when do I prune a rose bush that got caught in ice and freezing temp

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do u prune a rose bush. I clipped it nothing coming out.

Last Answer : Maybe it's dead. Clip the dead stems above any green shoots. We lost a lot of rose bushes over the winter here in New Jersey. Nails? Iron? It's a good idea to get a soil test prior to adding any materials to the soil. A good compost would be best substitute until you get the soil test.

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Last Answer : cause yo are dumb

Description : How long does the temp have to be below freezing to freeze the roots of large plants?

Last Answer : cause yo are dumb

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Last Answer : can you cover it with burlap to protect it. you did not mention what state you live in.

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Description : How would you argue that liquid water is lighter than solid ice, when both are compared in the same full 16oz container before and after freezing?

Last Answer : It’s DENSER

Description : When lake starts freezing the formation of the ice will start first at which point? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : This process continues until all the water in the lake is at 4° C, when the density of water is at its maximum. With further cooling (and without mechanical mixing) a stable, lighter layer of water forms ... As this layer cools to its freezing point, ice begins to form on the surface of the lake."

Description : How many joules of heat are necessary to melt 500 g of ice at it's freezing point?

Last Answer : Heat required to melt 1 g of ice at 0°C is approximately 80 cal . This is also called latent heat of fusion of ice.

Description : If water contracts on freezing, which of the following would happen? (a) Icebergs will completely float on the surface of water (b) Ice would become more dense (c) Lakes would freeze from top to bottom (d) Rocks will crack due to freezing of internal water

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : (2) stabilise the colloid and prevent crystallisation Explanation: Gelatine, being a colloid, has the property of preventing crystallization. In ice lollies and icecream this is demonstrated by the formation ... does not become grainy or sandy due to the slow crystallisation of lactose with time.

Last Answer : Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it - (1) reduces evaporation of petrol (2) increases efficiency of petrol (3) prevents freezing of petrol (4) reduces consumption of petrol

Description : Pipelines in cold countries often burst in winter, because – (1) Water freezes and expands in its volume (2) Temperature of ice is less than that of water (3) Pipelines contract in their volume (4) Pipelines expand due to freezing

Last Answer : (1) Water freezes and expands in its volume Explanation: Water expands on freezing. When liquid water is cooled, it contracts like one would expect until a temperature of approximately 4 degrees ... it expands by approximately 9%. The fact that water expands upon freezing causes icebergs to float.

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Last Answer : Top

Description : Ice and salt mixture is used as a freezing agent by manual ice-cream makers.

Last Answer : Ans: In manual ice-cream making a mixture of salt and ice is always used because salt has capacity to reduce the temperature of ice by decreasing its freezing point. That’s why ice and salt mixture is used as freezing agent in manual ice cream making.

Description : Give scientific reasons (in not more than four lines each) for the following: (i) Meat takes longer to cook on the mountains (ii) Water remains cool in earthen pitchers (iii) Ice and salt ... to sleep under trees during the night. (v) Greenhouse operators paint their glass roofs white in summer.

Last Answer : (i) Meat takes longer to cook on the mountains: The atmospheric pressure decreases as the altitude increases. The boiling point of water is 100 c at standard atmospheric pressure. At the mountains this ... of light to a maximum. And therefore white colour is painted on the roofs in the summer.

Description : What is the temperature when water and vapor are in equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure?  a. Ice point  b. Steam point  c. Critical point  d. Freezing point

Last Answer : Steam point

Description : What is the temperature when water and vapor are in the equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure?  a. Ice point  b. Steam point  c. Critical point  d. Freezing point

Last Answer : Steam point

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Last Answer : water freezes and expands in its volume

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Description : Can I safely remove dead canes from a flowering rose bush?

Last Answer : answer:If you wear the proper protective apparel, don't work from a ladder, have a companion in sight at all times to call for help if necessary, and don't upset the bees, then you should be ... off as soon as it is identified, to avoid insect infestation, rot and unnecessary stress to the plant.

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Last Answer : I'm having trouble finding anything that's attractive rather than just utilitarian. If you know someone who works in wrought iron or welding, may you could adapt something like this into a more attractive version ... ? What about using a decorative trellis to create a fence - like 3 or 4 of these?

Description : A climbing rose bush that was healthy this Spring suddenly has leaves turning yellow & wilting

Last Answer : Check the soil Ph level, rose requires at least a Ph of 5, also mix 2 tsp. of baking powder (not soda) into 1 qt. warm water, and pour the mixture around the base of your rose plants, it may ... the plant to respond. If there are no change after 4 days repeat and wait again. You should do fine.

Description : I brought in my mini rose Bush and the leaves have all turned yellow and are falling off. how can I save it

Last Answer : 1). how big is the pot where the mini-rose bush is growing in, you may need to change pots, 2). is it warm where you have it? if its too cold for the plant or too hot the plant will ... will yellow and fall off, too little water and the leaves will yellow, turn brown and then fall off. -Birdy

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Get Diatomaceous Earth. It is not a chemical and it will not hurt pets. It cuts and dries out ants in a few days.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Do you know of anywhere I'm the U.S. I can find a Rose bush to name, other than the ones that charge a lot?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : the leaves on my rose bush are all curled up towards the top.

Last Answer : First of all, thank you for serving our country and sorry to hear that you are disabled. We use composted horsemanure around the plants and some lime. Ph should be 6.0-8.0. I would cut off the ... you do some old hay or straw to keep the roots from freezing. We lost 5 rose bushes this spring.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why won"t my climbing rose bush bloom?

Last Answer : I would test the ph.............should be 6.0-8.0

Description : knock out pink rose bush has a red rose together with 4 more pink roses. Why, How????

Last Answer : They are grafted........sometimes the heavy winter does strange things to roses. I can not find any other information. I would enjoy those special roses.

Description : I clipped my mr. Lincoln rose bush months ago nothing is growin out. Do I need to cut closer to the ground

Last Answer : A lot of us lost roses bushes in the last bitter winter. I am going to do hay around mine this fall to protect them.

Description : how do I use a potato to root a rose bush

Last Answer : Need Answer