goats chewed up leaves and paradise stems. can i trim back and start over?

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Last Answer : Hope that you have a 6 ft fence...........I am suspecting deer & or racoons are visiting you during the night..................mix 1 qt water 2 tablespoons dawn & 5 to 10 drops of hot ... ...............and short fine fence at the bottom with slate turned sideways to keep the small rodents out.

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Last Answer : after sun goes down mix 1 teasp & 1 qt water spray all plants

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Last Answer : did you try the soapy bath.................1 teasp of liquid hand soap & 1 qt water and spray spray and get under the leaves and spray and spray the ground around it.....they do not like soap.

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Last Answer : sound like a bug took a bite.....mix after sun passes over 1 teasp liquid soap & 1 qt water mix & spray.........all the way down to the root...................

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : bees are going to be protected as they are disappearing in great number. Better to ask a bee keeper what to use that will keep them away but not kill them.

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Last Answer : We use after the sun goes down....1 teasp liquid soap & 1 qt water and spray and spray................after it stops raining, spray again. Bugs hate soapy water.

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Last Answer : a) In plants there are tiny pores called stomata on leaves and lenticels in stem which facilitate the exchange of gases. Carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen given out {during photosynthesis} and vice ... within the plant, to all parts like the stem, roots, fruits etc. in all directions.

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Description : Thick stems and thorny wax coated leaves are commonly found in which area? -General Knowledge

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Description : One trait a plant can have is either red leaves (R) or brown leaves (r). Another trait is tall stems (T) or short stems (t). A plant used in a dihybrid cross has the genotype RRTt. what is the phenotype of this plant?

Last Answer : red leaves, tall stems