Reusable or disposable razor?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Disposable razors cut me much more frequently than pricier reusables. I only have to shave twice a week, so I can use mine for a while. It really depends on how coarse your hair is. I know that this is a really horrible way to tell, but usually, when I get nicked, I know that the razor is dull and it’s time to switch. Have you tried an electric razor? I am pretty happy with mine.

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Last Answer : answer:Here is a site that reviews electric razors. Source: Consumer Search

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Last Answer : Maybe they’re willing to pay an arm and a leg so that they’ll have less to shave.

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Last Answer : The Gillette Mach version razors are kind of awesome.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, this is why I use one now. I tried a regular razor, a razor with the sensitive skin shaving cream, the special bump preventer razors, and that cream you put on and wipe off like nair. ... is because our skin needs to be cleaner and clear of the dead skin, so exfoliating helps with that.

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Last Answer : I’ve not heard that one in years, but I’d guess that they have a technique of shoving them in, so as not to notice the entrance ‘wound’.

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Last Answer : answer:With some practice, you can judge the sharpness of a blade by the way it nicks the ridges on your fingers. Again WITH SOME PRACTICE. if you do that wrong (particularly with a blade that's much sharper ... a bit more durable than faces, so if you nick yourself it's not the end of the world.

Description : Razor or Laser focus?

Last Answer : Laser

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Last Answer : I always used a Gillette Sensor, seemed to last a while.

Description : Is it possible to re-heat fried razor clams?

Last Answer : If you enclose them in foil, you’ll steam the breading off them. Same problem plus the rubbery issue with microwave. I would carefully heat them in the oven just long enough to get them reasonably warm and re-crisp the exterior a bit.

Description : How do you get rid of razor bumps?

Last Answer : Pardon my ignorance but what exactly are razor bumps?

Description : How do I clean a razor?

Last Answer : ….. get a small ultrasonic cleaner…... you’ll be able to use for a lot of tasks !

Description : Is occams razor accurate enough to employ?

Last Answer : Occam’s razor is a guideline, not an absolute.

Description : What is your understanding of Occam's razor, and how exactly does it unequivocally negate all conspiracy theories?

Last Answer : It’s pretty simple. Examine your own life and see if it isn’t most often true. (I’d ay more but I am playing poker…be back in a few)

Description : Why did the price of razor blades go up so much?

Last Answer : It is probably the cost of oil. Although we are seeing a drop now, the effect will lag in manufactured products. So it’s probably the delayed cost of last summer’s oil used in the manufacturing process (at least of the plastic). Or perhaps the sharp cartel is cutting back production.

Description : What can you put razor blades in to make them last much longer?

Last Answer : Dry them after use. Someone (I forget who) did a test, and increased the lifespan by a factor of 2 or 3.