What won't break if you throw it off the highest building in the world, but will break if you place it in the ocean? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

A tissue.

Related questions

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Last Answer : A peanut

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Last Answer : Sally wanted to see a butter fly!

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Last Answer : Nothing. She divorced him for never being at home.

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Last Answer : The answer will be rice because rice cannot be broken by throwing it on top but it can be broken with a tip.

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Last Answer : A cold.

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Last Answer : The answer might seem a little counter intuitive at first but we'll see... The short answer is that it is in your advantage to exchange. But why? Well initially there was a 1/3 chance that you were holding ... /3 of $20 and afterwards you will have 2/3 of $20, ie the advantage to you is about $6.66

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Last Answer : An anchor.

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Last Answer : A cold.

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Last Answer : We can catch Cold but we cannot throw it.

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Last Answer : A: Throw the ball straight up in the air.

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Last Answer : When a problem deals with a physical phenonmenon, the phenonmenon should be considered as well as the numbers given. As the water rises, so does the rope ladder. The water will never cover the rung.

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Last Answer : A Boomerang.

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Last Answer : Throw it upward.

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Last Answer : Corn.

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Last Answer : corn on the cob. you throw out the cob

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Last Answer : An ear of corn.

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Last Answer : An ear of corn.

Description : You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside.What did you eat? -Riddles

Last Answer : corn on the cob

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Last Answer : Corn.

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Last Answer : Toss it in the air.

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Last Answer : One in six. A die has no memory of what it last showed.

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Last Answer : Charcoal.

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Last Answer : Salt-cellar.

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Last Answer : A snow globe.

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Last Answer : A Clock.

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Last Answer : In the hospital.

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Last Answer : She fell back into her apartment, jumping from the balcony into the inside.

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Last Answer : The answer is infinite, in a gravity free world. But of course gravity will eventually stop it.

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Last Answer : Cold

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Last Answer : A: Cold.

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Last Answer : The Moon.

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Last Answer : A mood ring.

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Last Answer : An Owl.

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Last Answer : The queen was the white queen, and the servant who was sacrificed was a white pawn who had reached the back row of the black chess pieces—and was subsequently promoted/exchanged for the captured white queen.

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Last Answer : True love.

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Last Answer : A bridge.

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Last Answer : A cookie.