Why is my grass always green with light brown tips

1 Answer

Answer :

3 inches is safe................1 inch all kinds of weeds will grow................I don't like to use the chemicals that those companies use...if you notice they wear boots doing this, children & pets should not walk on this.............you would have to use weed & feed next year and change the setting on your lawn mower

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Description : why are tips of grass brown?

Last Answer : too much rain, or cutting the grass too short. in the fall you can use a weed and feed for your season..................wear proper gear and keep children & pets off the area until it has rained hard enough to take it down into the soil.

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Last Answer : too much rain and a 3 inch cut is better......you can ariate next fall and do weed and feed.............follow the directions on the package keep children & pets away, wear old clothing, googles, gloves and a mask

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