My budgie named emma is in the same cage as a male budgie. They may have mated but I didn't see it happen. Emma is pooping huge disgusting yellow poop and she is pooping a lot. I am not sure why, but she might be "pregnant". I saw a glimpse of an eggbum. It is about a cm bigger then normal. I saw her shivering and she seems to be tired. Her nose is pinkish light brown and dry. Is emma pregnant? Plz tell me of you know.

1 Answer

Answer :

Not sure about the pregnancy. But poop color sometimes indicates what your bird has eaten. The liquid and soft stool shows there is a problem. Some reasons are toxins in the body, a bacterial or parasitic infection, kidney or liver disease, stomach upset from something eaten and more. Your bird should be seen by an avian vet to determine cause and treatment.

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Description : content:

Last Answer : Birds can molt several times a year. But there could be other reasons for pulling out feathers. Is it very dry in your home? Check your bird's skin to see if it's flaky or if there are ... an excessive amount of feathers, the best solution is to have him examined by the vet to determine the cause.

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Last Answer : The crop as you know if the organ where food is stored. The crop can grow to the size of a golf ball. Since they are wild, there's not much you can do if there is a problem although you can call a wildlife preservation group for more information.

Description : A few months ago, I noticed my budgies have a bump under their feet. Now, I have know idea why it has grown bigger and it doesn't look like the normal type of bumps seen on birds.

Last Answer : If the bump looks so abnormal to you, then please take your budgie to an avian vet to determine what it is. If it has grown, it might be a tumor.

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Last Answer : It doesn't sound like anything abnormal. If your budgie's behavior has changed, if she's not eating, has loose droppings, then you should take her to an avian vet for evaluation.

Description : Bird lethargic barely breathing legs stiff

Last Answer : Yes, canaries can have seizures. Causes can be exposure to toxic odors, chewing inappropriate items, ingesting toxic foods or plants, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies, trauma, diseases. If your bird ... s/he should be examined by a veterinarian ASAP to determine the cause and recommend treatment.

Description : content:

Last Answer : Peacocks in the wild live about 20 years, although some have even reached 40 years of age. Barring accidents, illness or being attacked by predators, they can live long, healthy lives.

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Last Answer : Without an actual photo it's difficult to determine what type of bird it is. There is an Australian dove called the "Diamond Dove" which is similar to your description. This seems to be the closest to ... These doves spend a lot of time walking around the bottom of the cage. I hope this helps you.

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Last Answer : If a feather is cut too short, it can bleed profusely. Apply one of the following to staunch the blood flow: styptic powder, corn starch, corn flour or other flour. Apply liberally. There is a product ... pain. I would take the bird to the vet for a checkup to make sure it will heal properly.

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Last Answer : Are you sure that it's mother is not around? Sometimes they will leave the nest & come back later. If you don't see a nest, place the bird in a small box with a towel or something to keep it ... could be dangerous. A bird that size would only need tiny amounts of food and would have to be fed often.

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Last Answer : It's possible for chlamydia (psittacosis/parrot fever), bird flu, salmonella, Newcastle disease virus(NDV) to be transmitted from birds to humans. But there is no evidence of human diseases being transmitted to birds.

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Last Answer : Unless your cockatiel is very young, 6 months or less, it's almost impossible to tell its age or that of most birds. An avian veterianarian may be able to give you an educated guess, but it's only a ... pets, I have one too. Just enjoy him. Some will learn to say a few words or imitate whistles.

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Last Answer : If the wing hangs lower than the other wing, it may be injured or broken. If your bird is having difficulty or can't fly, that's an indication of a break. Take your parakeet to an avian vet before the damage worsens.

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Last Answer : It's important for the bird to use the cuttlebone as it not only supplies some nutrients, it helps to keep the beak trimmed. Try offering a new or different cuttlebone and see if that helps. Give your bird some ... chew on. If the bird's beak is growing too long, it must be clipped by an avian vet.

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Last Answer : All birds can have seizures. There are a number of reasons why they occur. Seizures can be caused by medical problems such as a tumor, infection, heatstroke, toxins, nutritional deficiences, injuries and more ... If your bird has a seizure, have your vet examine him/her ASAP to determine the cause.

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Last Answer : It's normal for female birds (hens) to lay eggs sometimes. Your bird hasn;t been exposed to any male birds so the egg is infertile. You can remove the egg and dispose of it. If your hen ever ... will sit on it for the incubation period. If not you can place it in an incubator until it hatches.

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Last Answer : There are ready made mixtures containing fruits and veggies at your pet supply shop. You can also offer him pieces of fresh fruits and veggies and see which ones he likes best. Use organic fruits and veggies to ... treat or some hard boiled egg yolk, but not too often as they contain a lot of fat.

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Last Answer : Male parakeets have a blue or purplish cere. The cere is the area at the top of the beak where the bird's nostrils are. In females, the cere is pink or brown. Sometimes behavior is an indicator of gender, but is not always reliable. Males have been known to chatter endlessly to a mirror.

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Last Answer : Please answer meeeee PS: They live in the same cage

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Last Answer : Sounds like she needs to go out more than three times a day. Have you considered crate training?

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Last Answer : Is she spayed? If not this is probably the number one reason. She’s letting it be known she’s ‘ready to go’. If she’s already spayed then you need to work on letting her know it’s ok for a new cat to be in her space.

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Last Answer : Well just like people their needs change as they age. Your bird is getting older and might need a few changes in his routine care or diet. Here is a site for some advice on caring for aging birds.

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Last Answer : Uh…....what’s a budgie? I don’t want to google it.

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Last Answer : Budgies lay about 4-6 eggs at a time. You would have to ask a breeder what color your blue and green parent budgies would have.

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Last Answer : Budgies normally click their beaks, usually a sign that they are relaxed. While the clicking sound is often loud, it's not cause for alarm. If the day was that hot, make sure your budgies are not in the ... a tub of water in the cage (not too cold). Some budgies enjoy a gentle spray of water too.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : I have kids and a dog. Puddle of Mudd Puddle of wet wins (loses?) every time.

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Last Answer : I can send you a pic

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Last Answer : answer:Tell him to hang up his clothes, problem solved. And personally, if I had a boyfriend who was threatening to leave me because my dog was having a problem, I would get rid of him ... eliminated the possibility of a physical/medical problem? If so, use common sense in correcting the problem.

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Last Answer : If this is a very recent change, you may want to visit the veterinarian to rule out any bladder or G.I. tract troubles.

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Last Answer : The only time my cats go bonkers after pooping is when they have a “cling-on” (a piece of poop stuck in the hair around their anus). Other than that, no clue.

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Last Answer : One of my kitties started doing this, it seemed she was VERY fussy about a clean litter box. Ever if it was still relatively clean, she'd not want to use it for some reason - she would only ... ever used to doing her business in the garden before, and now she's started using a litter box recently?

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Last Answer : Try completely (avoid anything with a strong smell) cleaning and refilling the box with the usual litter. The new stuff may have had a smell, or even texture that the cat didn't like. Some are very ... Most do not like change and can get upset when things are suddenly not to their liking. Good luck!

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Last Answer : My guess would be that the hedgehog is scared shitless when she is being picked up by a human and because she gets stressed she empties her bowels.

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Last Answer : …What happened to him at you friends house?

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Last Answer : Is she a ‘percher’? That is, is she perching on the edge of the litterbox so the poo goes on the floor right next to it?

Description : How do I get my cat to stop pooping everywhere?

Last Answer : Maybe you should try to re-train her to use the litter pan. I’ve never had to do this, so I can’t give you any pointers on potty training cats.

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Last Answer : Well. Green means you’ve been drinking something with a dye that your body can’t digest. Gatorade, grape soda, etc. Water means that you’re pregnant.

Description : How often does your peeing or pooping not go as planned?

Last Answer : I never plan. I just wing it

Description : Why is my rabbit pooping white stuff

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what can i use in flower beds and around outside of house to keep cats from pooping there

Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : crap, poo, dung, solid waste...

Description : Why does my 8 week old kitten keep pooping on the sofa?

Last Answer : At 8 weeks old, kittens have just started to deal with their own droppings, instinctively burying them. Even when they are much older, some outside cats will never consistently cover their feces. They may ... , except that when loose dirt is available, they may yield to the urge to bury their mess.

Description : What can I do, other than continuing to pay huge vet bills about my 5 year old spayed female cat who keeps getting urinary tract infections?

Last Answer : answer:I’d say try another vet. Other than that there is not much you can do. Maybe put down puppy pads. I have a $10,258 cat. That $258 was just last month. She’s only nine. I justify it by saying she is cheaper than a kid.

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Last Answer : Male Atlas Moth has huge antennae that can detect pheromone released by female moth from a distance of A. 1 km B. 3 km C. 5 km D. 8 km

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Last Answer : I’ve heard of it being used at a commune but that was an outside toilet. It’s hard to imagine that anyone is going to come up three flights into an apartment to pick up your poop;

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Last Answer : No. They are made to fit the stirrup on a saddle and provide full foot and ankle protection below the chaps.

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Last Answer : Wooden shoes, also known as clogs.

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Last Answer : The dog adds a scent to his feces.

Description : Did you hear about the train of NYC poop stranded in Alabama?

Last Answer : Yes, I read about it. Reminds me of the NY garbage barge that traveled from port to port in 1987. Seems much of Alabama feels there shouldn’t be laws restricting waste disposal, until something like this happens.