What are your funny stories about kids believing in random things?

1 Answer

Answer :

Wait till r/athiesm starts foaming at the mouth after seeing this I spelled it wrong but im not fixing it

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Last Answer : Well, we had the day of the overbrined turkey. That was interesting; death by thirst.

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Last Answer : answer:Hm well, this didn't happen to me. It's a story about my half sister's aunt's house. I always got a creepy feeling in there, even before hearing about the stuff that went on. Your basic ... as if the brush was thrown at her from behind. She was pretty freaked out for the rest of the day.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope. It hasn’t changed at all and American/Canadian has nothing to do with it. “I” before “E”, except after “C”

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Last Answer : OMG, @Dutchess_III, I couldn’t agree more. And to think that kind of hate and misinformation is fomenting in so many places we can’t see.

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Last Answer : For question #3: http://www.space.com/18737-nasa-satellite-sees-earth-breathe-video.html

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Last Answer : Hope

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Last Answer : I think the phrase higher power was a cop-out word used to placate people who do not want to have to believe in God to follow the twelve steps program.

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Last Answer : answer::: Breaks out popcorn :: I’m in the middle of reading Richard Dawkins’ “The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence for Evolution” This is gonna be fun.

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Last Answer : Where have you ever encountered a democracy?

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Last Answer : The latter, imho.

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Last Answer : I prefer the phrase, “reality is perception”.

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Last Answer : That question has many layers. Think about religion or faith. Someone could beleive in GOD’s existence, but do they know if GOD exists? Every different religions followers think their God is the only one, but no one really knows. So in that sense knowing and beleiving are very different.

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Last Answer : My parents never fed me lies about magic people. I was told at a young age that it was bullshit. I was also told to keep my mouth shut when other kids talked about.

Description : what- Believing in the need for school funding, the tenacious?

Last Answer : sticking to an opinion

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Last Answer : If a person expresses disbelief after believing, that person becomes an apostate.

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Last Answer : It's a very strange scene, isn't it? You almost think Edgar istorturing his father. But he says, "Why I do trifle thus with hisdespair is done to cure it." Gloucester is suicidal, and Edgarhopes that by tricking him into thinking that he has attemptedsuicide and failed he is unlikely to try again.

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Last Answer : It's a very strange scene, isn't it? You almost think Edgar istorturing his father. But he says, "Why I do trifle thus with hisdespair is done to cure it." Gloucester is suicidal, and Edgarhopes that by tricking him into thinking that he has attemptedsuicide and failed he is unlikely to try again.

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Last Answer : "Hey, 'gullible' is written on the ceiling."

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Last Answer : Synergy

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Last Answer : Synergy

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Last Answer : Customer relationship management

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Last Answer : c. Method demonstration is conducted by farmer

Description : Result demonstration is based on the principle of — a. Learning by doing b. Seeing is believing c. Self teaching d. Self-evolution

Last Answer : b. Seeing is believing

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Last Answer : B. Maximize their market share

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Last Answer : B. Sonia cannot cancel the contract

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Last Answer : A. legal planning.

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Last Answer : (a) Escalation of commitment ;

Description : What are the most interesting english short stories for 3-5 years kids?

Last Answer : Well when I was that age I used to love the "short versions" of the famous Disney tales: Little Mermaid, Lion King, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast and so on. There used to be a small box with those books ... reading I mean. I am sure you will be able to find this kind of book on the web for sale.

Description : It would not be funny if ____________ were my kid's ____________?

Last Answer : It would not be funny if Lindsay Lohan were my kid’s bus driver.

Description : I read in an article earlier that the child kept telling his mother all day that she should be raised because she was a nudist ???? finally the mother is wearing socks because she has mezitlab ???? my little girl doesn't talk but I can't wait for that anymore ?????

Last Answer : My son was sure, but I don't really remember him anymore