How do I get rid of ants that are eating my tree?

1 Answer

Answer :

mix up 1 teasp of liquid hand soap & 1 qt spray spray in the it again.......................spray the whole tree.....................spray again and keep them could use spectracide tree spray to close the hole or some tar.  2 parts animals are termites.............3 part animals are ants....................if they are termites this will not did not mention what kind of tree  if this is termites you need something much more strong that what I mentioned.

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Last Answer : Ants can not digest dry corn meal...................

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Last Answer : mix 1 teasp liquid soap not alcohol kind w 1 qt water and spray.................when you see them again sprinkle some corn meal.on the ground....they can't digest it....

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Last Answer : On a day when it is not windy........and after the sun goes down................mix 1 teasp of liquid handwashing soap into 1 qt of water and spray it on................if it is a ... do it on a day when it it not windy. use gloves, goggles and face mask. this also sweetens the ground.

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Last Answer : Give them a treat to 2 teasp of liquid hand soap and 1 qt of water after the sun has passed............and the tree has cooled off spray under and on the leaves, the trunk and around the ground. Ants do not like this. You can also spray your grass............they will go some place else.

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Last Answer : Get Diatomaceous Earth. It is not a chemical and it will not hurt pets. It cuts and dries out ants in a few days.

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Last Answer : you can put a container of aspartame out and the ants take it back to their nest. it is deadly to the ants BUT is also deadly to honey bees. please put a lid with holes small ... agriculture and are presently suffering and endangered by the many pesticides etc. that are out there. Thank You.

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Last Answer : Our pest control man put some kind of jell in the area they were found and they apparently took it back to the nest where they all died, I guess.

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Last Answer : answer:Easy peasy. Go to the store (any DIY or large-ish grocery should do) and get some Terro Liquid Ant killer. Tear off some cardboard squares (or use the provided ones in the box) and put a dab of ... of the wall & floor where you see the ants most often. Give it a few days - problem solved!

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Last Answer : Wow, are you in the top end of Australia??? We just had a G5 Mac do a flaming burnout because of the bloody ants! Have also seen them crawl out of the laptop. When I noticed it I quickly ... USB and power port. Now I just spray the desk top periodically, hate the smell, but is working so far.

Description : How do I get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Raid traps are the best. They take the poison home and don't come back. Unfortunately, you'll probably need to do it seasonally unless you can find and destroy the nest. And even then, they may come ... so that the next set of ants to stumble upon it doesn't have a map straight through your kitchen.

Description : You guys! I have ants in my house, in my pantry, in my sugar and in my food! Do you know how to get rid of them without poisoning myself in the process?

Last Answer : Cheap ass vinegar in a squirty bottle spray around the house/area you don’t want them works for me .

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Last Answer :

Description : How do I get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Don't know about flying ants, but for the crawlers, put out some small, shallow bowls of honey mixed w. borax. The ants will lap up honey and thus drag the borax back to their nest (or at ... an urban legend around rural here). I put mine outside sliders under deck so rain doesn't dilute mixture.

Description : How to get rid of lots of ants?

Last Answer : One product I've used is called Terro Ant Killer Liquid Ant Baits. It has worked extremely well for me.

Description : How do you get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Check out the answers to the same question over there in the "Siblings" section.

Description : How do I get rid of millions of tiny ants?

Last Answer : I dont know if this applies to your situation, but: My brother and I used to put a bunch of honey in a corner or some place in the house that we werent going to go near for a day or so, if ... you could do that with a bunch of poison traps so they take it back to the nest and kill the rest

Description : How do I get rid of ants?

Last Answer : Have you tried ant traps?


Last Answer : Ants love raw dry cornmeal, put some in an used soup can and squish it sideway and put it where they are...........they go in and take some home to share and they can not digest it. They also do not like vinegar water sprayed in corners.

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Last Answer : After the sun passes off that plant and it cools off............mix 1 teasp dawn and 1 qt of water and spray, spray again after a rain and if you see them again............away from the plant.....put some raw cornmeal in a can turned sideway to keep it dry. They can not digest this.

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Last Answer : If you have ants hills the cool weather is the time to put uncooked grits, cream of wheat or cornmeal on top of the mounds, they can not digest it. someone else suggested 1/2 cup vinegar & lemon ... work for you, you need to call a professional. Best time to control them is in the cooler weather.

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Last Answer : ants can't digest cornmeal............for the could add lime and turn it in.........

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Last Answer : after the sun passes mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap w 1 qt water and spray.............repeat when necessary..........I don't like to use chemicals on food.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : put some corn meal in old plastic container with some holes in it.....ants eat it and they can't digest it.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do I get rid of ants?

Last Answer : One effective way to get rid of ants is to boil a pot of water and pour it on top of the ant hill. That usually will solve your problem.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How do I go about getting rid of ants in my house?

Last Answer : To get rid of ants in your house first you need to make sure you clean up after meals and not to leave crumbs on the counters, table or floor. second you need to get an ant spray and spray around the areas that it seems the ants are coming into your house like doors and windows etc.

Description : What are carpenter ants and how do you get rid of them if they were insects.?

Last Answer : Carpenter ants are ants that make their habitat in wood structures, like trees or homes. They are not as destructive as termites, because they don't eat the wood. An exterminator is a good idea, or you can also buy chemicals if you want to attempt to eliminate them yourself.

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Last Answer : Carpenter ants have the ability to cause a lot of destruction to the wood of a home. They burrow through and create their nests inside wooden structures. Anyone who does not wish to rid his ... is relatively safe. It does not contain the toxic fumes and residue which many commercial methods posses.

Description : What are some nature ways to rid a house of ants?

Last Answer : If you are looking for a non chemical way to rid ants in your home, remember it might not be as affective. This being said, a good chemical free ant ridder is honey because the ants get stuck and then you may dispose of them.

Description : How to get rid of Ants – Naturally, Easily and Permanently

Last Answer : Boric Acid Boric Acid works as poison and it will kill ants from your home. It is cheap and easily available nearby your areas. When Ants eats boric acids, it damages its stomachs and kills the ants ... left by others. You can use any form of talc which is easily available in your home.

Description : How to get rid of house ants once and for all?

Last Answer : It only looks like it might seem that the "domestic" ants are quite small. In reality, real insects from the tropics are found in our apartments. And they are called rather mysteriously - "Pharaoh ants ... take much less time to settle around the world. Good luck in ridding your home of intruders.

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Last Answer : Right now you can pick them off and put them into soapy hot water............................or spray the tree with 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt the ... in early spring up until the bud open once they open then I only spray that trunk. Plant some flowers to drawn the bees.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Sounds like carpenter ants.......try spectricide...........and you might need to also do a perimeter around the outside of your home, barn and other out buildings. These ants do as much damage as termites. If this does not work then you might need to call a specialist.

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Last Answer : sounds like a star-nosed have to treat your lawn for grubs and they will go somewhere else to dig. They will do even more damage searching for grubs........... ... to get rid of them they have babies 1 time a year unless that litter dies, they will produce another litter.

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Last Answer : you can pick them off and put them into soapy hot water and flush them later...................and or mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water and spray..................spray that ground..................after a rain spray again.............

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do I get rid of snails that are eating my plants

Last Answer : Use a cat food can or tuna can washed well and sink it below the dirt............fill it with beer.........they will go in and bye bye........dump that down a drain and refill with fresh stuff.

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Last Answer : for today after the sun goes down mix 2 tablespoons dawn with 1 qt water mix & spray after the sun passes the mean time they sell beetle bags..........set them up down ... again after a rain. Because we had a very bitter cold winter the bugs are going to be very bad this year.

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Last Answer : If they are aphids, hose them off. Aphids can be green, brown or black. They are soft bodied, so if you support your petunias in one hand and use a nozzle set to flat (NOT JET !!) hose ... be dilligent, check back the following day and every few days after that to make sure that you got them all.

Description : somthing is eating my Canna Lilies leafs before they unfold and what can I use to get rid of it?

Last Answer : after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp of liquid hand soap with 1 qt water and spray.....................when it rains spray again.

Description : What is eating my turnip leaves and what can I spray (organic) to get rid of them?

Last Answer : start out with 1 teasp liquid kitchen soap & 1 qt water in spray container and wait for the sun to pass over & spray.

Description : How do I get rid of caterpillar's eating my Petunia's?

Last Answer : They are probably either cutworms or tobacco worms. Both feed heavily on petunias. You can spread diatomaseous earth from a nursery-not a pool suppy store or us BT. both should be effective. Since ... could try tilling the soil in spring before you plant the beds and that should be most helpful.

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Last Answer : when sun passes over...mix 1 teasp of liquid dish detergent or hand liquid & 1 qt water mix and spray all over, inside and under evergreen....repeat as needed

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Last Answer : wait for the sun to pass over and give them a treat to 1 teasp of liquid hand soap & 1 qt water mix & spray............repeat when necessary