What is the thought process of folks who wear masks but don't cover their noses?

1 Answer

Answer :

They are idiots.

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Last Answer : answer:If nothing else, it would make a tasty omelette. I’m not sure that the olive (oil) and the honey will mix particularly well.

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Last Answer : My neighborhood is full of little girls, I’m guessing there will be 0 political figures and a bunch of Disney princesses.

Description : For those of you who have been on an airplane when oxygen masks dropped down, what were the circumstances?

Last Answer : It was very very windy and we hit the tarmac so hard upon landing that the masks fell down. I can’t remember what type of plane it was. I think it was a Wellington to Palmerston North flight, so something small-ish.

Description : Buy gas masks like this?

Last Answer : answer:I doubt you'll find authenticity AND low cost as well. But if you just want the look and don't really care at all if it actually works to protect from toxic exposure, you can try all ... easily with some type of self stick glue or double side tape so you could do that part yourself easily.

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Last Answer : It looks like, searching google news, somebody tried to get something going for the fifth but it didn’t widely circulate. So they are attempting to reschedule for the 11th with more publicity.

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Last Answer : Eat a low glycemic diet In my experience it will clear you right up & is healthier for you. Anything you do to the outside of your body regarding your acne will be temporary.

Description : What masks are Adam and Jamie wearing?

Last Answer : Those are respirators. They come in different ratings, here is a link to the 3M 7500 series. Here is another link. The little hoo-yas on the side hold cartridges that you have to replace periodically.

Description : What do these masks mean, where do they come from?

Last Answer : Venetian commedia dell’arte masks

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Last Answer : Well, maybe there is a connection between the number of George W. Bush masks sold and the number of Democratic votes. I mean, there ain’t nothing scarier that a GW at your door. shudder

Description : Wavy and shoulder-length.

Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Season 1: Adventure 01 (1-54) Devimon Saga: Episode 1: And so it Begins... Seven kids at summer camp are mysteriously transported to another reality, where they are befriended by a group of strange ... . Then a giant cactus appears and destroys the ship. Mimi finds her crest, the Crest of Sincerity.

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Last Answer : The recessive allele.

Description : Sleep Masks: Sleep Better?

Last Answer : If you have trouble getting and staying to sleep at night, youmight need to adjust your routine so that you can get better sleep.For most people with sleep disorders, a simple improvement in ... caffeinated beverages by late afternoon or early evening.This way most of the caffeine in your s