how do you stop sprouts from growing on stumps after the tree has been cut down?

1 Answer

Answer :

The best way to stop the growth that youare speaking of is: 1/2 Bleach to 1/2 Kerosene, pour the mixture on the affected stumps [and it don't take more than an ounce]; the mixture will kill all the root system within the stump [and by the way, it will kill anything growing in the stump], it will take about a week to a week and a half to see the results. -Birdy

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Last Answer : Yes.

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Last Answer : What perfect timing; I just finished dinner a few minutes ago, and I served Brussel sprouts. I almost never cook them. I eat them raw as salad greens, tossed with a light dressing. That's what I did ... needed a delicate side dish, so I made a lemon vinaigrette. Delicious (if I say so myself!).

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Last Answer : Cheese sauce

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Last Answer : answer:Not sure how “weird” this is, but my dog loves homemade pizelles (Italian waffle cookies). Also a big fan of pizza crust.

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Last Answer : answer:Not that I’m aware of unless sprouted in a toxic environment. You could always google each seed you want to sprout individually if you were concerned but seeing as all the sprouts we eat we also eat either in plant form and/or in seed form I would be very surprised.

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Last Answer : They’re probably healthier.

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Last Answer : Depends on the variety. I just looked at Burpee’s site and they have a range of 75 to 100 days from germination.