May 9th 1865 was the end date of what?

1 Answer

Answer :

American Civil War

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Last Answer : How many Africans were captured and forcibly transported during the entirety of the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

Description : The war fought between 1861 to 1865 between the Northern United States and the Southern United States was called

Last Answer : The Civil War

Description : Did Austria occupied Mexico 1865?

Last Answer : no

Description : In 1865 to deal with all of the former slaves in the South Congress established?

Last Answer : Freedmen's Bureau

Description : What statement best describes the south by the spring in 1865?

Last Answer : The south was in ruins. The land was scorched and cities burned.The men were wounded or dead and the money was bad.

Description : What were the congressional republicans angry when congress gathered for its session in December 1865?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What caused Union General Gouverneur Warren to be relieved at the US Civil War Battle of Five Forks in 1865?

Last Answer : The April 1865 Battle of Five Forks was a Union victory that led to the Union operations to break through the Confederate field fortifications protecting Petersburg. At Five Forks, the Union ... the postwar general in chief, General Sherman disagreed with the court and wanted Warren punished.

Description : What did Union Major General William T. Sherman report to General in Chief US Grant in March of 1865?

Last Answer : By the middle of March 1865, Major General William T. Sherman had been a significant factor in reducing the military structure of the Confederacy. He was able to report to General US Grant that the railway system had been destroyed along with enemy arsenals in Columbia, Cheraw, and Fayetteville.

Description : How many casualties did the Confederates suffer at the 1865 US Civil War Battle of Bentonville?

Last Answer : Between March 18th and the 21st of March, 1865, Confederate General concentrated his forces at the Battle of Bentonville in North Carolina. The Rebels lost 2,600 troops, many of them captured. The Union had 1,500 casualties.

Description : Which city was the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy until 1865?

Last Answer : Turin

Description : Who discovered the thermodynamic property “Entropy” in 1865?  A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics  B. First law of thermodynamics  C. Second law of thermodynamics  D. Third law of thermodynamics

Last Answer : Second law of thermodynamics

Description : American Women got the right to vote in: (a) 1865 (b) 1920 (c) 1945

Last Answer : (b) 1920

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Last Answer : (a) 1848

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Last Answer : Ides of March

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Last Answer : Computers are the new slaves. When we get true artificial intelligence then we will have another civil war for computer rights. Yes I think slavery would have eventually be abolished or moved onto another group ie computers.

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Last Answer : Interesting question but ultimately I believe that the timeframe allows for too many factors to then arise that could have changed history in unforseen ways. So for a what if scenario, thoroughly possible, but is it for certain? Hardly.

Description : When did last Ice age come to an end? What was its result? -History

Last Answer : About 13,000 years ago, last Ice age came to an end. As a result of this favourable conditions for growing crops prevailed.

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Last Answer : Magnus Magnusson’s “Scotland:the Story of a Nation” is worth a look and it is quite readable. It was published in 2000 so isn’t right up to date.

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Last Answer : Is that a holiday there or just a celebration day? I could suggest searching for George Washington Carver to learn and appreciate the man. Basically he was a Black scientist who was born as a slave. And also I’m really curious about that CRT post :P

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Last Answer : Generally yes. The Yucatan asteroid impact was confirmed from sea bed core samples in early 2021 -

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Last Answer : What is this for? Is this a homework assignment?

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Last Answer : We don't do homework but we can put you on the right path. Why don't you make a list from your textbook of Horace Mann's educational goals and ideas and then think about how they relate to ... know them. Who is in charge? Who designs the curriculum? What subjects are taught? How is it funded?

Description : Are death squads considered local mercenaries?

Last Answer : Not usually. You need pretty loyal people to start going around killing people. They can be loyal for fear or chemical dependence or social status or lack of options and they’ll be better for such awful work than paid professionals. If you can buy killers, killers can generally be bought.

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Last Answer : No.

Description : Is there death squads before the 20th century?

Last Answer : Absolutely, in one form or another. Extermination of opposition has been a theme throughout history, at least since the period of empires. This tends to take the form of pillaging, cultural destruction, ... used liberal amounts of terror and violence to keep people in line, or just wipe them out.

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Last Answer : No doubt mafia is there. Dealing with Ukraine

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Last Answer : I feel deep Pride. There are many great people and accomplishments in my family tree.

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Last Answer : I don’t know anything about African countries’ record keeping but I have read several authors who were able to trace their lineage back through enslaved ancestors to tribal affiliation. I am amazed by some of the genealogical work that is being done.

Description : What do you think of the idea of paying reparations to the descendants of slaves?

Last Answer : First - this will never pass. @LostInParadise: Are they going to give money to all slave descendants, including the wealthy? Besides not happening, the idea of what form reparations would take is ... just another injustice. Slavery is not history. It's the foundation that we all walk on today.

Description : Have you ever tried to research your family tree?

Last Answer : I have not. I sometimes think it might be a good idea, but then fail to care about it that much. My aunt, on the other hand, spent quite a bit of time on it over the years and traced relatives back to the 1500s.

Description : Can you help me fact-check my history textbooks?

Last Answer : They seem mostly true, albeit simplistic, with a little Nationalistic propaganda to help it go down better. America was a collection of colonies, and colonial history was necessarily exploitative. Those ... too powerful to be controlled, and wealth was too entrenched to cede power across the ocean.

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Last Answer : I’d say burning liquids launched by catapult or trebuchet. Have some boiling oil or a potful of heated tree pitch dumped on a squadron of enemy, take them right out of action. And getting hot pine tar thrown in your face will disfigure you for life if it doesn’t kill you.

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Last Answer : I would choose Native Americans, specifically Choctaw, to see how my ancestors lived. That would also be a better choice for most people because the colonists were not very familiar with the new land.

Description : Are you following the timeline of the Apollo 11 mission?

Last Answer : That would be cool to do.

Description : Without looking for the answer - how many died in 9/11?

Last Answer : About 3000? It was not that many. Compared to the usual 50000 workers and 200000 daily visitors.

Description : When in history did the United States become the biggest economic and millitary power?

Last Answer : After World War Two. The transition period started under Teddy Roosevelt, and the Great White Fleet of steel battleships that toured the world to demonstrate naval superiority. But that wasn't fully ... as the only major economy that wasn't destroyed to some extent solidified the economic might.