What is type of room has no windows, no furnature and nobody lives in it? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

A mushroom.

Related questions

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Last Answer : The woman was pregnant.

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Last Answer : The stranger was a baby and the woman died in childbirth.

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Description : What type of room has no windows or doors? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Mushroom ;)

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Last Answer : Nightmares.

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Last Answer : The Password is 'Different' Having the word to even have 9 Characters! D = 1 I = 2 F = 3 F = 4 E = 5 R = 6 E = 7 N = 8 T = 9

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Last Answer : She dialed 911, but she didn't really call 911 because she didn't press the Call button.

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Last Answer : Fred was driving his car through a tunnel.

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Last Answer : They were both hurricanes.

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Last Answer : I am a mirror.

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Last Answer : Elbow room.

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Last Answer : Play the piano till he finds the right key.

Description : What kind of room has no windows or doors? -Riddles

Last Answer : A closed room.

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Last Answer : A Mushroom.

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Last Answer : look in the mirror, see what you saw, take what you saw to saw the table in half, and 2 haves make a whole, so crawl through the hole

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Last Answer : Through the door way, there are no doors but a door way!

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Last Answer : Stop imagining.

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Last Answer : Mushrooms.

Description : What kind of room has no windows or doors? -Riddles

Last Answer : A mushroom!

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Last Answer : He stood on a block of ice until it melted.

Description : What kind of room has no doors or windows -Riddles

Last Answer : A mushroom is a room with no doors or windows.

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Last Answer : Stop imagining

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Last Answer : A: Stop imagining!

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Last Answer : I am your brain.

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : An Octopus.

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Last Answer : An ocean.

Description : I look flat, but I am deep, Hidden realms I shelter. Lives I take, but food I offer. At times I am beautiful. I can be calm, angry and turbulent. I have no heart, but offer pleasure as well as death. No man can own me, yet I encompass what all men must have. -Riddles

Last Answer : answer is ocean

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Last Answer : it is A Nobody hardly never sees them here.

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Last Answer : c) This will be referenced in the inspection and test plan

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Last Answer : The lowest possible numbers for our house are 19 and 91.

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Last Answer : Spider.

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Last Answer : The police officer suspects the newspaper delivery person. The absence of Tuesday's and Wednesday's newspaper indicates that the delivery person knew there was no one there to read it.

Description : I am everything. I am nothing. I can make you tremble in fear or make your sadness disappear. I've been with you since you've arrived and I will be with you at the moment you die. We've know each other for our entire lives. I know you but you create me so what am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Just a thought.

Description : First think of a person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend, The middle of middle and end of the end? ... word. Now string them together, and answer me this, Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss? -Riddles

Last Answer : Spider A spy is a person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. D is always the last letter in mend, The middle letter of middle and the end letter in end. Er is a ... hard-to-find word. And if you string them together, I doubt you would be willing to kiss a spider!

Description : A blanket of crystals that covers all. Nothing can escape its fall. It will put you to sleep in a harsh way, and you will never again see the day It's on the earth always and forever, part ... never. Floats and falls like little butterflies. Catch them and they will surely die. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Snow.

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Last Answer : An icicle.

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Last Answer : On a ranch.

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Last Answer : Spy.

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Last Answer : Sandwitch.

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Last Answer : It is his god father.

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Last Answer : Chess Pawns.

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Last Answer : The President.

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Last Answer : Drop him a line.

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Last Answer : A frog, he croaks every night!

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Last Answer : A sandwich.

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Last Answer : She is a minister.

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Last Answer : Water.