What games would you love to play on iPhone?

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Last Answer : Finger Foos!

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Last Answer : answer:Where's my Water - puzzle game, ever expanding with new levels every month or so Angry Birds - (if you don't know what this is, welcome to coming out of the cave!) Words With ... above are either free or have a lite version that is free (either ad-supported or limited functionality)

Description : Is there a way to convert iPhone games to Android games?

Last Answer : You can’t do this. Written in different code.

Description : What are some good multiplayer games for the iPhone?

Last Answer : Knots!

Description : What are some fun games for the iPhone?

Last Answer : answer:None have been fun imo – web or jailbreak. I did have a little fun playing chrono trigger on the snes emulator…but uh yeah – lost interest after thinking about how long it took the first time around!

Description : Best site to download free/for-pay games for the iPhone?

Last Answer : answer:..can she not wait 8 more days for the app store to open? i'm sure she won't have any problem finding a tetris game. and yes games will be free at the app store, not all, but tons ... during the last meeting brought up that around 3/4 of the devs there said their apps were going to be free.

Description : What are some games in which you can play an evil main character?

Last Answer : Dungeon Keeper, War for the Overworld, Mafia, Hatred, Mass Effect, Hitman, Spec Ops: the Line, HunieCam Studio (You play as a pimp), Plague Inc, Tropico, Undertale (if you choose).

Description : Does Stephen Hawking play video games?

Last Answer : answer:This is apparently his email, I suppose you could ask him, though it would probably take a long time for him to get back to you. [email protected]

Description : Can you play PlayStation2 games on a PlayStation3?

Last Answer : Depends on the kind of PS3 you have. Check this link: http://us.playstation.com/support/compatiblestatus/index.htm

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Last Answer : paintball

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Last Answer : I ain’t even mad

Description : Does anyone know some good, simple online multiplayer games I can play with a friend through the internet?

Last Answer : I’m quite fond of Tetris Friends myself. The multiplayer’s a good time, but be warned! It get’s very addicting, very fast.

Description : What low cost games do you play to pass the time?

Last Answer : Yeah, count-the-calories-while-you-wait game. Calculate how many calories each bite is worth!

Description : How do I play SNES and NES games on PSP?

Last Answer : You will need custom firmware for that. I don’t know much about custom firmware.

Description : Brand new PS3 won't play any games, what's the issue?

Last Answer : If you live in the states it may be that the ps3 is not set up for your region.

Description : Does anyone still play "roguelike" ascii games?

Last Answer : I used to play Angband, but never got past the 50th level or so. I like Rogue, Wizardry and other dungeon crawlers. One of the best I’ve played in recent times is Dark Spire on the Nintendo DS. It was impossible for me to finish without looking up the walkthrough but super satisfying nonetheless.

Description : Is there a way to play flash games on a DS with an r4 card?

Last Answer : answer:I honestly don’t think so. I’d check this site and maybe this as well. Good luck!

Description : Do you play board games as a family or can this not compete in today's technology saturated entertainment market?

Last Answer : NEVER let me be the bank. When playing Monopoly.

Description : What games to play at 5 year olds birthday party?

Last Answer : candyland, shoots and ladders, twister.. (: sorry if you didnt mean board games

Description : What are some games you played in the street as a child that you don't see kids play anymore?

Last Answer : I don’t know if kids still play these or not, but I personally haven’t seen it played that often, if at all since I was a kid. Four Square Hide & Seek Red Light, Green Light Dodgeball

Description : Can You Play Xbox 360 Games from the hard drive without the disk?

Last Answer : yes, you still need the disk after it is installed. Installing just helps with load times and your xbox wont make as much noise. be careful though, doing this with halo 3 actually slows down online play. not sure if the same is true for call of duty.

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Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Can you play playstation 1 games (as eboot files) on a non-hacked psp slim?

Last Answer : im guessing not but keep searching for the answer 9/10 if search hard enough youll get what you want!

Description : Can i play ps3 games from USA on a ps3 bought in Mexico?

Last Answer : I don’t see why not… I’ve played Japanese video games on American consoles before and everything worked out.

Description : What new games are you excited too play?

Last Answer : I usually play free web-based games. Lately, I’ve been excited about http://www.dogsoftheseas.com It’s a pirate-RPG-resource-managing-combat blah blah blah.

Description : Any websites that will allow me to download free games to play offline?

Last Answer : I do not know of any way to download games but, you can play plenty of flash games for free on websites like Kongregate.

Description : What are the best twenty-something group games to play?

Last Answer : Great question

Description : What are games you play at a carnival?

Last Answer : ring toss onto longnecks (or coke bottles), guess the number of jellybeans in jar, egg toss, throw a football through a tire.

Description : Why is it that Xbox Live users cannot download content and play Xbox games at the same time?

Last Answer : I have no clue. But isnt it the most annoying thing EVER?!? Like especially when demos can be up to 1.5–2GB i dont want to just sit around, let me play something while it downloads.

Description : Why do people play violent games?

Last Answer : answer:It's human nature. People are quick to point to video games for violence, as soon as there is some massacre everyone goes through and checks to see if they played GTA, but the truth ... . While we pretend that we're all politically correct etc. people like nothing better than a fight.

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Last Answer : What’s an S/O?

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Last Answer : The vibration feature is currently not able to be turned off. The next update addresses this problem.

Description : What changes to games would be fun, to try at least once?

Last Answer : In soccer and ice hockey make the goal areas much smaller and play without goalies.

Description : What are some real-life inspired restrictions, that you would put into games, to intentionally piss people off?

Last Answer : In a middle of a shooter like Resident Evil, make the character wanting to go to the toilet now and then. The urge to use the toilet increases when the character is in a dark and scary place with scary noises without any enemy in sight.

Description : Constantly disconnecting from games online.

Last Answer : I'd try turning off any anti-virus software you're running, and check your firewall settings to see if there's a way to make an exception for the games, and/or also turn off your firewall, and ... for issues. e.g. Blizzard has https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/27780 And, welcome to Fluther!

Description : What are some small online games for PC?

Last Answer : Try Gamegames you can play all they offer through your browser, you don’t have to download anything.

Description : How complex would you define the rules of the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" card games, anime, etc.?

Last Answer : I have only played Magic the Gathering and compared to it “Yu-Gi-Oh!” rules that you provded and I find that it is very complex .

Description : Are there any dungeons and dragons games that focus on creating a character from lv 0 to level 1?

Last Answer : Do you perchance mean role-playing games rather than Dungeons & Dragons specifically? If so, then, maybe you mean what is generally called lifepath character generation? That is, systems where you ... they enter play? If so, then yes. Perhaps the first such published RPG system was Traveller.

Description : Do you think that the PS3 will have New Games in 2K18?

Last Answer : As far as big-budget “AAA” games – no. Possibly some smaller, “indie” games, and maybe some games geared more towards younger players and the family-friendly set. But by and large the PS3 is pretty much a legacy console at this point.

Description : How would board games like Chess and Go change if you introduced the gameplay mechanic known as "fog of war"?

Last Answer : Not sure how this would work if it was a real (physical) board game. How do you un-see the person's king if it's on the chessboard? If it's an electronic game, I think it would be pretty awful. ... , narrow decisions. I don't think chess would be a better game as a result of that. No more strategy.

Description : How are NHL games scheduled?

Last Answer : They play within division and conference, mostly, and fewer games against the other conference. Within the division, 4 games × 6 opponents + 5 games × 1 opponent Within Conference, Non-divisional 3 games × 7 opponents Inter-conference 2 games × 16 opponents

Description : How to increase brain-hand synchronization for games?

Last Answer : Practice. Lots and lots of practice. Don’t beat yourself up if you fail, just keep practicing. It will come eventually.

Description : What is your opinion on the recent trend to put the faces of well known actors into video games, and not just their voices?

Last Answer : answer:It just goes to show how hard up (i.e. running out of money) these guys are. But it's capitalism. If some idiot wants to sell his image so that other idiots can see the image while they're ... m disappointed in him. But so what? I'm exercising my market role to not buy the game he is in.

Description : What are your favorite video games?

Last Answer : answer:I know literally thousands of games, but some long-time favorites: On Windohs (or Linux as available): Myth: The Fallen Lords (etc series) Tigers On the Prowl (series) Dominions ( ... In Russia Bruce Lee 50 Mission Crush on Atari ST computers: Dungeon Master Universe II Cybercon 3 Llamatron

Description : Will the Rio Olympic Games mark the start of this expensive event's decline?

Last Answer : answer:No!! Now i’ll tell you what I really think… I can’t abide miserable, negative, sport hating, doom mongering bastards, shut the fuck up All said & done

Description : Where can I go to down load free games, like Spider Solitaire, that isn't going to hit me with a virus?

Last Answer : What operating system are you using? If it’s Windows 8 or 10 then you can download it from the Windows store app.

Description : Did you waste hours rolling ability scores while playing games?

Last Answer : Not necessarily higher scores. I do use D&D dice and rules to help me make up characters for non-D&D purposes. I enjoy the challenge of rolling a straight 3d6 seven times and making a ... , low wisdom and Dex scores? Alcoholic wizard! High strength and charisma, low Constitution? Diabetic paladin!

Description : With the Terran Solar Orbit nearly complete, what are your favourite PC-Games of the Earth Year 2015 C.E.?

Last Answer : answer:I am proud to say I play no computer games. I haven’t played one since Pac-Man. And you still look like you have spaghetti on your head. I’m answering this only to tell you I enjoyed your word play in the title question.

Description : Are there any modern SciFi Strategy games that deal almost exclusively with space exploration and colonisation, with little to no combat involved?

Last Answer : answer:Maybe this will help. I recently picked up Elite Dangerous and it's pretty amazing visually. It mostly involves trading and doing little jobs to earn credits: presumably to buy a bigger, better ship. ... two are more your style. Kerbal Space program is worth a look too. I love that game.

Description : Some games like truth or dare for 5 people?

Last Answer : answer:How about Three Truths and a Lie? Each person writes down 3 true statements and one lie about themselves. Each takes a turn reading theirs out loud, and the group is to guess which one is ... basketball player Michael Jordan when I was in college. * I think my sister is really my mother.