Do car alarms deter thieves?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Apparently not. I have had the same thoughts as you.. they are so prevalent and so often are set off accidentally that people are likely to simply ignore the noise. I try to always look because of this, I know I’m just one person, but if I can make it more difficult or stop someone from breaking into a car, I will.

Related questions

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Last Answer : john65pennington While I don’t have an answer, I have to admit I checked out your question and got distracted by your new avatar! What a handsome dickens! Much better than the photo of the cop car (with or without a muffler).

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Last Answer : answer:Hey babes - noce to see you around again. GQ! Reminds me of the great Paul Simon song (little known, methinks) One Man's ceiling is another man's floor. Youtube it - it's a good ... I would sleep with a tranquilizer, earplugs and good soft stereo headphones with a one hour timer. Bon chance.

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Last Answer : answer:Perhaps you should try getting new earbuds. I have reset my iPod Classic to deal with a variety of problems. For instructions on how: Do know that iPods do ... lifespan. But I would search online a bit for solutions before giving up and buying a new one.

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Last Answer : Queefs?

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Last Answer : It's not molecular. It is more likely the stiffness of the material and its resistance to being folded. If you take a plastic cup and squeeze it in your hand, you will hear a cracking sound and it may ... and damage. If you want to induce change on a molecular level of a plastic, you can heat it.

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Last Answer : Let's take that chip off your shoulder & put it back in the Doritos bag for a moment. It is a concert, not an art museum. They (& you) are there to have fun & enjoy the live music. If ... it. Or you could relax & realize that the energy from the audience is a part of the concert going experience.

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Last Answer : Your food is digesting?

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Last Answer : Once the baby is born, it won't be just you and your guy that need sleep, the baby will need sleep too. IF the baby is woken up by them fighting, you won't be too happy. If it were me, ... If they want to live that way, they should rent a house where they won't have to deal with disturbing anybody.

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Last Answer : answer:You may need to balance the blades. Usually if the blades are off balance the fan makes noise. If that doesn’t stop the noise, I’d replace the ceiling fan.

Description : How do we get rid of unwanted attic pests?

Last Answer : answer:If you've got that many squirrels in the attic, then you'll soon have that many in the walls and eventually in the kitchen. What you absolutely must do is find their entrance into the attic ... all of the animals have left for the day to feed might work to simply keep them from returning.

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Last Answer : Kitten purr.

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Last Answer : Um. You recently got this Mac as a gift. and your hearing a strange noise.. Well first of all. If you got a brand new computer as a gift it shouldn't be making any noise. Other than when ... Apple on their website and tell them the problem. Your 1 year warranty that the company gives you will help.