how do you know when peas have gone through a heat? How do you know if they are ruined?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would not eat them.  When in doubt throw them out.  Next time put them unwashed in the fridge.

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Last Answer : 1. Armani 2.D End Yes 3.C End Yes 4. Aunty Jeans 5. Rockland 6. Diesel. 6. Sport 6. Various Kind of China Pants. All this Of the brand Jeans Paint Good ... Edge Before Of course Color ... s right Pants Show ... Extra Tight Pants Buy No. Waist Of Size That's right Leaving Likes Like Bought Remove.

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Last Answer : (b) ruined

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, I have snapped peas. Fresh pea pods are crunchy and they snap when you flex them to free the peas. FREE THE PEAS!!