I want to get a rat. Is it better to get a male rat or a female one?

1 Answer

Answer :

It really doesn't matter unless you want to breed them. Males are just a bit smarter when trainging though. :)

Related questions

Description : Are there personalities different? I'm only getting one. Should I get a male or a femaie?

Last Answer : Male rats called bucks are usually laid back creatures. If males fight they do so to gain position in a pack, but rarely cause injury. They enjoy being held and will cuddle. Females (does) ... a different personality. Sometimes, just looking at them helps you decide, whether they are male or female.

Description : I know there is rat food that I can buy. Is there something special about it? You see rats eating from the garbage on TV. Can I feed my rat leftovers?

Last Answer : It's best to feed rats the commercial mixes made specifically for them. They are available in most pet shops. You can add a variety of fruits and vegetables along with cooked meat, ... foods, anything that contains caffeine, carbonated beverages or dried corn. Always check food for freshness.

Description : I have a guinea pig and I'm thinking about getting a rat. Can they be put in the same cage?

Last Answer : No. They can become aggressive with each other and you would wind up losing one. They also have different diet and cage requirements. They are best left each in his own cage.

Description : I have a rat and I let him out of his cage on a regular basis. He can still get into his cage to get food and water. Is there any way to get him to use his cage as a bathroom too? I'd be happy to set up a seperate litter box if that would work. I really don't like him going where ever it suits him.

Last Answer : Rats are usually clean animals and will choose one area of the cage as a bathroom. Place a shallow litter pan in that area. Use recycled paper as litter unless you're using it for bedding. Then choose from ... ll get the idea. When you see him using the pan, praise him lavishly and give him a treat.

Description : I have a pet rat and I'd like to get him some toys for him to play with while I'm not around. What do you suggest?

Last Answer : Like all rodents, rats are chewers. They need to chew hard objects to wear down their teeth. Non-toxic, untreated wooden blocks make great toys as well as other chew toys. Mazes, boxes, digging areas ... , they don't present any dangers of choking or causing obstructions if you're not there to help.

Description : I have a pet rat. I know that people say and neuter cats and dogs all the time and it helps their longevity. Is the same true for rats? Should I be spaying mine?

Last Answer : No, I don't think you should spay and neuter them. You should do it for larger animals like rabbits and sometimes guinea pigs, but not rats. :)

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Last Answer : Sooner or later, everyone is faced with such a problem as the presence of rodents in the house or in the garden. Mice and rats live not only in private and country houses, occasionally ... . Therefore, this device is one of the most demanded, popular products on the innovative technology market.

Description : I adopted 2 female dumbo rats a week ago. They are just over 5 weeks old. They are in a three tier wire cage with food bowl, water bottle, house and rat safe toys. One of them was skittish at first ... . I feel bad that she's so scared. Do you have any advice on how to make her more comfortable?

Last Answer : You'll have to be patient. With some pets it takes quite a while to win their trust. Don't make any sudden moves around her. Keep offering her treats, perhaps something you can place on a finger ... she can see you. Each animal has its own personality. With time and patience she should come around.

Description : content:

Last Answer : What is the question?

Description : My rat has an upper respiratory infection. He needs antibiotics. I have pills from the vet. How do I give them to hime?

Last Answer : You can crush the pills and add a little water. Place in a syringe and in the rat's mouth. If it tastes good to the rat, he'll take it when you slowly empty the syringe. Or wrap your rat in ... in the rat's mouth. If nothing works, you may have to have the vet help you administer the medication.

Description : I just got a pet rat. He's great, except that he poops in his food bowl. What can I do to get him to stop?

Last Answer : Try changing the type of bedding you're using. Move the food bowl to a high level in the cage. Change the type of bowl you use for food or the litter tray. Or try feeding at specific times ... immediately reward him with a tasty treat. Ignore him when he poops elsewhere. He'll soon get the idea.

Description : My rat never bit before. He's been my pet for six months. Why would he start biting me all of a sudden?

Last Answer : Have you made any changes in his environment? Is something scaring him? When you pick him up, make him feel secure by supporting his back legs. Perhaps spending more time with him will help. ... fix the behavior. If you continue to have problems, you might want to consult an animal behaviorist.

Description : Lately, my rat doesn't seem to want to drink. He's eating fine. Should I be concerned?

Last Answer : Are you absolutely sure your rat is not drinking when you're not observing him? If you think there's a problem, try changing the water often. You can also try a different bowl or water nozzle. If nothing works and your rat's behavior indicates a problem, have him examined by the vet.

Description : Rats are supposed to be really intellegent. I have a rat and I'd like to ptty train her to only go in her cage. How do I get her to do it? Is it possible?

Last Answer : Um... You can't fully potty train any living thing. You can buy a guinea pig potty and put it in their cage and they will probably get used to using that. But they will still go on the carpet, floor, etc.

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Last Answer : C&C cage with lid... google it, it's a really good idea if you can get the supplies... and inexpensive...

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Last Answer : Of all the easily available rodent pets, rats are the most intelligent and most trainable. As to their interactions with other species, I have no idea.

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Last Answer : Anothe female but younger and if possible the same full grown size or smaller. Your female dog will teach it that she is the alfa female and a younger dog will learn this. If not the other dog will take ... Alfa female or male in the house, if not alot of jealousy and fighting. I hope this helps. D

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Last Answer : Not specifically, no.

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Last Answer : Whoever came up with that bullshit should not discuss gender issues anymore. They probably shouldn’t be left with kids either.

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Last Answer : I don’t know why but ladies over here thought I’m a female / couldn’t decide whether male or female. I came to know about this confusion couple of days back. I think I can guess them pretty well. Can’t be 100℅ sure though.

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Last Answer : The problem is, we passed “looks alone” when a political affiliation was mentioned.

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Last Answer : How about an openly atheist president?

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Last Answer : Probably because men are driven by their sexual urges more than women are.

Description : How do I determine the correct female clothing size as a male?

Last Answer : answer:How do I determine the correct female clothing size as a female? Women’s sizing is a freaking nightmare. Can you go into a local Hot Topic and try on comparable (same brand and style) hoodies?

Description : When having a Dr. appointment for a physical does it or would it bother you whether you have a male or female Dr?

Last Answer : answer:My GP is a female and I am fine with it. I actually prefer it since women seem to be less judgmental. I also always took math classes in college with female professors since they seemed ... my bits and no awkward boners. And my downstairs is currently running at 100% thanks to female doctors.

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Last Answer : Both sexes have fallen for the stereotype. Ignore them all and go with your gut.

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Last Answer : Forget locking myself out, What in the hell am I doing outside at noon in my birthday suit in the first place that is what I want to know. Blush??? The freakin neighbours would think I was on drugs being outside in the buff at that time of day.

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting question. Where it fails is that men are susceptible to breast cancer as well as women; it's just less common. If the transgender female has insurance, why shouldn't she be ... issue when it comes to getting a mammogram, especially if there is any concern about breast cancer.

Description : Do you prefer a Male or Female doctor, is it important to you or not ?

Last Answer : I prefer older (50+) male doctors, but I’m not sure why. Just do. I wouldn’t refuse to see a female doctor; it’s just not my preference.

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Last Answer : Because gaming is gay, man.

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Last Answer : I guess part of it is luck. To be alpha, obviously you need to be at least decent looking, and then the confidence is up to the person themselves.

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Last Answer : I couldn’t twerk if a million dollars were on the line. I have small buns which are not prehensile.

Description : If you are a gay couple and won a trip or cruise but it was clear the setup was for male/female couples would you still go?

Last Answer : I would. A male/male or female/female couple is every bit as legit as a male/female couple.

Description : Do you think that society views male virginity differently from female virginity?

Last Answer : I think it's kinda sweet myself, but yes, I think a lot of people think male virgins past a certain age are either total nerds or complete social losers, really sad. Females I think, can still ... for being a 40 year old virgin. Of course there can also religious beliefs factoring in for both too.

Description : Why does my male cat smell the spot where the female cat was sitting?

Last Answer : I believe that there’s still scent-marking going on, even amongst the fixed. Might be that.

Description : Whether or not it's politically correct, do you prefer to read about male or female protagonists in fiction, and why?

Last Answer : Well, I can not read. I only read Manga, and in that genre, I do not have a preference.

Description : What would the effects (implications?) be if every male and every female in the world looked exactly the same?

Last Answer : answer:I would think that humans would have evolved a much more acute sense of smell. and that it would probably be considered quite normal to sniff each other when we met. I would also expect that tattoo parlors would do great business.

Description : Large age differences in male/female friendship (specific situation)

Last Answer : answer:I have to ask: why are you putting gasoline in a water bottle lol? You're going to have to ask him. He could just be a cool guy that also wants to hang out with someone, or he could ... nice guy that also happens to like you. Just because he's older doesn't mean he's strange or something.

Description : Bisexual people, which are you more sexually attracted to, the male or female physique?

Last Answer : Female. Or really, really fit male.

Description : Today, is it proper for a female to send flowers to a male?

Last Answer : Anytime the credit card isn’t overdrawn.

Description : Is it true that a hive is made up of male and female bees?

Last Answer : answer:She is the only reproductive bee, the rest are workers that have various jobs to support the colony. I don't know how a new queen is chosen in the event of the old queens death. Bees are ... all the branches in the tree around their hive and they also drink from a birdbath in my yard. :-)

Description : Are there such things as female and male sounds?

Last Answer : I associate the sound of a hammer hitting something or a power tool with being male. I use these things but when I only hear the sounds, I think “some guy’s building something”

Description : How did male and female evolve from an asexual organism?

Last Answer : It is not clear that they did. The two forms of reproduction could have developed separately.

Description : Why did nature cause male and female to evolve, when the best method would have been to continue to asexually reproduce?

Last Answer : Why do you assume that asexual reproduction is “the best method”? I, in fact, would argue that evolution indicates that it’s not the best method to get the gene pool mixing.