What could i do to slowly phase out use of aol mail?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Send an e-mail out to everyone on your contacts list informing them of your new e-mail address. Tell them you’ll only be checking your AOL mail periodically. Most will update their records. For those that don’t, remind them when you respond to their e-mails. It may take a few months of having both accounts, but it’s really the only way absent auto-responders and mail forwarding.

Related questions

Description : In trying to sign in AOL mail, does it sometimes ask for "Pseudonyme" and and sometimes instead of the usual "Screen name or name"?

Last Answer : I haven’t had an AOL account in years but a pseudonym page would be set-up as another page not in your name but attached to your account.

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Last Answer : answer:Can you please go to the Apple in the upper left of the menu bar and select About This Mac? Does it happen to say Version 10.10.3?

Description : Do you have trouble signing on to AOL mail with IE?

Last Answer : answer:Do you see an error at all? That would help troubleshoot. Are you running the latest version of IE? Some sites now just stop working if you don't have it. If you are not but want to see if ... app on your PC but don't worry its safe and its a good way to test without actually installing IE8)

Description : When I go to check my AOL mail, it says "Mailbox not available due to temporary maintenance." Is this something others have experienced?

Last Answer : AOL took the mail server offline for site maintenance. It’s nothing new. All websites do this every once and awhile. To go a little off topic, Fluther went offline for site maintenance last night for a little bit.

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Last Answer : My grandmother had this problem, as well. In the end, the only thing we could think to do was to remove the software from her computer and then completely reinstall it. After that, it worked again.

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Last Answer : http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=21288

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Last Answer : AOL, MAIL, LOGIN, is the company known for introducing electronic machines like computers and printers. They have been of great use for the users which helps in maintaining their work and also making it ... their work and also making it easy and efficient. These devices have become the need of the

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Last Answer : AOL, MAIL, LOGIN, is the company known for introducing electronic machines like computers and printers. They have been of great use for the users which helps in maintaining their work and also making it easy ... TOLL, FREE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, HELPLINE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, TECHNICAL, SU

Description : How-much- 1-8883-643221-Aol, Mail-support-phone-number-Toll-free-searched?

Last Answer : AOL, MAIL, LOGIN, is the company known for introducing electronic machines like computers and printers. They have been of great use for the users which helps in maintaining their work and also making it easy ... TOLL, FREE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, HELPLINE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, TECHNICAL, SU

Description : How-much- 1-8883-643221-Aol, Mail-Helpline-phone-number-searched?

Last Answer : AOL, MAIL, LOGIN, is the company known for introducing electronic machines like computers and printers. They have been of great use for the users which helps in maintaining their work and also making it easy ... TOLL, FREE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, HELPLINE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, TECHNICAL, SU

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Last Answer : AOL, MAIL, LOGIN, is the company known for introducing electronic machines like computers and printers. They have been of great use for the users which helps in maintaining their work and also making it easy ... TOLL, FREE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, HELPLINE, PHONE, NUMBER, AOL, MAIL, TECHNICAL, SU

Description : how do I make the aol mail sign on larger

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : If I opened a personal AOL email on my work computer, and it possibly has a virus in it, would it affect my personal email account, or am I safe due to the work computer's virus protection?

Last Answer : According to this report, as long as you don’t click on the COMPLAINT REPORT link in the email and delete it, it probably won’t infect anything.

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Last Answer : Apparently you have to remove all AOL software from your computer; it’s imbedded in there. See this

Description : Is there a way to block a "sender" on AOL?

Last Answer : AOL allows you to block e-mail from a specific person

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Last Answer : You might be able to retrieve the original password if you can find the email AOL should have sent you when you first created the account. Look for old email from AOL.

Description : Does AOL delete AIM accounts that haven't been used?

Last Answer : Interesting question… I just tried logging into an AIM account I created in 1999 and haven’t used in at least 3 years and it still worked. My buddy list even came up! I guess it has to be inactive for more than 3 years. I’m totally surprised!

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Last Answer : answer:Who knows these days in the old days it was to permit the AOL users to chat with the non-AOL users without the AOL users having to learn to use ICQ (and therefore diminish their premium AOL ... (I can't remember), but most clients pop up some scary warning when you try to directly connect.

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Last Answer : Answer: C

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Last Answer : What is wrong exactly?

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Last Answer : My download speed is fairly fast (about 4.8 mb/s), so I can scroll fairly fast without seeing any gray squares.

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Last Answer : The only thing that comes to mind (other than that Facebook might be having a glitchy day for you) is that you might have video auto-play on, and that might be slowing things down. If you do, try turning it off and see if that improves things.

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Last Answer : How are you gauging that it is slow?

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Last Answer : experienced’s answer fixed the issue for me.

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Last Answer : Could it be a virus? I thought of this instantly when you said you were on a shopping web site. Has your computer been working otherwise lately? I've been hearing alot about Be careful while shopping online! ... did you click on a link in an email? It could have been a fake site. Hope this helps.

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Last Answer : Have you defragged your computer recently? How much memory do you have? You could move your videos to an external hard drive.

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Last Answer : save your work to a separate disk, reformat the drive and start with a fresh install of windows. I reinstall every 3 months. It helps maintain a computers life longer.

Description : Is my computer slowly breaking or just needing a cleaning?

Last Answer : Nice choice of laptop! If it's still working alright, you'll probably be able to use it for some time to come (my iBook Dual USB G3/500 still works like a charm, even if it's a bit challenged ... - if you have an OS running on it that it comfortably handles, might be an idea to stick with that.

Description : Do you still use AOL?

Last Answer : I do not, but I have a friend and work colleague who swears by AOL and still uses an AOL email address.

Description : Can I use Yahoo messenger with AOL messenger?

Last Answer : You could create an AOL account as well and then use a multi-protocol client like Pidgin to sign up to both of them at the same time.

Description : Do you still use AOL ?

Last Answer : I dropped them a long time ago when they became huge and unwieldy.

Description : I have Windows 7 and am using AOL dial up for my internet service how do I install a spell check system?

Last Answer : answer:Please clarify what you want to use spell check for? Is it for AOL Mail? You should be able to enable spell check in your mail settings. If that is not it, then what browser are you using? ... do not have a built in spell checker but you can get free add-on products like IESpell for this.

Description : Is AOL still in operation?

Last Answer : answer:It’s still there, but no more mail. I miss the free coasters :(

Description : Is there a way to DOWNLOAD/SAVE "AOL Sessions" concert videos?

Last Answer : answer:these are the “sessions” im referring to. if this helps http://music.aol.com/sessions/

Description : Does AOL stand for anything specific?

Last Answer : America Online or On Line

Description : Is AOL Explorer counted as Microsoft Internet Explorer in typical browser usage statistics?

Last Answer : You can assume that AOL Explorer is bunched in with the Internet Explorer group as it is essentially IE Optimized for AOL. You can check here the main difference between AOL and IE browsers

Description : How should i deal with my aol broadband dispute?

Last Answer : Did you just sign up with another provider or did you cancel your AOL service first? Often contractual services have an early cancelation fee if you cancel before the date listed, but I don't think ... don't give in to paying for the time they blocked your service. You may need legal assistance.

Description : How does AOL stay in business?

Last Answer : I don’t think anyone on the entire planet has an answer to this. It’s a great mystery.

Description : Have social networking sites replaced chat rooms (like the ones on AOL)?

Last Answer : Chat rooms? I haven’t been in one for years now, those seem so ancient to me now. But, yea I would assume the majority of people now just use Facebook and stuff to do instant chatting. Google Wave also looks like it’ll be a great chat room replacement.

Description : About "aol music-top 100 videos" AIR-based program?

Last Answer : if i'm understanding the question correctly, i think you want to know if your favourite videos will go away once you uninstall the program? i have yet to use this program but i'm guessing that if they're ... be removed once the program is uninstalled . i guess we'll have to try it and find out! :D

Description : Is there an easy way to change smileys on AOL?

Last Answer : You can change them on aim, but the ones i use on aim won’t work on my aol mail.

Description : What's the possibility of apple releasing an AOL instant messenger application for like iPhone like you see on the T-Mobile Sidekick?

Last Answer : answer:Have you tried meebo? I don’t know how it works with iPhone, but I use it all the time for online ims. www.meebo.com

Description : Yahoo AOL Merger..does two failing companies make one good company?

Last Answer : answer:There may be a rumor that Yahoo and AOL are merging, but the thing that's making the news is that Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo against the wishes of the Yahoo board. I think it would be ... in first place anywhere. It's a desperation move by Microsoft, and it's not very well thought out.

Description : Is the version of AOL Desktop for Mac the same as the one on PC?

Last Answer : You don’t want any part of this software. Bloatware at it’s finest.

Description : My aol spyware checker KEEPS popping up with "we have found and detected Estalive" what IS that and how can I get rid of it for good?

Last Answer : AOL is the problem.

Description : How to move your whole AOL Address Book into the Address Book.app?

Last Answer : http://www.google.com/search?q[equal]aol+address+book+mac

Description : Does anyone have a link for the AOL Communicator Download?

Last Answer : Here you go.

Description : AOL Technical Support?

Last Answer : How to connect AOL Technical Support 1(888) 404 9844 | Toll Free Number?

Description : AOL Customer Support Number?

Last Answer : How to contact AOL Customer Support Number 1(888) 404-9844 | Toll Free Number