green squash lot of flowers no fruit

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Related questions

Description : why do the flowers keep falling off my butternut squash plant and there is no fruit forming?

Last Answer : carefully put mulch around them, ring them with old horsemanure and check the ph....might need lime.........

Description : Just wonder how you consider anything with a seed is a fruit, when there is a lot of vegetable has a seed like squash and bitter gourd?

Last Answer : Fruit has a botanical defintion that is different from how the term is commonly used. To a botanist, fruit is any container of a flowering plant that contains fertilized seeds.

Description : My tomato plants look great. They are dark green, vigorous and healthy. However, flowers are not forming any fruit. What is the problem?

Last Answer : A. Several conditions can cause tomatoes to not set fruit. Too much nitrogen fertilizer, nighttime temperatures over 75 degrees F, low temperatures below 50 degrees F, irregular watering, insects such as thrips or planting the wrong cultivar may result in poor fruit set.

Description : Which of the following are stems of plants which are leaf like in form, are green, and perform the functions of leaves. In addition, they may bear fruit, flowers, and temporary leaves? a) Tubers b) rhizomes c) cladophylls d) none of the above


Description : we have so many flowers but no squash

Last Answer : I would put some plain mulch around it now before it takes over............if you don't have that use newspaper..........not the coated crookneck 6.0-7.5 ... 0 You should see something start soon.....if not when plant is dry pinch back some flowers on each vine carefully.

Description : My zucchini squash plant has flowers but no veggies growing from flowers?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How can I get my squash flowers to actually produce squash? I get lots of flowers, but no suash...

Last Answer : to get the blooms to produce product, take a feather or cloth and dab it onto the center of the flower and get the pollen onto your feather or cloth and then dab it onto each bloom that will pollenate your plants. evidently you do not have the bees it takes to pollenate you plants.

Description : Why do some of the yellow flowers fall off of my squash plants ?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Is it bad that I planted squash in with my potted flowers?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : my squash plants keep loosing its flowers but not getting any squash

Last Answer : Squash needs lots of both water and sun. If your flowers are falling off, you are either lacking in one of those two areas or you have given the plant an over-abundance of water or sun. =Birdy

Description : help, the small fruit of my butternut squash female blossoms turn yellow never mature for pollination

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : summer squash leaves are yellowing and the fruit is soft

Last Answer : There are a few different possible causes for this. It could be one of the following: Squash Vine Borer The larvae feed on the plant causing yellowing and wilting of leaves. ... leaves will turn lighter green or brown. In extreme cases the entire plant can become wilted or discolored.

Description : why do my squash fruit turn yellow and die after getting golf ball size?

Last Answer : its because the flower did not get polinated. in order for the squash to grow to maturity the flower has to be polinated. remember the plant only knows survival. it thinks its only purpose is to ... away the petals and swabbed the flower inside the female and wha-la! i had full size gourds!

Description : Potassium metabisulphate is used as a food preservative for – (1) Squash (2) Tomato Ketchup (3) Fruit Juices (4) Pickles

Last Answer : (3) Fruit Juices Explanation: The potassium meta-bisuifite preservative is an additive that is commonly used for preserving all kinds of vegetables and fruit and, thus, increasing their longevity. ... longevity. It is also added to dried apples and dehydrated potatoes to preserve their edibility.

Description : Fruit colour in squash is an example of (a) recessive epistasis (b) dominant epistasis (c) complementary genes (d) inhibitory genes.

Last Answer : (a) recessive epistasis

Description : Potassium meta-bisulphite is used as a food preservative for (1) Squash (2) Tomato Ketchup (3) Fruit Juices (4) Pickles

Last Answer :  Fruit Juices

Description : Yellow flowers on tomato plants but no fruit. planted 60 days ago. What might be causing it?

Last Answer : A lack of potash. Feed fertilizer will a large middle number.

Description : why does my one Tomatillo set flowers but no fruit Its been in ground 100 Days

Last Answer : try lightly shacking the plant stems to pollinate the flowers,you can also plant a marigold close to the plant to attrack bee's to help pollinate the flowers.

Description : I'm used for a lot of things, I'm used for flowers, plants, food and sometimes for decoration, I come in different colors and shapes and I break if you don't take care of me. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : I’m glass.

Description : This thing devours all things. All man, all beasts, all flowers and trees. Even the fiery sun, and the shadowy moon, will one day be devoured by this thing. Stone it grinds, metal it bites. And it ... kills powerful things a lot. Its immortal yet it is not some type of god. What is it? -Riddles

Last Answer : Time.

Description : Why is my Zuchinni squash a light green rather than dark?

Last Answer : It could be that they aren't ripe yet. Did you happen to notice if the dark green ones that are growing were lighter a few weeks ago? Another possibility is that last year's crop cross ... the case, this year you might end up with some interesting (though perhaps not so edible) variations.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Do yellow squash start out growing green?

Last Answer : Young yellow squash start out a light yellow color and gain more color as they ripen.

Description : Why does yellow squash get turn green?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do I stop little green worms from eating my squash?

Last Answer : one teasp liquid kitchen soap and 1 qt water in a spray bottle and spray after the sun goes down.

Description : why is my green squash turning yellow on the vine

Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : my red peach tree has a lot of small fruit but will not mature HELP

Last Answer : test the PH should be 6.0 to 8.0......if low add you spray with dormant oil fall and spring? Do you fertilize in spring with very ... tree? To insure larger fruit after the buds form into fruit thin them to 6 to 8 inches apart for them to grow larger.

Description : ID outdoor plant w purple green flowers at the top, has no leaves and thick stem about an inch in diameter?

Last Answer : List of Plants With Purple & Green Leaves Plants with purple and green leaves lend a unifying feel. Persian Shield (Stobilianthes dyeranus) Persian shield plants grow in full sun or light shade. The ... . The leaves are dark green, with a purple metallic tinge on top and deeper purple underneath.

Description : Why am I ony getting flowers, no beans, on my pole green beans?

Last Answer : Do you have a male bean plant somewhere in your garden? If not, then the bees have not worked over your plant. -Birdy

Description : How do you get tomatoes growing in pots to proceed from flowers to fruit?

Last Answer : might need should be 5.5-7.5...............................add composted horsemanure....................


Last Answer : PH for tomato is 5.5 to 7.5 rotate your crops for 2014

Description : my egg plants gets flowers but then they fall off and dont set fruit?

Last Answer : too much rain and not good run off

Description : Will all of the flowers on my grape tomatoe plant make fruit?

Last Answer : No, not all of them. By the way, you need to have the flowers pollinated in order to see the fruit. Usually its Bees that does this trick or a male plant (or female plant), the reason why your flowers are dying off is the lack of pollination. -Birdy

Description : please help, have fruit tree that flowers,goes straight to pit.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why doesn't my zucchini produce fruit from the flowers?

Last Answer : Healthy plant, good flowers, no fruit.

Description : Which fruit has flowers inside ?

Last Answer : Figs have fig flowers inside the fruit.

Description : Explain in one word "the tree that bears fruit but does not bear flowers" ?

Last Answer : A tree that bears fruit but does not bear flowers.

Description : What is the expression of a tree that bears fruit but does not bear flowers ?

Last Answer : The tree that bears fruit , but does not bear flowers - vegetation.

Description : First and the heaviest flower drop in fruit plants occurs due to : a. Structural defects in the flowers b. Lack of pollination c. Non fertilization d. All of the abov

Last Answer : All of the abov

Description : Which type of flowers can not produce seeds and / or fruit? Pistillate Perfect Hermaphrodite Staminat

Last Answer : Staminat

Description : Pentamerous actinomorphic flowers, bicarpellary ovary with oblique septa, and fruit capsule or berry, are characteristic features of (a) Liliaceae (b) Asteraceae (c) Brassicaceae (d) Solanaceae.

Last Answer : (d) Solanaceae.

Description : Pineapple (Ananas) fruit develops from (a) a multilocular monocarpellary flower (b) a unilocular polycarpellary flower (c) a multipistillate syncarpous flower (d) a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a common axis.

Last Answer : (d) a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a common axis.

Description : Which of the following is controlled by Gibberellic Acid? a. Prevention of the loss of flowers b. Vegetative Growth c. Ripening of fruits d. Fruit fall

Last Answer : d. Fruit fall

Description : Which of the following is controlled by Gibberellic Acid? a. Prevention of the loss of flowers b. Vegetative Growth c. Ripening of fruits d. Fruit fall

Last Answer : d. Fruit fall

Description : I found geen caterpillar in my patio tomatoe has eaten a lot of the leaves and eating the green tomatoes

Last Answer : itn is na cut worm pick them off and destroy treat plant with 7 dust to prevent re-infestation

Description : I have a lot of garlic that has green sprouts on them in the refrigerator and are not slimy & are still good to use

Last Answer : Nothing will happen if you eat the green sprouts. Matter of fact, the Native Americans mostly want their garlic to have those sprouts for cooking purposes. It is perfectly natural for Garlic to sprout, and all of Garlic is edible -Birdy