How can I convince my lovely girlfriend to come with me on a 15 day trip to Bora-Bora?

1 Answer

Answer :

Compromise! My boyfriend and I are the same way. When I get dragged along to his Raider games (I secretly love them) he will compromise and we’ll go shopping or somewere I want to go the next day. Plan things out… So you’ll both get what you want.

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Last Answer : Something from the past, no doubt, that has a strong past-experience charge for her that got triggered by some aspect of it. My guess is it's any time she has told her child about something, ... for parents to have a hang-up about. It's often ancestral and passed down from generation to generation.

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Last Answer : Yes. It’s quite awesome.

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Last Answer : I would pick the first day of the month, every month, so as to make it simple. Ideally I would like to be able to have a mental health day with 1 day or shorter notice. I would like to be able to change my choices as my needs adjust.

Description : Would you risk trying to get your second dose of covid vaccine in another state?

Last Answer : Now (mid-March) this is more likely to be possible that it was, say, two months ago. Because of supply. At least here in Georgia, grocery stores and drug stores have their supplies, and no ... might be successful in Atlanta, but less likely to walk in, in Virginia or Maryland. And forget California.

Description : What is your favorite thing about staying in a motel?

Last Answer : Checking out.

Description : What does seven days and six nights mean?

Last Answer : A day and a night, six times, and then one more day. For example, you check in on Sunday and stay Sunday night through Friday night, and then you leave on Saturday. If I were thinking in terms ... the six nights, since the first and last day are going to be mostly concerned with coming and going.

Description : Friend asked question, "With your bank account, where can you go for vacation??'?

Last Answer : I’m limited to a staycation.

Description : What is your personal recommendation for the best mosquito repellent?

Last Answer : I have had good luck with OFF containing DEET. Also, when camping, I burn citronella candles all night upwind of where I sleep to keep the little buggers away.

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Last Answer : There's a house on Stradbroke Island. Straddie is about an hour's ferry ride from the mainland. The house is old, but it has everything you need. It's also right next to Moreton Bay. We can sit and ... , scenery and time to relax. We try to go there to recharge our batteries. We're overdue a visit.

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Last Answer : Sure, it's acceptable. LBJ and George Bush and Reagan used to spend tons of time at their ranches at all times. There's nothing sacrosanct about the White House. In fact, DC in the summer ... is in Washington or not. The republicans are going to be dysfunctional no matter where the president is.

Description : Have you been to the beach this summer?

Last Answer : I love the beach. I used to go to Cape Cod every summer with my parents before my mom got sick. Cape Cod has wonderful beaches! Last year I was feeling like I needed a good beach visit so I researched ... the beach was so empty. I really like waves so a beach without waves is not much fun, to me.