Should i pinch new growth between the limbs of a tomato plant?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you want the plant to produce large tomatos then pinch them off, however, on the reverse side of the same coin, you will get more tomatos (a higher yield) if you let them grow.   -Birdy

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Last Answer : a)accommodation

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Last Answer : How to Make Pinch-Pleated Curtains If your windows look bare and boring with regular curtains, you should dress them up with pinch-pleated curtains. They are lovely and stylish, and best of all, they're ... curtains. Just try these easy tips, and you'll get fantastic results you'll be proud of.

Description : Vegetables are cooked in lesser time by adding a pinch of salt while cooking because (1) boiling point of water increases (2) latent heat of vaporization of water decreases (3) latent heat of vaporization of water increases (4) boiling point of water decreases 

Last Answer :  boiling point of water increases

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Last Answer : too much rain this year. try after the sun goes down 1 teasp baking soda 1/2 liquid hand soap & 1 qt water and spray your plants ....................repeat when it rains.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Usually fruit trees are grafted to root stock. the root stock is disease resistant and more vigorous than the trees' natural root system. Those are two reasons for grafting. You can tell if it was ... fruit, and my surrounding plants are not shaded by a huge tree. I swear by this method now.

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Last Answer :  Modified fore limbs

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Last Answer : IMO cherry or grape tomatoes would probably work best. I haven’t tried that technique but I’d think anything much larger, than let’s say roma, might run the risk of damaging the stalks or getting knocked off, especially in bad weather.

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Last Answer : Previous question