How do i break up with someone after dating for 8 months but dont feel the same spark anymore?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:do you want to be nice or just be done with it? if you want to be nice, take the time to explain that you dont feel the way you need to for a relationship. if you just want to be done with it, tell him to move on while you follow your Personal Legend. In either case, be kind and remember to use compassion at all times…

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Last Answer : Feel free to try it and see them for yourself.

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Last Answer : I don’t think anyone expects exclusivity before the first date. You’re in the clear. If you feel weird about it, bring it up on date 1 or 2, and say you’re dating other people and you’re wondering what your date’s expectations are.

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Last Answer : papayalily can i assume therefore that you are not looking for a dishevelled, heavy smoking, hard drinking, drug taking, grammar butchering, atheistic, pet eschewing, dude?