How do you spell the word 'Panda' in two letters? -Riddles

1 Answer

Answer :

P and A P(and)a.

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Last Answer : When they looked up the word 'Panda' in the dictionary, it stated, 'Panda: Eats shoots and leaves.

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Last Answer : D) Read the essay aloud, in unison with the children, then leave it displayed where they can examine it 

Description : I wear a huge dark cloak, not unlike the one of a wizard, I am the opposite of warm, I don't walk-I float, I prefer to be sad, not happy. I appear in clouds, not in the sky, I can only ... path. I am a foul creature, amongst the foulest, you might call me a light extinguisher. What am I? -Riddles

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Last Answer : I am a bee

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Last Answer : "That" is the answer, we can spell 'that' without any 'r'

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Last Answer : Heart.

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Last Answer : The word pea.

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Last Answer : Woman, oman, man.

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Last Answer : Stone Remove 'St' and you're left with 'One'

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Last Answer : Few.

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Last Answer : The word 'few'. Add 'er' and it becomes fewer.

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Last Answer : Headache or Heartache.

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Last Answer : Spark.

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Last Answer : Heroine.

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Last Answer : The word 'Few'.

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Last Answer : "Heroine" is the word.

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Last Answer : Stone is the word of five letters that has one left when two are removed.

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Last Answer : I am the word Few.

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Last Answer : SHORT is a five-letter word, andbecomes SHORTER if you just add the last two letters E and R

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Last Answer : There are several words that will meet these criteria: Honey Prone Money

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Last Answer : Short becomes shorter when you add two letters to it.

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Last Answer : I am 'level'.

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Last Answer : The code is science After solving for the first note, you will get sciesnce. If you don't understand why, go to the Periodic Table of the Elements and find these elements there. From the ... with this my self when I was looking at the periodic table. Thank you for reading my Escape Room.

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Last Answer : I’m a lifeguard

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Last Answer : Bedroom! >:D

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Last Answer : Part ;)

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Last Answer : WOW.

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Last Answer : The SEE-SAW.

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Last Answer : Strength. (Others may be accepted if any).

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Last Answer : The word 'Isogram'.

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Last Answer : A Cartridge.

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Last Answer : Scarcity