a cabin of an airplane that had crashed there with 3 bodies in it.

Description : A man takes a basketball and throws it as hard as he can. There is nothing in front, behind, or on either side of him, and yet, the ball comes back and hits him square in the face. How can this be? -Riddles

Last Answer : He threw the ball straight up in the air.

Description : Does your face light up when your child walks into the room?

Last Answer : Oh I definately know my face lights up when I see my girls, especially after a long day and they have been at daycare all day. I get all excited to see them!!!

Description : What goes around and around the wood, but never goes into the wood?

Last Answer : A: The bark on a tree.

Description : A house has four walls a ceiling and a beam going across the middle. The front door is locked from the inside and there are no windows. There is a man hanging from a rope tied to the beam and there is a puddle of water under him on the floor. How did the man hang himself? -Riddles

Last Answer : The puddle of water under him was a ice cube that he stepped on and waited for it to melt

Description : I heard of an invading, vanquishing army sweeping across the land, liquid-quick; conquering everything, quelling resistance. With it came darkness, dimming the light. Humans hid in their houses, while ... vanished, advancing northward, the land was green and growing, refreshed. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : A rainstorm.

Description : Two cars were involved in an accident in the center of town. The man who was driving a little green car, had overtaken a big black car. The driver had misjudged the distance between him and the on ... . However, the driver of the green car was not charged with manslaughter, why was this so? -Riddles

Last Answer : The black car was a hearse and was on its way to a funeral.