A plane crashed between the border of Canada and America. Where do you bury the survivors? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

They are survivors, you don't bury them.

Related questions

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Last Answer : You don't. They are SURVIVORS. Share this with your friends!

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Last Answer : They're survivors. They wouldn't be buried because they didn't die.

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Last Answer : The married people lived; the singles died.

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Last Answer : Answer: You don't, of course, bury survivors. If you said, "Don't bury the survivors" then proceed to the next question.

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Last Answer : They wouldn't need to, the survivors are still alive!

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Last Answer : A plant.

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Last Answer : grudge

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Last Answer : That was A-Sharp turn lad! Next time, B-Sharp for cars while turning on an intersection! Now, I gotta get Bach to the studio for my piano recital!

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Last Answer : Married couples

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Last Answer : WHAT IS THE RUSH?

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Last Answer : Oh the the Canadians will let the USA people in but a toll of $100 for each (non-refundable) will be charged at the border.

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Last Answer : It's guarded in a couple of places where there are roads. However, if you go up in North Dakota or any of those norther states (Washington, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota, etc.) there are literally ... the US state and the Canadian province are separated by a fence, if that, but no humans around.

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Last Answer : Where does your wife reside? I’m thinking ask her legislative people to look into it. This is so wrong.

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Last Answer : Canada is not a 3rd world nation.

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Last Answer : Canadian duty guidelines. US duty guidelines.

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Last Answer : Kilometres are the appropriate unit.

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Last Answer : The Great Lakes

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : The Great Lakes

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Last Answer : (4) Canada and USA Explanation: Canada, the world's second largest country, and the United States (fourth largest)share the longest international border between two countries in the world.

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Last Answer : I would imagine it’s an instinct from when their ancestors might have buried surplus meat from a hunt to keep it from other “dogs”.

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Last Answer : Dry ice so when they open it it’s all futuristic and stuff.

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Last Answer : answer:From what I know about felids, they tend to spray their urine in order to mark territory and for other various means of communication. In fact, next time you go to the zoo and watch a ... is that underlies a domestic cat's proclivity to cover up its own wastes. Any felid biologists on here?

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Last Answer : You should be able to lay that on the sandy soil sidways and it should grow roots.........it will look like strings.

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Last Answer : Bury means to bury.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : >Animals frequently create food caches (hiding spots for valuables they can later access when safe or normal food supplies are no longer available). Even though you may supply all the food your dog may ... leaner times. Burying food kept it dark and cool, an early version of refrigeration. -Dr. Ward

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Last Answer : B. Long buccal nerve

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Last Answer : She waits until the guard is inside his hut, then walks halfway across before starting to walk back. The guard, seing she has no papers, sends her 'back'.

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Last Answer : The Smuggler used two sack of sand as a distraction. So that the officer wouldn't notice that he was smuggle the bicycles.

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Last Answer : Bikes. He came to the border with a different bike everyday.

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Last Answer : Probably has to do with inventory, accounting and other record keeping.

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Last Answer : No, sorry, the internet is a bunch of wires and fiber cables and routers. The data exist at the endpoints, in those devices that would be destroyed. They're not in the wires or routers, except for tiny ... bytes if those weren't destroyed too. We'd have to re-invent the Harlem Shuffle on our own.

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Last Answer : Yup, force quit.

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Last Answer : Sounds like the hard drive has failed and some of the sectors are damaged. You could try running chkdsk which can sometimes sort a HD failure, you could try a full format which may help but in the end you may need to bite the bullet and get a new HD.

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t be surprised