My son wants a lizard, but I don't want to get any animal that I need to feed other aniimals to. Are the any lizards that don't eat bugs, worms or nice?

1 Answer

Answer :

All reptiles (I think) need a source of protien. You might be able to get pellets or a vitamin for that, but I'm not sure. Worms/larva are a good option, cause you don't get attached to them, but mice and crickets are like pets on their own. :)

Related questions

Description : I live in Texas and small lizards keep comming into my home. How do I get rid of them?

Last Answer : I suppose you could get a hawk or a bigger lizard & just let them roam free. Could make for a fun real-life nature show.

Description : I'm thinking about getting a monitor lizard. Do they bite? How easy are they to keep?

Last Answer : Yes they do bite and it was recently discovered that both monitor lizards and iguanas produce venom. A bite from a monitor lizard causes swelling and can result in excessive bleeding. There are about ... they will first strike with the tail and then bite. Most injuries occur from their large claws.

Description : Can lizards absorb water through their skin?

Last Answer : Desert dwelling lizards definitely absorb water through their skin. Lizards are also able to extract water from the food they eat, Researchers have discovered that the Australian horny devil and the ... Water is funneled through the body through these tubes into the mouth where it is swallowed.

Description : My son wants a reptile for a pet. I'm considering getting him one, but I hate the idea of feeding it other animals. Are there any reptiles that don't eat bugs?

Last Answer : There are no known snake species that are vegetarian. You might consider one of the varieties of land tortoises, iguanas, chuckwallas or uromastyx (hard to find). Iguanas eat leaves, buds, flowers ... to feed them live ones. Pet shops have dried and powdered insects that help make feeding easier.

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Last Answer : All reptiles need insects, but you can feed them canned ones so it's easier to keep them, and not have lots of crickets around you house. :)

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Last Answer : Can't find any information on that. Why not ask a breeder or contact someone at your local zoo to find out if it's okay to adopt an older ball python.

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Last Answer : We've done quite a bit of research on sexing a steppe runner lizard and it appears to be very difficult to do so. One comment I've read states that males have thicker necks than females, ... . Even breeders and experts have difficulty. If you find any credible information, please share it with us.

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Last Answer : They are large scales below each ear hole in the Green Iguana. They are called the sybtympanic plate. They have no function except that they distinguish the Green Iguana from other species of iguana.

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Last Answer : Febreeze has a chemical composition and may not be safe for animals. Although the ASPCA toxicolgy reports febreeze safe around pets except birds, please keep a close watch on your pet. Your quick response ... , he will not know the difference between what is safe for your pet or can do harm.

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Last Answer : When an iguana is submerged in water, it holds its breath. This can be up to 30 minutes or so. But don't leave your iguana unattended in the water as they cna suffer from lack of oxygen if it is used up and drown.

Description : My steppe runner male lizard is, I believe, stressed bc of my other male lizard. He's really skinny, shedding but I have to peel him sometimes, won't open his eyes at all even when I pick him up, ... and everything. I seperated the lizards. He's,still Blahh though. What else can I do to help him?

Last Answer : You've done the right thing by separating the lizards. Make sure the new enclosure has the proper lighting and has a warm area (100 degrees fahrenheit) and a cooler area (75-80 degrees fahrenheit). Try ... to do is to take him to an exotic animal vet to make sure there are no health issues.

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Last Answer : Yes, you should cool it, but do so gradually as sudden change can hurt your pet. Have a thermometer in the tank and check it regularly to make sure the temperature is correct. If you have a heater in ... or some type of shade over the tank. Use a fan to gently blow cool air towards the tank.

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Last Answer : Hibernation in reptiles is called brumation. Some bearded dragons will "brumate" in captivity. During this time, the dragon will try to bury himself in the coolest part of the enclosure and remain ... scarce. In captivity they don't experience these changes, but some retain the instinct to brumate.

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Last Answer : The only way to tell the age of a full-grown bearded dragon is to ask the person in the pet store. You can determine age more easily in the first year of life by the length of the dragon's body. For example, up ... 11-18 in.; at a year old, 16-22 in. Beyond a year old, ask the breeder or pet shop.

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Last Answer : The list of names to choose from is quite long. You can name a pet after something you are interested in or a favorite of yours. Here are some names to give you an idea: Bubba, Checkers, Clancy, Bismarck, Beans, Alexander, Einstein, Itzi Bitzi, Rocky, Murtle, Snapper.

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Last Answer : It really depends on the lizard itself. But geckos and skinks like to be taken out and played with. Chameloens and slower so you have less of a chance of loosing them, but they could care less about being taken ... to get one and handle all of them (it might be awkward, but it's totally worth it!).

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Last Answer : Sometimes, especially during winter months, re-eared sliders eat very little, so I don't believe one day of not eating is cause for worry. You can try tempting him with a variety of foods - ... , Romaine lettuce, grapes, strawberries, squash, apples. Make sure the water is clean to avoid illness.

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Last Answer : Bearded Dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and vegetable matter.When they are young they eat isects for the most part but as they grow, they will start to eat more ... kiwi papaya melon apples grapes dates peaches apricots strawberries (seeds removed) plums bananas (peeled)

Description : what is the proper etiquette for male grooming in the lizard world?

Last Answer : No, I think they just puff up their beard/skin to show off. :)

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Last Answer : Girl: Spyro Saphira Balerion Arwyn Rosenquartz Boy: Drogon Rheagal Viserion Gleader Thorn Mushu Draco Smaug Falcor Elliot Reptar

Description : Do Iguanas swim underwater? can they hold their breath for long periods of time?

Last Answer : The green iguana can hold its breath underwater for up to 30 minutes. It swims by holding its legs close to the body and using its tail to propel itself through the water. The marine iguana can hold ... underwater for about 80 minutes. Not to worry, the iguana is smart enough to come up for air.

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Last Answer : Providingl the correct temperature is very important for the lizard's health. You may have to purchase a special heating and lighting lamp. Different types of lizards can require specific needs for ... time. Check with your supplier as to the proper heating and lighting equipment for your lizard.

Description : How can I make a pet chameleon, a Jackson's chameleon, who is chilling in his cage, change color?

Last Answer : Changing color is dependant on a number of things such as mood, temperature, light and more. Female chameleons don't change color as often or as strikingly as males. Try holding a mirror up to your ... suspect that your chameleon is ill, you should take him to a vet that specializes in exotic pets.

Description : Geckos have special ridges on the pads of their fingers that help them stick to walls, can they walk upside down?

Last Answer : The leopard gecko doesn't have the sticky toe pads and lives mainly on the ground. But other gecko species can walk across the ceiling upside down without falling. The geckos toe pads have millions of fine ... naked eye. The toes curl upward so that the gecko doesn't get stuck and can move easily.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Geckos are in the reptile family while salamanders arer amphibians. Very young salamanders live in water. As adults, which can take a long time to happen, they live in material such as soil which can be kept moist. Geckos are land creatures that require very warm habitats.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Blue tongued skinks make great pets because they are calm, hardy, easy to handle, fun to feed and pretty darn cool! Although they can be found as pets all over the world, blue ... is mimicking other animals that use aposemitism and fooling predators into beleiving its something that it's not.

Description : My pet iguana has developed lumps on his back and his walk is a bit strange. What is this from?

Last Answer : The lumps could indicate MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease). MBD is caused by poor or incorrect diet and environment. Your iguana should be seen by the vet to determine what is causing the lumps while the problem is still treatable.

Description : If you worked at a zoo or alligator farm, and it was your job to feed the 'gators, crocodiles, or Komodo Dragons (giant flesh-eating monitor lizards) -- what animal would you feel most comfortable feeding it? (see details)

Last Answer : You’d feed them animals already butchered. Thaw out frozen chicken, fish, hot dogs, etc. Fortunately, they’re reptiles and need a lot fewer calories than mammals of comparable mass. I wonder if Purina has a Gator Chow?

Description : Do lizards have object permanence?

Last Answer : It's been argued that animals themselves don't imagine a thing even has existence until it moves. This of course is demonstrated frequently by the way a prey creature freezes when caught in the sight ... shown to return to a communal den year after year but this is probably more a homing instinct

Description : Is there a way to get rid of lizards from your room, besides chasing them out :P ?

Last Answer : Where do you and your lizards live? Most are harmless and non-venomous. A draconian solution is to bring inside kingsnakes and racers, hawks, roadrunners, (skunks and badgers will eat the eggs) or some ... beetles, spiders, termites - at least the ones in Missouri do Why not live and let live?

Description : Why do lizards run away when they see egg shells at home ?

Last Answer : Many people know that lizards run away when they see egg shells. Studies have shown that the shell of an egg can cause lizards or any other reptiles to escape because it acts as a natural ... shells also protect trees from insects, which is why many people scatter egg shells around plants. Thanks!

Description : Why are lizards called reptiles ?

Last Answer : The lizard is a reptile of the Cordata episode. The characteristics of the reptile class are: It moves on the chest. The skin is dry and scaly. All four feet have five toed nails. All of the above features can be seen in the lizard. This is why lizards are called reptiles.

Description : How do lizards get stuck on the wall ?

Last Answer : Lizards and many insects are stuck in the wall. Ever been jealous of them ? If you could walk through the walls you could become Spiderman. The lizard has thousands of fine hairs on its feet. ... the scenes in the movie, while climbing the first wall, Spiderman's hair came out like a thorn.

Description : $ Electric ray fish is also called Torpedo ! Dinosaurs are also called Thunder-Lizards.

Last Answer : $ Electric ray fish is also called Torpedo ! Dinosaurs are also called Thunder-Lizards. A. If both As and ... is wrong D. If both As and R are wrong.

Description : Considered the following four conditions (A-D) and select the correct pair of them as adaptation to environment in desert lizards. The conditions (a)

Last Answer : Considered the following four conditions (A-D) and select the correct pair of them as adaptation to environment in desert ... (a), (c ) D. (b), (d)

Description : Why can lizards run so fast?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Are basilisk lizards a carnivores or a herbivores or omnivores?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What would happen the population of rock dwelling lizards if all the rocks are removed from a desert ecosystem and turn in the animals which eat them?

Last Answer : the lizards sadly would die and maybe snakes or other reptileswould eat them

Description : Are lizards sexual or asexual?

Last Answer : sexually

Description : What derived character is shared by lizards and wolves but not frogs?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What can eat lizards?

Last Answer : Younger lizards may eat insect larvae, including mealworms,waxworms .Herbivourous lizards may eat fruits vegetables likeavocados, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, turnip greens, Okra,blueberries, dandelion greens, cantaloupe, bok choy

Description : Why do lizard's Bury itself?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What are the adaptive features of lizards?

Last Answer : tanraj is a rebel

Description : What can eat lizards?

Last Answer : Younger lizards may eat insect larvae, including mealworms,waxworms .Herbivourous lizards may eat fruits vegetables likeavocados, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, turnip greens, Okra,blueberries, dandelion greens, cantaloupe, bok choy

Description : What are the adaptive features of lizards?

Last Answer : tanraj is a rebel

Description : Are lizards carnivores herbivors omnivors?

Last Answer : It depends on the specific species. There are some species oflizard hat are exclusively carnivores, some that are herbivores,and a few that are omnivores.

Description : What is the plural possessive form of lizards?

Last Answer : A lizard's tail.Five lizards' tails.

Description : Are lizards arthopods?

Last Answer : No. Arthropods are invertebrates, such as Spiders, lobsters, etc.

Description : Do lizards change color?

Last Answer : how strong are anole's suctioncups