how can we to get rid of mushrooms in our yard?

1 Answer

Answer :

Do you have any bushes or trees to trim to let in the light............Mushrooms do not like sunlight.

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Description : We have these huge balls of mushrooms in our yard and they spread, rot, and smell. How do we get rid of them?

Last Answer : If you have to cut the grass, use a grass bag on the lawnmower as when you cut them you spread the spores. Now is the time to visit you lawn & garden store and get fuguscide and follow the directions ... very old mulch. Don't mulch anything from that area...You are going to have to bag & trash.

Description : get rid of mushrooms in yard

Last Answer : lime sweetens the ground. vinegar will kill them but will also kill the grass also but the grass will grow back. Check a bag of weed and feed to see if it including mushrooms.

Description : how to get rid of yard mushrooms safely

Last Answer : Do you have any trees or shrubs that need to be trimmed to let the sunlight in. They don't do well in sun.

Description : rid of mushrooms in yard

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : i have mushrooms in my yard and didnt have them before . what can i do to get rid of them

Last Answer : I would read the weed & feed to see if it includes mushrooms. When you cut the grass where they are use an attachment to gather the grass there, that keeps them from spreading and don't use that for mulch as it will have to bag and trash that from the mushroom area. HAPPY SPRING!

Description : How do I prevent and get rid of mushrooms/fungus in my yard?

Last Answer : They are a fungus.............mow with a grass catcher to collect the spores. Aerate the soil by hand or machine, use a slow release or water soliable nitrogen fertlizer. Mushrooms feed on pet waste, rotting mulch, old tree stumps.

Description : something to put on yard to get rid of lawn mushrooms

Last Answer : If it's only in a few places you could try straight full strength vinegar using an old pointed top mustard container and point it directly at the will kill a little grass ... the directions on the side of the container and wear old long clothes, hat, gloves, goggles and mask.

Description : How can I get rid of mushrooms in my yard

Last Answer : You could have a little drainage problem there.........but try a the label and follow the directions closely......don't spray if it is going to rain....or it is windy........... ... mask, goggles, hat & gloves, keep children and pets away from this area....................

Description : How to get rid of mushrooms growing in my new sod yard.

Last Answer : what a shame....if it's not too could use straight white vinegar in an old pointed top mustard container.......................if that does not work for you...this is a ... & pets away until a good rain washed it in....also whereever you bought your sod might even have a better idea.

Description : how do i get rid of the mushrooms in my yard?

Last Answer : a lot of rain causes it............vinegar is the only thing that is safe to kill fungus

Description : How do I get rid of mushrooms in my yard?

Last Answer : Do you have any trees or bushes that need to be trimmed as mushrooms don't do well in the sun.

Description : How do I get rid of mushrooms growing in my yard?

Last Answer : Mushrooms can be difficult but I have found a solution that works for me. They do not thrive in a nitrogen rich environment, so I use nitrogen and I have not seen a mushroom ever grow ... have eliminated mushrooms as they grow and I have not seen a mushroom reappear in the treated areas again.

Description : how do we get rid of mushrooms from growing on our lawn

Last Answer : Mushrooms are a fungus.....the only thing for a whole fungicide from the lawn & garden the label carefully and wear old long clothes, goggles, mask, ... full strength white vinegar, we use an old pointed tip mustard container to control drops close to the root.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Are yard mushrooms edible?

Last Answer : Genbug, my Greek teacher's best friend was a professor of botony specializing in fungi -- world famous kind of specialist. He told us no one should EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EVER harvest mushrooms ... have done the homework for you so you and yours can grow your own shrooms and be safe.

Description : How do I get red of mushrooms growing in my back yard?

Last Answer : very hot water with vinegar & salt................carefully use a cup and pour it on them. Be careful this will be hot. Do it again tomorrow

Description : kill mushrooms in yard

Last Answer : mushrooms usually need wet damp conditions to survive More sunlight less mushrooms in most cases. might want to think about growing edible mushrooms and sell them

Description : what kind of mushrooms are in my yard

Last Answer : They are not safe to eat............hold old is the peach tree..........does it have bad roots...........was something else there some years earlier..........and it is living off ... .....I don't know none of our peach every had this in their area. Maybe another farmer can answer this question?

Description : how to I eliminate mushrooms in the yard

Last Answer : that must be a low point in your yard....level that ground.......and the mushrooms won't have a place to get water. use vinegar to kill them.....safest thing to use.

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Last Answer : sounds like a star-nosed have to treat your lawn for grubs and they will go somewhere else to dig. They will do even more damage searching for grubs........... ... to get rid of them they have babies 1 time a year unless that litter dies, they will produce another litter.

Description : how do I get rid of mushrooms growing ion my grass in the spot where 6 years ago we removed a sunburst locust tree?

Last Answer : I think that some old tree roots are still in the ground. They have to be dug out.........and removed........might need a friend with a backhoe.

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Last Answer : I would have great fun kicking them all away then just use rubber gloves to bin them (in case they’re poisonous)!

Description : I've got a ton of mushrooms in my lawn. How do I get rid of them?

Last Answer : Why do they bother you? Mushrooms and toadstools spring up like magic all the time on lawns. If you expend lots of energy in removing what are essentially lawn ornaments or latent mulch, you will be frustrated when they return.

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Last Answer : What you need is cinnamon and black pepper mix. it will not take muck, basically, 1/2 to 1/2 of each, in powder' just before dawn, wear a mask and some gloves and lightly "Powder" these mushrooms ... take 3 or 4 tries to get them all, but you should see a dramatic change within fortnight. -Birdy

Description : how to get rid of mushrooms in your lawn?

Last Answer : Here is a helpful video on removing mushrooms in your lawn: Hopefully that is helpful.

Description : how to get rid of mushrooms in a lawn

Last Answer : when you cut the grass use a grass catcher. That holds the spores that would reproduce again and again. Use weed & feed for summer.....then fall & spring.

Description : how do I get rid of mushrooms in my lawn?

Last Answer : As soon as they appear....get out the vinegar and use an old mustard bottle, the kind with the pointed top as soon as you take the mushroom out squeeze some vinegar in the opening.

Description : how do you get rid of mushrooms growing in your lawn

Last Answer : any trees or bushes that you can trim?????????? Needs more air & sun..........use 6% vinegar using an old mustard container & squirt it on. If it hits the grass it will kill it ... vinegar. I clean the sinks with baking soda & vinegar and also down the drains to clear them and then hot water.

Description : how do i get rid of mushrooms on lawn?

Last Answer : Mushrooms are a fungus. They live on old mulch, animal waste and roots from old tree trunks. Water less, thatch and aerate the soil. Use nitrogen fertilizer, remove mushrooms that come up by hand to ... again. Do you have any bushes or trees that need to be trimmed so that area gets sunlight?

Description : How do you get rid of lawn mushrooms?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do I get rid of mushrooms without hurting grass?

Last Answer : Dig them down to the root slowly with a regular stainless steel spoon you have in your kitchen for eating cereal, pull whole mushroom from the ground slowly, they will not come back and it won't kill the grass

Description : how to get rid of mushrooms of grass

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do i get rid of mushrooms in my lawn

Last Answer : vinegar is safest to use ...called by too much water

Description : how do i get rid of mushrooms in my lawn

Last Answer : vinegar is the safest thing to use

Description : how to get rid of mushrooms from the lawn

Last Answer : if there not many.....use pure white vinegar in an old pointed top mustard container.....just drip it at the base...............................................if it is ... mask, hat and goggles, keep children & pets off where you have placed this under it has rained hard to take it in the ground.

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Last Answer : I WOULD eat them,or dry them for winter stews

Description : How do I get rid of mushrooms in my lawn

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How to get rid of mushrooms in the lawn?????

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do get rid of mushrooms in your lawn

Last Answer : use vinegar in old mustard pointed container drip on roots

Description : How do I get rid of mushrooms in my lawn?

Last Answer : vinegar is the only safe will temporary kill some grass but it will come back in a couple weeks. caused by too much water.

Description : how to I get rid of mushrooms in the lawn?

Last Answer : growing in a there a pipe underneigh the ground that could be leaking....vinegar is the only safe thing that will kill it....might temp kill some grass but that will come there a depression in the ground?

Description : How do I get rid of mushrooms in my lawn ?

Last Answer : use an old pointed tip mustard container with vinegar....and drip in on mushroom base

Description : how do i get rid of mushrooms

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do I get rid of mushrooms in my lawn

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how to get rid of mushrooms on lawn

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : getting rid of mushrooms in a garden that is safe for plants and the animal

Last Answer : use an old mustard pointed top container...put pure vinegar in it and pull out the mushroom with a glove and put vinegar right into the hole...try not to splash it you can adjust the top of the ... to use and non-toxic....bag the mushrooms and trash them.....a lot of water causes mushrooms.

Description : how to get rid of mushrooms

Last Answer : Do you have any bushes or trees that need to be trimmed as mushrooms do not like sunlight.

Description : how to get rid of mushrooms without killing my grass

Last Answer : full strength white vinegar...use a glove to move the mushroom off and into a plastic store bag on your and old pointed mustard plastic jar put vinegar and gently squeeze into the root............that's the ... any...........rinse out your spray bottle twice.........................

Description : how do i get rid of mushrooms in my lawn?

Last Answer : water it daily so that you can easily get rid of the mushrooms in your lawn

Description : We live in Godrich, On, Canada had have peach trees in our back yard. When do we trim them

Last Answer : You could trim them in the spring.....also use dormant oil fall and spring up to the bud stage............after the bud opens the bees come....I stop spraying...........just spray the trunk. Read ... in a ring away from the stem about 20 inches. You also need to check the PH it should be 6.0-8.0