What kind of root system does the double flowering plum tree have?

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Description : how to root a small branch from a plum tree

Last Answer : You can grow a plum tree from a branch by cutting a branch that is about 15 inches long and about pencil width. You will need to dip it into rooting hormone and then plant it in composted soil ... very damp in the beginning stages. Here is a video that will give you some further information.

Description : My italian plum is throwing yellow plums from new growth, could this be the original root stock?

Last Answer : If the branch that bears the yelow fruit comes from below the graft it is indeed the root stock. Usually not as flavorful as the plums on the grafted tree.

Description : Write a note on double fertilization in flowering plants?

Last Answer : In this method pollen tube nucleus helps to carry the two sperm nuclei into the ovule. One of the two sperms fuses with egg to form diploid zygote and other sperm nucleus fuses with the ... gamete at a time fuse with two female cells, therefore this fertilization is called double fertilization. 



Description : What would happen if I put a 1 kilogram of sugar in a plum tree?

Last Answer : 38 or more years ago.

Description : When do I fertilize a plum tree

Last Answer : a little lime & composted horse-cow manure in the spring.

Description : What can I do to save my fruitless plum from an unseen insect that is eating the leaves and killing the tree?

Last Answer : for this now. wait until the sun goes down and the tree cools off and mix up 2 tablespoons dawn & 1qt of water and spray, get under & on the leaves, if it rains do it again. in The fall ... then spray the trunk. I stop because of the bees. We plant flowers to draw the bees for polunation.

Description : can you plant a plum seed to grow a plum tree?

Last Answer : THey would take years to grow and some don't do well, they are usually grafted and grow in full sun need to be sprayed fall & spring into bud stage.......one buds open I only spray the trunk. You need bees for polunation so also plants flowers for the bees. PH 5.0-6.5

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Description : how can i tell if my satsuma plum tree is male or female ?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how do you grow and care for a plum tree?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : My plum tree has dying branches & cracked bark.

Last Answer : Sounds like it might have been hit by lightening. I would wait until the fall to trim it. Most trimming is done in the sping. If you hit green wood it is still alive. Also use dormant oil ... Also clean off the hand saw when you cut the branches so you do not spread anything to another tree.

Description : Is there something I should do to prevent the plums from falling off my plum tree

Last Answer : The tree is probably shedding an overabundance of fruit naturally. To let the fruit mature properly use the old fashioned fist method to cull your fruit. Remove every fruit within a fist length of another fruit. This allows them to get to their full size and ripeness while still on the tree.

Description : what bug is eating fruitless plum tree

Last Answer : Use sevin for now.........................in the fall dorment oil abd again in the spring

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : the edges of the leaves of a 3 year old fruitless plum tree are black, and dry....i dont know if it is a plague

Last Answer : Not plague, just in need of some water at the root system. -Birdy

Description : what is a wild plum tree

Last Answer : I would test the soil for ph...needs 6.0-8.0..............it should be sprayed with dormant oil fall and spring up to the bud............when the bud opens I do not spray ... when you see baby plums you need to leave 10 inches between plums to make the rest grow bigger. Lime sweetens the ground.

Description : what to to when some branches of plum tree have black knots fingus

Last Answer : You have a wild plum tree somewhere near you.................that is what the forrester told me................keep a close eye on that fungus...................but you probably need to feed this ... horse or cow manure.......keep it away from the tree............the snow & rain will take it down.

Description : what causes the leaves to fall off of a plum tree?

Last Answer : after the sun goes down mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap w 1 qt water mix & spray....maybe need to be repeated. in the fall dormant oit sprayed when the leaves fall off.

Description : Is my plum tree salvageable? It is infested with worms that are eating the fruit.

Last Answer : It should be trimed every early spring. for right now you can mix 2 tablespoons dawn 1 qt water and spray.............spray again when you see them....spray the leaves, the ... we use lime every year because we had our soil tested we also add composted horsemanure around the tree every spring

Description : Should I cut the dying branch off my plum tree?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do u get rid of ants on the plum tree?

Last Answer : On a day when it is not windy........and after the sun goes down................mix 1 teasp of liquid handwashing soap into 1 qt of water and spray it on................if it is a ... do this...do it on a day when it it not windy. use gloves, goggles and face mask. this also sweetens the ground.

Description : why are the leaves of my plum tree curling

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : the plums are falling off my plum tree.the second year im loosing plums. what is the cause

Last Answer : to increase productivity, thinning the crop will be necessary. Will give you a much high quality & large fruit. For peaches, nectarines, plums & apricots, leave only 1 fruit per 8 to 10" of limb space. Thin ... year.........we had it tested and they said because of this we can never add too much.

Description : what causes plum tree leaf curl

Last Answer : after the sun goes down and the tree cools off, mix 2 tablespoons of dawn & 1 qt water and spray it good on & under the leaves.........in the fall start the dorment oil..........again in the spring up to closed bud stage........once the bud is open, I only spray the trunk. Happy Summer.

Description : How do I get rid of some fungus type looking stuff on branches of my Italian plum tree

Last Answer : Two ways, first: You can burn cedar branches and direct the smoke to your infested tree, or, Second: You can spray the tree with a mixture of vinegar 20%, vegetable oil 20% and water 60% with a ... max. and wait a day between the sprays. You should see the results in about 2 weeks, -Birdy

Description : a branch broke off a plum tree loaded with green plums, can they rippen, if so how do I do it?

Last Answer : The plums have to rippen on the tree. If the branch only partially broke and is still getting some nurishment from the tree the plums may rippen, but ifit broke entirely off you jusst haveto throw the plums away because the will not ripen.

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Last Answer : 1) (I) and (II)

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Last Answer : I am not a botanist but that looks like the flower of some species of dogwood tree.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Sounds like it could have been hit by lightning....................use spectricide tree spray to close that.........

Description : How do I get rid of flowering cherry tree sprouts in lawn

Last Answer : you could try hot salt water.....straight vinegar.....if that does not work.......you might have to use a trowel and dig them out before they get bigger....after a rain is the best time to dig or pull................

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : I've cut my concord grape vine down to nothing and it comes back every year

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Last Answer : sounds like too much rain does this have enough drainage.

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Last Answer : The tree is putting all its energy on producing the flowers for the next generation. The shock of the cold weather coupled with the apparent lack of water has triggered a survival mode in the tree itself. ... in one spot). Do this for about 2 weeks and you will see a noticable difference. -Birdy

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Last Answer : http://www.grapestomper.com/recplum.html

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Last Answer : The Sugar Plum Fairy is one of the characters in The Nutcracker. She's not technically the lead, but in a way, it's kinda all about the Sugar Plum Fairy - the lead, Clara, is just a child ... by a young woman) so the Sugar Plum Fairy is giving more technical demands. She is the sovereign of sweets.

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Last Answer : answer:I bet that wine is good. I bet it would be good in a sangria. Mmmm. My brother-in-law makes a delicious plum b-b-q sauce with a little ginger, lemon juice and hoisin sauce (I ... too hot for you). I wonder if you could make plum/apple sauce substituting plum juice instead of apple juice?

Description : I have a plum, can I open up the pit and plant the seed?

Last Answer : It might, but don’t expect it to bear fruit consistent with the quality of that plum. If you liked the plum and want more of them, but a high quality plum tree.

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Last Answer : Oh, yea! Thats what makes them so “interesting”.