
1 Answer

Answer :

How about some of these: Rascal, Brunhilda, Cheeky, Pepper, Cruella, Krabby, Moxie, Ghengis. Those are a few names that could describe a naughty guinea pig.

Related questions

Description : My guinea pig is overwhelming my dad.

Last Answer : How is your guinea pig being naughty? With patience and treats that your guinea pig really loves, you can train him. Try getting him interested in something else when he's doing something unacceptable.

Description : Whats your guinea pigs favorite snack?

Last Answer : Apple, pear , melon lots of seeds and oats . Alfalfa hay is great , fresh blossom from the garden, fresh flowers and herbs . if you feed straight from your or a friends garden, make sure no chemical feeds/killers have been used in the surrounding gardens.

Description : content:

Last Answer : All animals do.

Description : I just got three guinea pigs (we're fostering them), they seem to like celery, carrots and strawberries. Is there anything else they really like? Or don't like? I heard they are lactose intolerant, is that true?

Last Answer : The most important food for guinea pigs is hay, timothy or meadow grass, as it contains the fiber they need and they enjoy it best. There's a long list of foods to avoid - potatoes, avocado, ... are weaned, milk and other dairy products can give them problems and should not be part of their diet.

Description : I'm thinking of getting a guinea pig for my daughter. I want to get her a cuddly pet. Are guinea pigs a good choice

Last Answer : Yes, if you spend a lot of time with it and are gentle. But a couple won't whatever you do, most aren't though. :)

Description : I noticed my guinea pig half hopping/limping...does this mean his leg is broken? How do i know if my guinea pig is feeling pain?

Last Answer : A broken leg is very painful. But most animals hide their pain well as a defense mechanism. Too often guinea pigs will jump out of children's arms and land on the floor, injuring a leg. Simple fractures ... to sit on the floor and handle gently.That way there's less danger of injury to the animal.

Description : What are some good guinea pig names? Anything will help!

Last Answer : We had a guinea pig and named him Fluff. Eventually we got him a friend and called her Puff. I loved the names Fluff and Puff. You can also be ironic and give your pig a name like Butch, or Clyde. ... sweet animals. No matter what you name him or her, you'll have a lot fun with your new friend.

Description : What will your guinea pig do for food?

Last Answer : I used to have one that we allowed to roam freely. (he was a fab little fellow that peed only in his cage;). To get food, he would HIDE in the kitchen for looooooooong periods of time under ... was a sweetie. Now, our Glinda .squeals with delight when ever she hears the veg bags moving around.

Description : I give my guinea pig veggies, but she won't eat them. The only thing that she eats is the guinea pig food that I get from the pet store. Should I be concerned? Is there a way to get her to eat her veggies?

Last Answer : In the wild, guinea pigs feed on fruits and veggies. It's important to feed a guinea pig as close as possible to its natural diet. Fresh fruits and veggies are an important source of Vitamin C as ... Perhaps cut down on the other food and try offering small bits of a variety of fruits and veggies.

Description : I feed my guinea pig food especially created for guinea pigs. Does he need anything else in his diet?

Last Answer : Guinea pigs, like humans, don't manufacture their own vitamin C. Your guinea pig needs fresh foods high in vitamin C to remain healthy. Some fresh foods to include are red and green peppers, ... can also give him a liquid vitamin C children's supplement. Liquid is easier to administer than tablets.

Description : Anything on guinea pig care would be appreciated! Cages, food, toys, breeders, beds, hay, water bottles, dishes, etc. FYI- I will probably make a C&C cage. :)

Last Answer : We have a pretty comprehensive article on Guinea Pigs in The Pet Wiki. It should cover what you're looking for: Good luck!

Description : I have wanted a guinea pig for a long time. I've done almost a year of reasearch, but my dad won't let me get one. How can I convince him to let me have one? All reccomendations would be helpful. :)

Last Answer : We have a great article on convincing your parents to let you get a pet. Here it is: Good luck! I hope that you can show them that you're responsible and they let you get your guinea pig!

Description : We've had our guinea pig for over 3 years. All of a sudden he started chewing on the bars of the cage. What's going on?

Last Answer : He could be bored. Let him out of his cage more, give him toys. Hope it helps!

Description : I've had my guinea pig for four months. He has never warmed up to me. Why is he so scared? What can I do to make him like me?

Last Answer : Treats, but it might just be his personality... :(

Description : I'm having trouble deciding which i should get. What are the pros and cons of each?

Last Answer : For both guinea pig and rat, the initial expense can be high for cage and accessories. They are both interesting to watch and both are gnawers. Both need exercise and handlling out of the cage. They should ... pigs are larger and eat more. They both make good pets - the choice has to be yours.

Description : My Guinea pig feels very warm and is behaving differently, slower and less attentive. What can I do if he has a fever and the vet is closed?

Last Answer : If your guinea pig has a fever he will probably become dehydrated. Try offering him some grated apple or small pieces of orange. DO NOT medicate your guinea pig on your own. If your vet ... small animals and can be very sensitive to any medications which should only be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Description : content:

Last Answer : If you have a large enough cage, your guinea pig will get some exercise especially if there are toys available to keep him/her busy. But they do need to use their muscles to keep fit and trim. If ... feeding too much. Cut back about 10% of feed - that and the exercise should pare down the pounds.

Description : Do the illogical minds of others fascinate you?

Last Answer : The mind is a fascinating thing to me. We all have remarkably similar physiology but our behavior differs wildly. What seems illogical and bizarre to one person is everyday reality to others. Yet as different as people are, there’s no one who has ever experienced something that no one else ever has.

Description : Guinea pigs scratching nonstop?

Last Answer : Is the vet a possibility? That would be your best bet.

Description : How can I make my guinea pigs to stop fighting each other?

Last Answer : Next time give em both baths.

Description : Is it legal to eat guinea pigs in the United States? Specifically, Tennessee?

Last Answer : yes no one will care.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Any dog, given the opportunity will attack a guinea pig. Guinea pigs are prey animals and dogs naturally go after prey. However a dog can be taught, with patience, not to bother or to attack the ... a good idea to leave them alone together - supervise whenever the guinea pig is out of the cage.

Description : I have a guinea pig and I'm thinking about getting a rat. Can they be put in the same cage?

Last Answer : No. They can become aggressive with each other and you would wind up losing one. They also have different diet and cage requirements. They are best left each in his own cage.

Description : We've had our guinea pigs since they were babies. They're full grown and seem to be pretty plump. What is the ideal weight for a guinea pig?

Last Answer : Adult guinea pigs weigh between 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 lbs. If your guinea pig is overweight, cut down about 10% of his food until he reaches the proper weight. In addition, you can try to exercise him more.

Description : Do guinea pigs poop still smell if you clean the cage weekly?

Last Answer : My friend had one............she cleaned it several times a week and it still smelled............she took it back.................

Description : are guinea pigs allowed eat peanuts?

Last Answer : no they are not

Description : How do guinea pigs get energy?

Last Answer : They get it form the food they eat.

Description : Where are wild guinea pigs on the food chain?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Do Guinea pigs close there eyes to go to sleep?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How do guinea pigs get energy?

Last Answer : They get it form the food they eat.

Description : Which one of the following can covert glucose to vitamin C? (A) Albino rats (B) Humans (C) Monkeys (D) Guinea pigs

Last Answer : A

Description : When is the best time for you to be all sorts of naughty?

Last Answer : Usually when my day at work is done and I’m heading home. While cycling I already get worked up and start thinking if what I’ll do once I get to home. After I arrive I immediately, without asking, start to push all the buttons. The other people in the elevator always give me an angry look though…

Description : How often do you use the word 'naughty'?

Last Answer : People with little kids toss the word around regularly depending on the varying dispositions of their own little criminals & my little girl was such a revelation that the word is still ingrained in the forefront of my lexicon 30 years later.

Description : What's your favorite naughty snack?

Last Answer : this

Description : Has anyone else ever noticed the "naughty" connotation of the Fluther logo?

Last Answer : Haha! I’ve never thought of that. I could tell you some

Description : If you were to give into your naughty impulses, what would you do?

Last Answer : I would tell my son and his wife exactly what I think.

Description : So... Have you been naughty or nice this year?

Last Answer : Been mostly nice, but you can’t go not being naughty at all. Let’s see if I can remember some moments… Well anyway, I’ve been both naughty and nice to my younger siblings (especially naughty when provoked by my younger brother), and nice to my teachers and friends. :)

Description : Have you ever entertained inappropriate, lustful or other kinds of naughty thoughts about a religious person or figure?

Last Answer : Once upon a time, I dated a seminary student. Does that count?

Description : When you're looking for something to eat around midnight, do you feel naughty?

Last Answer : I don’t usually have a midnight snack,but I did have a chunk of Chocolate Napoleon awhile ago.It was very rich but PDG! I feel no remorse ;)

Description : What is the ultimate naughty joke ?

Last Answer : Your mom jokes? For some reason, with the right timing, they can still be funny after so many years.

Description : I am something that the naughty boys use to draw on, girls write beautifully on the side, you have to clap my defeaters every day, and I stand dumbly as the young children cry. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A chalkboard. (When the young children cry, it means they are crying for a turn to write the answer and the defeaters are the erasers)

Description : What do you call a naughty turkey? -Riddles

Last Answer : Dinner.

Description : What did the queen bee say to the naughty bee? -Riddles

Last Answer : Be-hive yourself!

Description : naughty boy Bobby His Mom Be careful By Gave Like She Ever Cellar The door No. Opens. If She It is Opens Then She Such Things Will see Which His To see Talk Not one day When His Mom Outside Gone , he Cellar The door He opened it What? Saw ?

Last Answer : Yathan Wicked boy Bobby Cellar The door Thulal , he Them Living Room And In the room The window With Outer Garden To see He got it Before Ever All this Didn't see Because His Mom Him Lifetime 3 Cellar Stuck Kept.

Description : In the olden days naughty boys often dip pigtails in what?

Last Answer : In the olden days naughty boys often dipped pigtails in ink.This is often a word sentence found in crossword puzzles.

Description : How many chickens, pigs and cows have you eaten so far?

Last Answer : Great question. I think it's probably difficult to estimate our own personal consumption. The best method is probably to take national statistics to give us a very rough estimate using population. The ... in looking at the business of producing meat, and the tremendous suffering that is involved.

Description : Why were dogs spared to not be eaten, but pigs weren’t?

Last Answer : Dogs are useful as hunting implements.

Description : Why does my sow eat her baby pigs and what can I do to stop it?

Last Answer : answer:Pigs tend to do that, usually because of malnutrition. My best guess is to simply take the piglet and try feeding it away from it's mother, if ... orphan pigs. I hope you save and help them. Peace!

Description : What can I do about a Sow that is eating her new baby pigs?

Last Answer : answer:I grew up in a rural area in Illinois (some 50+ years ago, before factory farming was the norm) and I have heard of this. It's called savaging. I did a little research when I saw ... them with a sow from another breed will affect their purebred status, as long as a healthy diet is provided.

Description : Can we compare the Snowden saga to the old kids' fairy tale, "The Three Little Pigs"?

Last Answer : answer:I think it's a bit of a stretch, the US isn't threatening another country, they are asking for cooperation. And Snowden is no innocent off to visit a Grandma and hijacked by a wolf. If anything ... to be mindful of who helps him across the river lest he gets tossed in the air and snapped up.