what trees are considered to be invasive species in zone 6 and 7 of oregon?

1 Answer

Answer :

Your best bet would be to ask at a local forest service office.

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Last Answer : How long have you noticed it? Is it an actual knot you can feel? Any trauma or falls? Some people can get fat trapped between ribs, thats all I can think of off the bat. Or pulled muscle from coughing if you were sick? Maybe the doc will check in here soon. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Same answer as the last one, except in this case I’d clip them down as low as I could. Then cover with cardboard or newspaper. Then mulch heavily. No matter what, I’d cook those roots.

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Last Answer : answer:Ohboyoboyoboyoboy. If you can cover yourself from head to foot and wear gloves that you will throw away (without touching them), you can yank it out by hand. It is tedious and labor-intensive and ... the oil of the rest of your clothes. Good info here Another safe solution is to get goats.

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t even be mad. ...but the killer bees I would deploy in response would be…

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Last Answer : sounds like a mix of schizophrenia, though I'm not a professional about mental disorders but I though schizophrenia was a disorder where you had invasive thoughts, or voices that were in your head. I've ... would imagine it would be treated in similar ways to a schizo patient, but I don't know.

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Last Answer : use hot 6% vinegar on it.


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Last Answer : try using 6% heated vinegar at the root.........cut it off using heavy gloves and sharp clippers...................be careful that you don't burn yourself.

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Last Answer : try butterfly weed

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Last Answer : Those are big & strong roots.....I would not plant them near my home. My neighbor replaced 4 trellices and that was at their front gate.............they get very big....she has an entire arbor over the walkway and it covers it left over and on the right side.

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Last Answer : wait for the sun to go down..mix up 1 teasp liquid hand soap & 1 qt water and put into sprayer ................spray again after a rain.

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Last Answer : You might want to consider Western Vine Maple, th roots are shallow, and are usually no more than 4.5 to 5' in debth.

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