When I start, I am always hungry. I can't stop until I am pleased with what I have. What am I? -Riddles

1 Answer

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Last Answer : A blink of an eye.

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Last Answer : Time.

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Last Answer : Fire

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Last Answer : I am Fire.

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Last Answer : I am the Fire.

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Last Answer : The woman had captured a mouse with a mousetrap.

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Last Answer : The universe.

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Last Answer : The letter F.

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Last Answer : Your word.

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Last Answer : Plummeting blood sugar levels?

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Last Answer : I am the wind.

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Last Answer : Your car door.

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Last Answer : Because they are stuffed.

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Last Answer : The turkey because he is always stuffed.

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Last Answer : A coconut.

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Last Answer : When it goes back for seconds.

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Last Answer : One longs to eat and the other eats too long.

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Last Answer : It goes four seconds.

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Last Answer : Answer is terminology. (It's the third word ending in gry. Usin(g) popula(r) teminolog(y)

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Last Answer : Pikachu!

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Last Answer : I am the horizon.

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Last Answer : Reflex or reflection.

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Last Answer : Gravity.

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Last Answer : We have a Roomba. It’s okay, but that’s all. We have timber floors and it doesn’t do a great job of picking up dog hair. Our ordinary vac works better.

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Last Answer : Being outspoken and not shy and demure, as females are still expected to be much of the time. Pffft! Bright, strong, funny women unite!

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Last Answer : Pingu I feel your disappointments. And I really wish your Mom would try to change. But…the thing is…dude…Dr. Pepper is just that good. : )

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Last Answer : answer:I think my mother (my parents divorced when I was very young) was pleased I turned into what she described as a fine young man . I feel she would have preferred that I'd turn ... young man. I've always demonstrated glimmers of talent, but have never worked toward achieving my full potential.

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Last Answer : Mine is a Sony Ericsson Flip Phone. it has the features i require and for some reason it seems to have better transitting range, than my wifes cellphone. i am very pleased with it. its associated with T-Mobile. good people. good product.

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Last Answer : Turbie Twist. Love it.

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Last Answer : Yessssss! I missed it and forgot to record it. Awesome!

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Last Answer : Be Pleased means to be happy.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : This question is designed to see whether you can accurately evaluate your own performance and learn from your mistakes. Focus on your learning experiences from bad performance.

Description : The accounting report indicates that Alton's sales increased by £2 millions last year. While the Chairman is pleased, the marketing vice president feels that inflation had a great deal to do with this result ... the firm's performance last year. A)net sales B)gross profits C)market share D)cash flow

Last Answer : C)market share

Description : I start the day small and round. Buried alive without a frown. I am fed and nourished where I stay, slowly growing in a patient way. Finally I break through my dark brown cage. Reaching towards a puffy lane. But I will never be truly free, from the cage that always binds me What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Seed.

Description : The fuel for life, Important parts of the day, Even if it is a long time away. Long lasting use, Long lasting fuse, Until my explosive death day. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The sun.

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Last Answer : Gone.

Description : I am hewn from Earth and Fire; But to the sky, I aspire. I am nothing but contented; Until my patient rage is vented. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A volcano.

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Last Answer : A (gold) mine.

Description : I'm here until you say I'm not. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Silence.

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Last Answer : Your friend.

Description : I have 3 eyes. When the red one opens everything freezes until another one opens again. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Stoplight.

Description : I am treated with great care until I reach my end by being torn in half. I'm a traveler. I bring both good and bad news. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : An Envelope.

Description : Many have heard me, but no one has seen me, and I will not speak back until spoken to. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : An echo.