What is your take on that $1,000 iPhone app?

1 Answer

Answer :

Holy smokes!!! Babo won’t be buying that one!!!!

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Last Answer : answer:Objective-C. developer.apple.com flagged as dumb.

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Last Answer : No it is not allowed

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Last Answer : I have heard of a little site called www.apple.com that might be able to help you.

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Last Answer : answer:From what I’ve read from the developer mailing lists I am a part of, the iTunes related functions of the iPhone are off-limits. But I am definitely not confident in this – it’s hearsay. You’re right, it would be nice.

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Last Answer : answer:You can do this. The App is called Make it Mine and you can download it here. Remember to remove this when you restore your iPhone or iPod Touch, or when you take it into an Apple store or service center.

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Last Answer : omg what was the name of that thing, it was on like engadget or TUAW or apple iphone school or gizmodo like two days ago.. I need to figure out what the heck that was, if I don’t respond.. chances are I didn’t find it lol

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Last Answer : Hold your finger on the app’s icon for a couple of secs until the delete button appears in the top left hand corner.

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Last Answer : The settings for the app are in “Settings” for the iPhone (the main page for all iPhone settings). You could change them every time, but that seems tedious. I don’t know of a way to simply switch without entering your username and password each time.

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Last Answer : answer:So far as I know, the only official (non-jailbroken) one is Truphone. It's on the App Store and is free (for the app). You get a $4 credit on your account when you sign up so that you can ... 'd pay for that. I really want one that will work over 3G/EDGE however, which Apple won't allow. :(

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Last Answer : I've been using it for years. I have one recipe' (that's what they're called; it's not my term) that sends me the day's weather outlook, including specific alerts when the temperature ... and I should probably check it out again to review what channels have been added since my last time there.

Description : An APP to find my family in the mall?

Last Answer : answer:GPS won’t really be all that reliable in a small ish area like a mall. They say that GPS is accurate to about 10 meters but that is in a wide open area, not urban with stuff overhead. IT would just be easier to have a map of the mall and text eachother where they are.

Description : App buying addiction.

Last Answer : Mail me your iPhone asap I will return a cheap phone with no apps to buy

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Last Answer : Did this ever get resolved for you?

Description : Anyone else having trouple downloading app updates with iTunes today?

Last Answer : I did, I had that same issue, then I came home and everything worked fine. Just try different internet.

Description : Can I download Installer.app 3.0 as a standalone pack?

Last Answer : answer:Sure, just download it from here: http://repository.apptapp.com/packages/System/Installer.zip Unzip and move the installer.app onto your phone using SSH or iNdependence. BTW iNdependence 1.4b5 or ... wait for Ziphone or iJailbreak to be updated. http://code.google.com/p/independence/ Enjoy.