Have you ever had an epiphany that led you towards or turned you away from spirituality?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. But I was on drugs when it happened. Does that count?

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Last Answer : I think the two are totally unconnected.

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Last Answer : answer:I would say it indicates magical thinking. Magical thinking is usually the result of living in a very chaotic and unpredictable world. Such a perception of the world can come from being abused in childhood. ... , then she is not so far off. Her flute playing did cause the house to burn down.

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Last Answer : Organized religions often have rites that are reserved for a priesthood of some sort or other. Organized religions offer community. My problem with most organized religions practiced today is their patriarchal nature and the fact that most of them believe themselves to be the “one, true way.”

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Last Answer : answer:As one evolves their consciousness, they become aware of spiritual dimensions never known before. While this new experience attracts one's attention, it is as important as noting a mile marker ... 's self will create eddies in this energy that becomes a source for suffering from illusions.

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Last Answer : answer:I had a dream last night that I was in a school, peer-editing about a hundred creative writing documents. When I woke up, I still felt tired, like I had spent the whole night working instead of ... got a good solid sleep. What exactly is this energy you're feeling ? What is producing it?

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Last Answer : Both. Heaven is what you make of it and everyone is peaceable.

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Last Answer : No. When I die I start life over again in the past, because I refuse to cross over.

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Last Answer : Regardless of the existence of a deity, I think that belief makes people stronger. It’s not a “reliance”.. more like a foundation.

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Last Answer : I do not.

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Last Answer : Step 1: Get people behind you who will support you and maybe even finance you.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome! No. God is in the mind.

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Last Answer : I wander on and off it and all around it.

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Last Answer : Only post if you agree with me and the rest of you are full of bullshit. Nice.

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Last Answer : No. I do like all the funky drawings on them though.

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Last Answer : I just got a comment from a friend I just reconnected with on Facebook. She told me that reading that I was working on a Masters degree in Atmospheric Science was the best thing she'd read in a long ... as it has been, and it continues to be, I followed my dreams, and they are slowly coming true.

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Last Answer : Have them point the reflective surface of a mirror toward the reflective surface of another mirror.

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Last Answer : sleeping…

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Last Answer : To understand I Ching one must have an open mind. Mental instability is not an attribute that will help you understand.

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Last Answer : Are you familiar with a site called Goodreads? It’s amazing! I just did a quick search with the word “chakra” and here’s what came up.

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Last Answer : Myself.

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Last Answer : I would say yes. It is possible to learn from anyone, anywhere; especially the sick, handicapped, and elderly. I find that these people have more innocence and a better understanding of the ... because of their innocence. Or they are naturally gifted with big hearts that share love and compassion.

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Last Answer : answer:I am awake, but I had to kill myself first. Not physically. My "self" had to be buried, that my new "self" might. And here it comes. The line you all have been dreading. I became "awake ... this is possible and why it was designed from the beginning. http://www.gnpcb.org/esv/mobile/?q=John 1

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Last Answer : Answer: C

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Last Answer : No. If anything, the opposite.

Description : Have you ever had an epiphany?

Last Answer : One day I realized that I needed more fiber in my diet

Description : Have you ever had an epiphany?

Last Answer : I’ve had multiple throughout my life – when I met a transgender person for the first time and began to wonder about gender as a construct, so many things made sense…let’s see…there were others having to do with what I want out of love.

Description : What is the greatest epiphany you have ever had?

Last Answer : I laughed – at Carl Sagan’s restrained laugh at “and she sold drugs”. Not exactly an epiphany but a little irony following on from the other Cosmos clip.

Description : The rise of ___________ has led marketing to evolve away from a hierarchical one-sided mass communication model towards more participatory technologies (e.g. social channels and online communities). 1. Website 2. Social media 3. Web platform 4. Mobile App

Last Answer : Social media

Description : What experience or epiphany have you had about your own sense of personal freedom?

Last Answer : I'd love to say I'm all tough and independent, but truth is for many years, I wanted to fit in and be accepted by people. Thing is I didn't care enough to make much of an effort, and therefore ... be. Fortunately, now I'm older and I don't seem to give two shits about this kinda stuff anymore.

Description : What was the last epiphany you had?

Last Answer : answer:I know this is not the answer you are looking for, so I am typing slowly in the hope I am not the first answer. But I woke up thinking Oh my God! I am old. I realize I have only a few years to ... for the lost years? You see, I a look so hot and young I forget I am old ha ha ha ha!!.

Description : Do you ever find yourself analysing your spirituality, religious beliefs or lack of?

Last Answer : answer:I very often lament the fact that I lack comforting rituals. Even something as simple as crossing oneself when you're scared, or to center yourself before doing something uncomfortable, can be a ... study and evidence-gathering, and I've stopped holding my breath for new evidence of a deity.

Description : Is everyone diggin' their Epiphany?

Last Answer : Happy Ukrainian Christmas Eve! I’m missing out on some delicious cabbage rolls and perohe back at the homestead.

Description : When was your last epiphany and what was it about?

Last Answer : answer:Not sure if this counts as epiphany, but a couple of years ago I had a rather sudden realization that I was full of shit. I had been developing and holding on to thoughts and ideas for ... nothing. Enjoy this amazing fucking life moment by moment, tom_g, or you might as well be gone already.

Description : When was your epiphany, and did you change?

Last Answer : Too many to count, too many to remember. I’ve definitely had one close to leaving my husband when I realized that he actually liked how weak I was due to my postpartum depression because he finally felt functional.

Description : Has anybody experienced an epiphany that caused you to change something drastic in your life?

Last Answer : Yes,and I am actually having a hard time with it.

Description : When did you have a profound epiphany and how did it come about?

Last Answer : When the agents of evil conspired to silence U.S. Congressman James Traficant, I realized that speaking the truth can get one put in Federal prison. Welcome to the USA.

Description : Have you been on a trip that lead to an epiphany?

Last Answer : Yes, I’m on it now..it’s called life!

Description : Epiphany - being multilingual is un-American?

Last Answer : Perhaps the first settlers ought to have given up their native tongues too, and learned to speak the languages of the tribes that were already here? We’re all immigrants. Why the language of one group of immigrants trumps the language of any other group has always mystified me.

Description : What is the explanation for the time the tree is felled?

Last Answer : I found this explanation for him: "The Epiphany marks the beginning of the carnival period. When the solemn, intimate period is replaced by a period of merriment, revelry. And many superstitions are associated ... in keeping the tree, especially if you're already starting to get in the way.